
Noam Chomsky : a personal bibliography, 1951-1986

compiled by Konrad Koerner & Matsuji Tajima ; with the collaboration of Carlos P. Otero

(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, Ser. 5 . Library and information sources in linguistics ; v. 11)

J. Benjamins, 1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 87



Includes index



The impetus for producing a bibliography of Noam Chomky's output (so far) derives from a strong interest in and commitment to a historical accounting of the contribution to the field of linguistic theory and possibly other subjects, such as philosophy and political science, by a man who has dominated linguistics for more than a generation, at least in North America. This bibliography lists his writings in linguistics and related fields, his writings on political issues and other non-linguistic subjects, and interview and discussions with Noam Chomsky.


  • 1. Preface
  • 2. Writings in Linguisitcs and related Fields
  • 3. Writings on Political Issues and Other Non-Linguistic Subjects
  • 4. Interviews and Discussions with Noam Chomsky
  • 5. Appendix
  • 6. Index of Names

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