The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books


The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books

edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt




"A Garland series."

関連文献: 29件中  1-20を表示

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  • Wilton garden ; New and rare inventions of waterworks

    Isaac de Caus

    Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 4


  • The history of the modern taste in gardening ; Journals of visits to country seats

    Horace Walpole

    Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 18 , A Garland series


  • New principles of gardening

    Batty Langley

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 11


  • Fragments on the theory and practice of landscape gardening

    Humphry Repton

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 26


  • The compleat gard'ner

    Jean de la Quintinie ; translated by John Evelyn

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 6


  • New description of Blenheim

    William Mavor

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 25


  • A particular account of the Emperor of China's gardens, near Pekin . Unconnected thoughts on gardening ; A description of the Leasowes . An essay on design in gardening

    Jean Denis Attiret ; translated by Joseph Spence . William Shenstone . George Mason

    Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 17


  • An essay on landscape . A tour to Ermenonville

    R.L. de Girardin ; translated by D. Malthus .

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 23


  • The seats of the nobility and gentry in Great Britain and Wales

    William Angus

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 24


  • The seats of the nobility and gentry in a collection of the most interesting and picturesque views

    William Watts

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 21


  • An introduction to a general system of hydrostaticks and hydraulicks, philosophical and practical : in two volumes

    Stephen Switzer

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 13

    v. 1 , v. 2


  • An Essay upon harmony as it relates chiefly to situation and building . Elements of modern gardening

    Robert Morris . John Trusler

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt


  • The retir'd gard'ner : in two volumes

    François Gentil ; translated by George London & Henry Wise

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 8

    v. 1 , v. 2


  • Observations on modern gardening

    Thomas Whately

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt


  • The English husbandman

    Gervase Markham

    Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt


  • The gardeners labyrinth

    Dydymus Mountain

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 1


  • Letters on the beauties of Hagley, Envil, and the Leasowes

    Joseph Heely

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 20


  • A new orchard and garden . Knots for gardens . A treatise of fruit-trees together with the spirituall use of an orchard

    William Lawson . John Marriott . Ralph Austen

    Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 3


  • Systema horti-culturae, or, The art of gardening

    John Worlidge

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 5


  • The English garden : a poem

    William Mason

    Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 22


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  • 出版地
    New York