
Condensed matter theories

Plenum Press, c1986-

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v. 1: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, held August 5-10, 1985, in San Francisco, California, sponsored by the U.S.Army Research Office at Durham by a grant, and by the San Francisco State Unversity and the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale / edited by F. B. Malik

v. 2: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, held July 21-28, 1986, at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illnois / edited by P. Vashishta, Rajiv K. Kalia and R. F. Bishop

v. 3: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories held July 27-August 1, 1987, in Oulu, Finland / edited by Jouko S. Arponen R. F. Bishop and Matti Manninen

v. 4: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, held August 14-20, 1988, in Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico / edited by Jaime Keller

v. 5: Proceedigns of the 13th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, held August 6-12, 1989, in Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil / edited by V. C. Aguilera-Navarro

v. 6: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, held June 18-23, 1990, on the Island of Elba, Italy / edited by S. Fantoni, and S. Rosati

v. 7: Proceeding of the Fifteenth in International workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, heldJuly 1-6, 1991, in Mar del Plata, Argentina / edited by Araceli Noemi Proto and Jorge Luis Aliaga.

v. 8: Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, held June 1-5, 1992, in San Juan, Puerto Rico / edited by Lesser Blum and F. Bary Malik

v. 10: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, held June, 1994, in Valencia, Spain / edited by M. Casas, M. de Llano, J. Navarro, A. Polls

v. 22: Proceedings of the 30th international workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT30), held at the Max-Planck-Institute für Phisik Komplexer Systeme (MPIPKS) in Dresden, Germany on 5-10 June, 2006 / edited by Heidi Reinholz, Gerd Röpke, Manuel de Llano

v. 23: Proceeding of the 31st International Workshop: The series(CMT31) took place during 3-8 December 2007, ... Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand / edited by Virulh Sa-yakanit

v. 10 (18th : 1994) published by Nova Science

v. 22 (30th : 2006) published with World Scientific, New Jerjey

v. 23 (31st : 2007) published by World Scientific

v. 24 (32nd : 2008) published by World Scientific


v. 1 ISBN 9780306422843


This the first volume of the proceedings of the International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories published by a commercial publisher and of a series which is planned to appear anually. It is a tribute to the group of scientists who started this workshop as the Pan American Workshop on Conden sed Matter Theories in 1977 and helped to develop it to a significant annual international workshop. Many scientists' efforts have contributed to this important development and it is impossible to name all of them. But at least three persons are to be singled out: Professors Manuel de Llano and Angel Plastino who conceived the idea of the annual workshop and carried it for ward, and Professor John W. Clark who has been the prime driving force be hind it in recent years. The Workshop started in 1977 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, as the first Pan American Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories with the idea of bringing together scientists from the Western Hemisphere working in many different areas of Condensed Matter Theories for the purpose of cross-fertilization of ideas used in different areas and fostering collaborations among them. The next five Workshops were held at Trieste, Italy, in 1978; in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1979; in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1980; in Mexico City, Mexico, in 1981; and in St. Louis, Missouri, U. S. A., in 1982."

v. 2 ISBN 9780306426711


The second volume of Condensed Matter Theories contains the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop held at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, U.S.A. during the week of July 21, 1986. The workshop was attended by high-energy, nuclear and condensed-matter physicists as well as materials scientists. This diverse blend of participants was in keeping with the flavor of the previous workshops. This annual series of international workshops was"started in 1977 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subsequent'workshops were held in Trieste (Italy), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Caracas (Venezuela), Altenberg (West Germany), Granada (Spain), and San Francisco (U.S.A.). What began as a meeting of the physicists from the Western Hemisphere has expanded in the last three years into an international conference of scientists with diverse interests and backgrounds. This diversity has promoted a healthy exchange of ideas from different branches of physics and also fruitful interactions among the participants. The present volume is a continuation of the effort started last year when the invited papers from the 9th International Workshop were published by Plenum Press. Our only trepidation in organizing a book of this kind stemmed from the diversity of the material, which did not lend itself easily to well-defined topics. Still, the articles are loosely divided into eight categories, where the papers in each category have either a common theme or the same underlying technique.


I. Computer Simulations.- Molecular Dynamics Studies of Glass Transitions: Vitrification and Amorphization.- Phase Transition in Metallic Spin Glasses.- Study of Dynamical Properties of Dense Soft Sphere Fluids and Glasses by Molecular Dynamics.- Dynamic Theory of the Glass Transition in Dense Classical Plasmas.- Structure of a One-Component Plasma in an External Field: A Molecular Dynamics Study of Particle Arrangement in a Heavy-Ion Storage Ring.- Calculation of Elastic Constants Using Molecular Dynamics.- Fragmentation and Structure of Silicon Microclusters.- Physics of Strongly Coupled Rotation-Translation Systems.- Computer Simulation of “Special” Grain Boundaries in Metals and Ionic Materials.- Order and Chaos in Neural Systems.- II. Density Functional Method.- What’s Right and What’s Wrong with the Density-Gradient Expansions for the Exchange and Correlation Energies?.- Exchange-Only Energy Functionals from Atomic Exchange Energy Densities.- Density Functional Theory and f Electron Systems.- Non-Local Correlation and Point Transformations in Density Functional Theory.- Symmetry Constraints in the Ionization Potentials and on the Formulation of the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham Theory.- Hypernetted Chain Analyses of Dense Plasmalike Materials.- Self Consistent Model for Tunneling Across a One Dimensional Barrier in a Many Electron System.- Elasticity of Crystals and Quasicrystals.- III. Charged and Neutral Quantum Fluids.- Superfluidity in 3He Films.- Quantum Monte Carlo and the Equation of State of Liquid 3He.- Topics in Multi-Component Fermi Systems.- Rapidly-Convergent Truncation Scheme for the Ground State Energy of Quantum Fluids.- Boson-Mixtures at Non-Zero Temperatures.- Elementary Excitations in Two Dimensional Electron Gas Arrays.- Quark Cluster Model forHigh Energy Reactions with Nuclei.- Multipair Excitations and Dynamic Response of the Metallic Electron Gas in Two and Three Dimensions.- The Response Function of the Hard-Sphere Fermi Gas.- IV. Localization.- Degenerately-Doped Semiconductors in Strong Magnetic Fields.- Universal Conductance Fluctuations in Disordered Metals.- A Scaling Theory of Localization and Superconductivity.- Electron Localization in One-Dimensional Incommensurate Potentials.- Transport in Metal Alloys and Resistivity Saturation.- V. Growth Kinetics.- Ballistic Deposition on Surfaces.- Monte Carlo Simulation of Large Eden Clusters on a Cray-2.- Renormalization Group Methods for Phase Separation Problems.- Measuring Fractals: Comparison of Theory and Experiment on the Global Properties of a Strange Attractor.- VI. Quantum Hall Effect.- Fluctuation and Exchange in the Fractional Quantized Hall Effect.- Linear Response and the Quantization of the Hall Conductivity.- VII. Heavy-Feemion Systems.- What Underlies the Anderson Hamiltonian?.- The Anderson Lattice and Universal Properties of Heavy Fermion Systems.- VIII. Coupled Cluster Method.- Extended Coupled Cluster Method: Quantum Many-Body Theory Made Classical.- On an Effective Gauge Field Description of a Positron Impurity in Polarizable Media.- A Temperature Dependent Coupled Cluster Method.- CBF Description of Light Nuclei.

v. 3 ISBN 9780306428296


This book is the third volume in an approximately annual series which comprises the proceedings of the International Workshops on Condensed Matter Theories. The first of these meetings took place in 1977 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and successive workshops have been held in Trieste, Italy (1978), Buenos Aires, Argentina (1979), Caracas, Venezuela (1980), Mexico City, Mexico (1981), St. Louis, USA (1982), Altenberg, Federal Republic of Germany (1983), Granada, Spain (1984), San Francisco, USA (1985), and Argonne, USA (1986). The present volume contains the proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop which took place in Qulu, Finland during the period 27 July - 1 August, 1987. The original motivation and the historical evolution of the series of Workshops have been amply described in the preface to the first volume in the present series. An important objective throughout has been to work against the ever-present trend for physics to fragment into increasingly narrow fields of specialisation, between which communication is difficult. The Workshops have traditionally sought to emphasise the unity of physics. By bringing together scientists working in many different areas of condensed matter theory, for the dual purpose of fostering collaborations between them and promoting the exchange of ideas between various disciplines, a common language has been exposed and developed. The Editor of the first volume in the series, F. B.


Formal Methods.- Parquet Theory: the Diagrams.- Generalized Self-Consistent Field Equations for Multiple Pairs of Fermions.- The Anharmonic Oscillator Revisited.- Boson, Symplectic and Other Replicas for Simple Hamiltonians.- Towards a Coupled Cluster Gauge-Field Approach to Quantum Hydrodynamics.- On the Existence and Realization of Size-Extensive Effective Hamiltonian Theories for General Model Spaces.- Open-Shell Coupled-Cluster Studies of Atomic and Molecular Systems.- Variational Approximation to the Non-Hermitian Dyson Boson Hamiltonian.- On the Convergence of Cluster Expansions in Finite Nuclei.- Semiclassical Molecular Dynamics of Wavepackets in One-Dimensional Phase Space.- Quantum Fluids.- Theory of Neutron Scattering Experiments on Momentum Distributions in Quantum Fluids.- Excitations at High Momentum in Quantum Fluids.- Dynamic Structure Function of the Quantum Boson Fluid in the Jastrow Theory.- Lennard-Jones Boson Matter in the Thermodynamic Perturbation Scheme.- Semiquantum Gases: Quantum Collective Phenomena in Classical Temperature Range.- Electronic Systems and Solids.- Some Thoughts on the New High TC Superconductors.- Nature of Gigantic Resistance Fluctuations in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Wires.- The Formulation of Density Functional Theory.- The Energy Density Functional Theory: Present Status-Reflections.- Structures of Small Metal Clusters.- Generalized Gradient Approximations for Exchange and Correlation: Numerical Tests and Prospects.- Nuclear and High-Energy Many-Body Problems.- Effective Interactions and Elementary Excitations in Nuclear Matter.- The Particle-Hole Interaction in Finite Nuclei.- Role of Virtual Double Delta Components in Nuclei.- Characteristics of Pion-Condensed Neutron Stars — Pulsar Glitch and Supernova 1987A.- NÑAnnihilation in Terms of Quarks.- QCD as a Many-Body Problem and Aspects of Confinement.- Nucleon Mean-Free Path in Nuclear Matter.- Saturation in Nuclear Matter: A New Perspective.- Dynamics of Nonlinear Many-Body Systems.- Transition to Chaos in Asymmetric Neural Networks.- Local Dynamics, Correlation, and Phase Transitions — N-Body versus Nonlinear Quantum Optics.- Solitons in Nuclear Physics — A Review.- Probabilistic Neural Networks: In or Out of Equilibrium?.- Contributors and Participants.

v. 4 ISBN 9780306432149


Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on [title], held August 1988, Taxco, Mexico. Contains samples of representative current work which demonstrate approaches being taken, methodology, and ideas considered in 1988. Topics include: ground state energy and compressibility of quantum liquids;

v. 5 ISBN 9780306435096


This volume gathers the invited talks of the XIII International Work­ shop on Condensed Matter Theories which took place in Campos do Jordao near Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 6-12, 1989. It contains contributions in a wide variety of fields including neutral quantum and classical fluids, electronic systems, composite materials, plasmas, atoms, molecules and nuclei, and as this year's workshop reflected the natural preoccupation in materials science with its spectacular prospect for mankind, room tempera­ ture super-conductivity. All topics are treated from a common viewpoint: that of many-body physics, whether theoretical or simu1ational. Since the very first workshop, held at the prestigious Instituto de Fisica Teorica in Sao Paulo, and organized by the same organizer of the 1989 workshop, Professor Valdir Casaca Aguilera-Navarro, the meeting has taken place annually six times in Latin America, four in Europe and three in the United States. Its principal objective has been to innitiate and nurture collaborative research networks of scientists interested in the IDultidisciplinary aspects of many-body theory applied to problems in con­ densed-matter physics. Financial as well as moral support is gratefully appreciated by all: of the CLAF in Rio, the CNPq in Brasilia, the FAPESP and the FUNDUNESP in Sao Paulo, and the U.S. Army Research Office in Durham, NC, USA.


Quantum and Classical Fluids.- Thomas-Fermi Equation of State — The Hot Curve.- New Mechanism of Transport Phenomena in Spin-Polarized Quantum Systems.- Correlated Wave Functions Theory of the Spectral Function.- Momentum Distributions in 3He-4He Mixtures.- Finite Temperature Properties for the Electron Gas with Localization up to 3 Dimensions.- Generalized Momentum Distributions of Quantum Fluids.- Ground State Energy and Landau Parameters of Spin-Polarized Deuterium Using Green’s Function Methods.- Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Electron Bubbles in a Dense Helium Gas.- Quantum Liquid Films: A Generic Many-Body Problem.- Structure and Dynamics of Supercooled Fluids.- Correlated RPA Calculations for Model Nuclear Matter.- Theory of the Critical Point of He4.- Correlations and Momentum Distribution in the Ground State of Liquid 3He.- Optimized 4He Wave Functions Using Monte Carlo Integration.- The Normal Phase of a Correlated Bose Fluid.- A New Approach to Excited States in 4He: Rotons and Vortices.- Superconductivity.- Vibrational Density-of-States, Isotope Effect, and Superconductivity in Ba1-xKxBiO3 Cubic Oxides.- Variational Monte-Carlo Study of Superconductivity and Magnetism in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model.- Finite-Temperature Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Superconducting Fermion Systems.- Abnormal Occupation, Tighter-Bound Cooper Pairs and High Tc Superconductivity.- On the Role of Electron-Medium Coupling in High Temperature Superconductors.- Correlated Spin-Density-Wave Theory.- Composites, Magnetism, Semiconductors and Plasmas.- Effective Dielectric Response of Composites: A New Diagramatic Approach.- The Trajectories of Magnetic Field Lines in Tokamaks with Helical Windings.- Spin-Splitted Phase Transition in the Quantized Hall Effect inNarrow-Gap Hg(1-x) CdxTe Inversion Layers.- High Magnetic Susceptibility Liquid Metals.- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei.- Translationally-Invariant Coupled Cluster Theory Applied to the 4He Nucleus.- Electron Correlations in Atoms.- The Foundation of the Nuclear Shell Model.- Developments in Multireference Coupled-Cluster Applications to Molecular Systems.- Formal Methods.- On the Bargmann Space Approach to the Extended Coupled Cluster Method for Simple Anharmonic Systems.- Quantum Many-Body Systems: Orthogonal Coordinates.- Dissipative Evolutions in Quantum Mechanics.- Extended Coupled Cluster Techniques for Excited States: Applications to Quasispin Models.- Temporal Evolution of Fluctuations.- Squeezed States Representation: An ?-Expansion of Statistical Mechanics.- Maximum Entropy Principle and Quantum Mechanics.- Baym-Kadanoff Theory Made Even Planar.- Contributors and Participants.

v. 6 ISBN 9780306438394


Formal Met+

v. 7 ISBN 9780306442018


Formal Met+

v. 8 ISBN 9780306444050



v. 22 ISBN 9789812709585


This series on condensed matter theories provides a forum for advanced theoretical research in quantum many-body theory. The contributions are highly interdisciplinary, emphasizing common concerns among theorists who apply many-particle methods in such diverse areas as solid-state, low-temperature, statistical, nuclear, particle, and biological physics, as well as in quantum field theory, quantum information and the theory of complex systems. Each individual contribution is preceded by an extended introduction to the topic treated. Useful details not normally presented in journal articles can be found in this volume.


  • Condensation of Helium in Wedges (E S Hernandez et al.)
  • Pairing in Asymmetrical Fermi Systems (K F Quader & R Liao)
  • Quantum Boltzmann Liquids (K A Gernoth et al.)
  • Fractionally Charged Excitations on Frustrated Lattices (E Runge et al.)
  • On the de Haas-Van Alphen Oscillation in 2D (S Fujita & D L Morabito)
  • The Concept of Correlated Density and Its Application (K Morawetz et al.)
  • Pairing of Strongly Correlated Nucleons (W H Dickhoff)
  • Age Pair-Density Functional Theory (P Gori-Giorgi & A Savin)
  • Maxent Approach to Qubits (C M Sarris et al.)
  • Ergodic Condition and Magnetic Models (M H Lee)
  • and other papers.

v. 23 ISBN 9789812836618


The Thirty-First International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT31) held in Bangkok focused on the many roles played by ab initio theory, modeling, and high-performance computing in condensed matter and materials science, providing a forum for the discussion of recent advances and exploration of new problems. Fifty-six invited papers were presented, of which 38 appear as chapters in this volume. Reports of recent results generated lively debate on two-dimensional electron systems, the metal-insulator transition, dilute magnetic semiconductors, effects of disorder, magnetoresistence phenomena, ferromagnetic stripes, quantum Hall systems, strongly correlated Fermi systems, superconductivity, dilute fermionic and bosonic gases, nanostructured materials, plasma instabilities, quantum fluid mixtures, and helium in reduced geometries.


  • Two-Dimensional Electron Systems
  • The Metal-Insulator Transition
  • Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
  • Effects of Disorder
  • Magnetoresistence Phenomena
  • Ferromagnetic Stripes
  • Quantum Hall Systems
  • Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems
  • Superconductivity
  • Dilute Fermionic and Bosonic Gases
  • Nanostructured Materials
  • Plasma Instabilities
  • Quantum Fluid Mixtures, and Helium in Reduced Geometries
  • On Nuclear Many-Body Problems and Quantum Information Theory.

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