Chemistry and physics of carbon : a series of advances


Chemistry and physics of carbon : a series of advances

Marcel Dekker, 1965-

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
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  • v. 22
  • v. 23
  • v. 24
  • v. 25
  • v. 26
  • v. 27
  • v. 28
  • v. 29
  • v. 30
  • v. 31

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 84



Editor : v. 1- P.L. Walker (1973- with Peter A. Thrower)

Editor : v. 18- Peter A. Thrower

Vol. 26 / edited by Peter A. Thrower, Ljubisa R. Radovic

Vol. 27- : edited by Ljubisa R. Radovic

Imprint varies: v. 30- : Boca Raton : CRC Press



v. 27 ISBN 9780824702465


"Provides an overview of scientific and technological issues in environmental applications of carbon materials. Emphasizes the versatility of carbon materials in both gas- and liquid-phase environmental applications, including a discussion of emerging technologies. Highlights the power and potential opportunities afforded by NMR spectroscopy for understanding the interaction of carbon materials with adsorbed molecules."


  • Carbon materials in environmental applications
  • 1HNMR spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules and free surface energy of carbon adsorbents
  • electrochemical studies of phenomena at active carbon-electrolyte solution interfaces
  • carbon materials as adsorbents in aqueous solutions.

v. 28 ISBN 9780824709877


The Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series presents advances in carbon research and development and comprehensive reviews on the state of the science in all these areas. Building on the tradition of its highly acclaimed predecessors, Volume 28 of this series presents authoritative, interdisciplinary coverage of contemporary topics. With contributions by leading international experts and more than 1300 references, this indispensable volume discusses the structure of glassy carbon, carbon fibers, carbon black (soot), chars, spherulitic graphite in cast iron and naturally occurring forms of carbon; and structural similarities with fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and carbon nanoparticles.


1. Impact of the Discovery of Fullerenes on Carbon Science. 2. Molecular Models of Porous Carbons. 3. Adsorption of Water Vapor on Activated Carbon: A Brief. 4. Coal-Tar Pitch: Composition and Pyrolysis Behaviour

v. 18 ISBN 9780824717407


The Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series presents advances in carbon research and development and comprehensive reviews on the state of the science in all these areas. Volume 18 includes topics that look at Impurities in Natural Diamond, A review of the Interfacial Phemomena in Graphite Fiber Composites and The Palladium-Catalyzed Conversion of Amorphouse To Graphitic Carbon


Impurities in Natural Diamond, A review of the Interfcial Phemomena in Graphite Fiber Composites, The Palladium-Catalyzed Conversion of Amorphouse To Graphitic Carbon, Author and Subject Index.

v. 26 ISBN 9780824719531


Volume 26 of this work provides insights into the mechanisms of primary carbonization; reviews the graphitization of various carbon materials under applied pressures; discusses changes in the thermal-mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites due to stress effects; describes factors that result in the acceleration of the graphitization process; addresses the carbonization and graphitization of aromatic polymide films, and the quality control and quality of graphite films; and more.


  • Colloidal and supramolecular aspects of carbon
  • stress graphitization
  • high quality graphite films produced from aromatic polyimides.

v. 29 ISBN 9780824740887


The latest addition to this lauded series, this reference collects pioneering research on the chemistry and physics of carbon surfaces and the structural properties of carbons. Written by distinguished researchers affiliated with respected institutions, such as the Instituto Nacional del Carbon (INCAR) and the University of Reading, Chemistry and Physics of Carbon provides a comprehensive overview of the molecular structure of carbons and demonstrates how modern computational and modeling methods may contribute to the prediction of carbon material adsorption, separation, and diffusion. Volume 29 bridges the gap between the flat and curved sp2 hybridized carbon structures and resolves controversies related to the formation of fullerenes and soot. It emphasizes theoretical interpretations and computer simulations that reflect the current trends in carbon surface physics and analyses and examines water/carbon interactions with a chapter by an authority on microporous carbons. This definitive source also summarizes current knowledge concerning all aspects of Chemical Vapor Deposition of diamond, and showcases its latest applications.


Exfoliation of Graphite Via Intercalation Compounds. Diamond Synthesized at Low Pressure. Energetics of Physical Adsorption of Gases and Vapors on Carbons.

v. 16 ISBN 9780824769918


This book provides insights into the mechanisms of primary carbonization, discusses changes in the thermal-mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites due to stress effects. It describes factors that result in the acceleration of the graphitization process.


1. The Catalyzed Gasification Reactions of Carbon 2. The Electronic Transport Properties of Graphite, Carbons, and Related Materials

v. 19 ISBN 9780824772451


This volume reviews the evidence for some elements substituting directly for carbon atoms in the graphite lattice. It is an invaluable resource to all carbon researchers and to those who involved with graphite materials, and serves to provoke research.


1. Substitutional Solid Solubility in Carbon and Graphite 2. Kinetics of Pyrolytic Carbon Formation 3. Etch-Decoration Electron Microscopy Studies of the Gas-Carbon Reactions 4. Optical Properties of Anisotropic Carbon

v. 20 ISBN 9780824777401


This book provides a fundamental understanding of the basis of the theoretical treatment of electronic properties in graphite. It illustrates the wide range of topics of interest to researchers on carbon materials and stimulates further understanding of some of the phenomena involved.


1. Structural Studies of PAN-Based Carbon Fibers 2. The Electronic Structure of Graphite and its Basic Origins 3. Interactions of Carbons, Cokes, and Graphites with Potassium and Sodium

v. 22 ISBN 9780824781132


This book provides insights into the mechanisms of primary carbonization and reviews the graphitization of various carbon materials under applied pressures. It discusses the changes in the thermal-mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites due to stress effects.


1. High-Resolution TEM Studies of Carbonization and Graphitization 2. Mechanisms and Physical Properties of Carbon Catalysts for Flue Gas Cleaning 3. Theory of Gas Adsorption on Structurally Heterogenous Solids and its Application for Characterizing Activated Carbons

v. 23 ISBN 9780824784829


This book presents authoritative, interdisciplinary coverage of contemporary topics in the field of carbon chemistry and physics and clearly shows the diversity and universality of carbon research. It is useful for readers working in the general area of carbon adsorbents.


"Characterization of Structure and Microtexture of Carbon Materials by Magnetoresistance Technique, Yoshihiro Hishiyama, Yutaka Kaburagi, and Michio Inagaki Electrochemical Carbonization of Fluoropolymers, Ladislav Kavan Oxidation Protection of Carbon Materials, Douglas W. McKee Nuclear Grade Activated Carbons and the Radioactive Iodide Problem, Victor R. Deitz "

v. 24 ISBN 9780824790912


This 24th volume continues in the tradition of its predecessors, presenting authoritative, interdisciplinary coverage of contemporary topics in the field of carbon chemistry and physics. With contributions by leading international experts, this volume: describes pitch polymerization kinetics during mesophase formation and the constitution of coexisting phases in mesophase pitch during heat treatment; elucidates the mechanism of mesophase formation and pitch polymerization kinetics after mesophase formation; examines the importance of physical, solid-state, electro- and analytical chemistry in the study of carbon surfaces; discusses the theoretical background for the thermal conductivity of diamonds, single crystal diamonds and chemically-vapour-deposited diamond films; and explains the chemistry involved in the commercial fabrication and use of needle coke.


  • Early stages of petroleum pitch carbonization - kinetics and mechanisms, R.A. Greinke
  • thermal conductivity of diamond, Donald T. Morelli
  • chemistry in the production and utilization of needle coke, Isao Mochida et al
  • interfacial chemistry and electrochemistry of carbon surfaces, Carlos A. Leon et al.

v. 25 ISBN 9780824793685


"Volume 25 introduces methods for the preparation of carbyne and addresses theoretical issues; discusses carbyne properties, spectroscopy, and chemical and crystal structure; explains the use of x-ray and neutron scattering for the structural evaluation of carbonaceous materials; and more."


  • Carbyne - a linear chain-like carbon allotrope
  • small-angle scattering of neutrons and x-rays from carbons and graphites
  • carbon materials in catalysis.

v. 30 ISBN 9781420042986


Written by distinguished researchers in carbon, the long-running Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series provides a comprehensive and critical overview of carbon in terms of molecular structure, intermolecular relationships, bulk and surface properties, and their behavior in an amazing variety of current and emerging applications, ranging from nanotechnology to environmental remediation. Volume 30 not only retains the high-quality content and reputation of previous volumes, but also complements them with reliable and timely coverage of the latest advances in the field. The first chapters analyze progressive approaches to controlling more precisely the structure, morphology, and surface properties of novel activated carbons. They cover methods using activating agents such as alkaline hydroxides as well as endo- and exotemplates made from zeolites, silica, and colloidal crystals. The third chapter examines techniques for characterizing carbon surface chemistry, including electrochemical, spectroscopic, and chromatographic methods. The fourth and final chapter compares the virtues of exfoliated graphite, carbonized fir fibers, carbon fiber felt, and charcoals in solving oil spill problems, a matter of increasing environmental concern. Emphasizing key experimental results, practical aspects, and cutting-edge applications in every chapter, Volume 30 is a vital resource for those developing new technologies such as drug delivery, adsorbents for oil/chemical spills, materials processing, high-performance nanocarbons, and energy storage and conversion devices, including lithium ion batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells.


Carbon activation by alkaline hydroxides: preparation and reactions, porosity and performance. Template approaches to preparing porous carbons. Characterization of carbon surface chemistry.Sorption of heavy oils into carbon materials.

v. 31 ISBN 9781439820940


Written by distinguished researchers, the long-running Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series provides a comprehensive and critical overview of carbon materials in terms of molecular structure, intermolecular relationships, bulk and surface properties, and their behavior in current and emerging applications. Volume 31 not only retains the high-quality content and reputation of previous volumes, but also complements them with reliable and timely coverage of the latest advances in the field. Maintaining the high level established by its predecessors, this book contains a prestigious and authoritative series of review chapters covering both chemistry and physics of carbon. The book examines properties and behavior of carbon materials ranging from coal to graphite, from activated carbons, chars, cokes, and carbon blacks to carbon fibers, fullerenes, nanotubes, and graphene. It complements previous volumes in the series by presenting updated information on 'disordered' carbons, a complex field that impacts nearly all aspects of carbon materials research. It includes a chapter on novel methods of characterization of carbon materials using ever more powerful techniques, as well as a chapter on the use of carbon materials in photocatalysis, a fast-moving and potentially exciting application. Emphasizing key experimental results and practical aspects, as well as important theoretical issues in every chapter, Volume 31 is a vital resource for those engaged in developing new technologies in a wide range of applicability of traditional and novel carbon materials from drug delivery to energy storage and conversion.


A Realistic Approach to Disordered Carbons. Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Methods Applied to the Study of Carbon Materials. Carbon Materials in Photocatalysis.

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 0824717627
    • 0824760514
    • 0824763041
    • 0824767462
    • 0824768167
    • 0824769910
    • 0824712099
    • 0824717406
    • 0824772458
    • 0824777409
    • 0824779398
    • 0824781139
    • 0824784820
    • 082479091X
    • 0824793684
    • 0824719530
    • 0824702468
    • 082470987X
    • 0824740882
    • 9781420042986
    • 9781439820940
  • LCCN
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  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    24 cm