At home on the range : essays on the history of Western social and domestic life


At home on the range : essays on the history of Western social and domestic life

edited by John R. Wunder

(Contributions in American history, no. 108)

Greenwood Press, c1985

  • lib. bdg.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographical references (p. [197]-201) and index



The nine essays presented by John R. Wunder collectively expose the domestic and technological details of American pioneer life on the High Plains. The essays, each written by a leading authority in the field, examine such topics as early ranching and farming in the Rio Grande Valley and the Staked Plains; the impact on Native American and settler women of life on the agricultural frontier; the response to perceived threats by agriculturalists after the Civil War; and the agriculturalists' entry into the twentieth century via their response to cultural change. The final chapter, a speech made in 1890 by a Scottish traveller, contains a contemporary observation of the real and mythical qualities of life on the frontier.

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