Advances in nuclear science and technology

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Advances in nuclear science and technology

edited by Jeffery Lewins and Martin Becker

Plenum Press, 1962

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Editors:v. 20- : Jeffery Lewins and Martin Becker

Publishers:v. 26- : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

Description and Table of Contents

v. 10 ISBN 9780306382307


The editors are pleased to present to the nuclear com- munity our new-look annual review. In its new look, with Plenum our new publisher, we may hope for a more rapid pre- sentation to our audience of the contents for their consi- deration; the contents themselves, however, are motivated from the same spirit as the first nine volumes, reviews of important developments in both a historical and an anticipa- tory vein, interspersed with occasional new contributions that seem to the editors to have more than ephemeral interest. In this volume the articles are representative of the editorial board policy of covering a range of pertinent topics from abstract theory to practice and include reviews of both sorts with a spicing of something new. Conn's review of a conceptual design of a fusion reactor is timely in bringing to the attention of the general nuclear community what is perhaps well known to those working in fusion - that practical fusion reactors are going to require much skillful and complex engineering to make the bright hopes of fusion as the inex- haustible energy source bear fruit. Werner's review of nu- merical solutions for fission reactor kinetics, while not exactly backward looking, is at least directed to what is now a well established, almost conventional field. Fabic's sum- mary of the current loss-of-coolant accident codes is one realisation of the intensity of effort that enables us to call a light water reactor 'conventional.

Table of Contents

Optimal Control Applications in Nuclear Reactor Design and Operation.- Extrapolation Lengths in Pulsed Neutron Diffusion Measurements.- Thermodynamic Developments.- Kinetics of Nuclear System: Solution Methods for the Space-Time Dependent Neutron Diffusion Equation.- Review of Existing Codes for Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis.- Controlled Fusion and Reactors of the Tokamak Type.

v. 11 ISBN 9780306400308


The present volume in our annual review series reviews a wide range of developments, giving a broad interpretation to the "technology" of our title. Starting at the beginning, Science, we have the review of basic nuclear physics data of Walker and Weaver for reactor kinetics, particularly, there­ fore, delayed neutron data. In the search for better and better accuracy, it is being realized that this involves the closest scrutiny of fundamental data, given to us here from the Birmingham school. Associated with this review of data is the review from Italy by Professor Pacilio and his co­ workers of the theory of reactor kinetics in the stochastic form, and a valuable compilation of the theory underlying a wide range of practical techniques. Tending more to technology come the papers by Jervis, reviewing the application of digital computers to the control of large nuclear power stations as developed in both the united Kingdom and Canada, Pickman's review of the design of fuels for heavy water reactors, and the account by Ishi­ kawa and Inabe of the new Japanese Research Reactor Program, itself initially directed largely to fuel element studies. The balance of the volume is made up of more philoso­ phical contributions to the practicalities of nuclear power.

Table of Contents

Nuclear Physics Data for Reactor Kinetics.- I. Principles of Reactor Kinetics and Data Requirements.- II. Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries.- III. Fission-Product Nuclear Data.- IV. Data on Delayed Neutrons.- V. Data on Heavy Elements.- Acknowledgments.- References.- The Analysis of Reactor Noise: Measuring Statistical Fluctuations in Nuclear Systems.- I. Introduction.- II. Theory.- III. Models for Interpreting Experiments.- IV. Epilogue.- Acknowledgments.- References.- On-Line Computers in Nuclear Power Plants — A Review.- Abstract.- I. Introduction.- II. Computer Functions and Application Classes.- III. Functions.- IV. Applications Classes.- V. Computer Hardware and Software.- VI. Examples of Systems in Operation.- VII. Ergonomic Factors and Operator Acceptance.- VIII. Reliability.- IX. Obsolescence and Designing for Replaceability.- X. Project Management.- XI. Program and Data Security.- XII. Licensing of Initial Design and Modification During Life.- XIII. Future Development.- XIV. Concluding Remarks.- Acknowledgments.- References.- Fuel for the SGHWR.- I. Introduction.- II. Fuel Design.- III. Operational Experience.- IV. Performance Models: The Seer-Sleuth Computer Code.- V. Behavior in Accident Conditions.- VI. Transient Modeling.- VII. Future Development.- References.- The Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR) in Japan.- I. Introduction.- II. NSRR Facility and Experimental Capability.- III. Experimental Research Program.- IV. Some Results of the Fuel Failure Experiments.- V. Future Plans.- References.- Practical Usage of Plutonium in Power Reactor Systems.- I. Popular Notions about Plutonium.- II. Historical Perspective and Review of Plutonium Properties.- III. Plutonium Recycle Alternatives.- IV. Current Status and Conclusions.- References.- Computer AssistedLearning in Nuclear Engineering.- I. Introduction.- II. Educational Roles of the Digital Computer.- III. Claims for CAL.- IV. Computers in Nuclear Engineering Education.- V. The Role of Graphics in Computer-Assisted Learning.- VI. Current CAL Projects.- VII. A Typical CAL Program.- VIII. Transferring CAL Materials.- IX. Implementation.- X. Evaluation.- XI. Future Prospects for CAL in Nuclear Engineering.- XII. Summary and Conclusions.- References.- Nuclear Energy Centers.- I. Introduction.- II. Fuel Cycle and Facility Integration.- III. Modular Construction.- IV. Heat Rejection.- V. Conclusions.- References.

v. 12 ISBN 9780306403156


The Editors take pleasure in presenting a further vol- ume in their Annual Review Series. The present volume con- tains six papers that may be said to span from the theory of design to the practice of operation of modern nuclear power stations, therefore concentrating on nuclear energy as a source of electrical power. Starting with the most mathem- atical, and proceeding in the direction of technology, we have the Chudley and Brough account of a new interpretation of (linear) Boltzmann transport theory in terms of the characteristic or ray approach. This seems to be new in application here, but of course the method is the child of many classical studies in the solution of partial differen- tial equations and proves to remarkably well-suited to modern computers and their numerical bases. We might put the article by Dickson and Doncals on the design of heterogeneous cores next, with its significance for fast reactors of the future. The various "central worth" discrepancies, with their implication for safety and relia- bility founded on, inter alia, the Doppler effect, have made this a major area for resolution: to see that we can develop design methods and codes that will reconcile theory and exper,...iment to the point at which theoretical designs could be accepted for building without the need for a full-scale mock- up, as had to be done in the 1950's for the light water re- actors.

Table of Contents

Characteristic Ray Solutions of the Transport Equation.- Heterogeneous Core Designs for Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors.- Liner Insulation for Gas-Cooled Reactors.- Outage Trends in Light Water Reactors.- Synergetic Nuclear Energy Systems Concepts.- Vapor Explosion Phenomena with Respect to Nuclear Reactor Safety Assessment.

v. 14 ISBN 9780306409943


We have pleasure in presenting Volume Fourteen to our readers. Volume Fourteen signifies a new dimension for our series, a volume devoted to the development of a single timely topic, that of sensitivity to uncertainty. This is still a broad topic and has been treated as such by the se­ veral distinguished authors contributing to the volume from their extensive experience both in theory and practice. While the theme running through the volume emphasizes uncertainties in areas related to reactor physics, it is true to say that this field of application has much to offer other disciplines as well. Some of the authors are engaged in ex­ tensions to other areas. The volume may therefore appeal to a much wider audience who will appreciate a single and compre­ hensive overview of a methodology that is applicable to other fields. Notable developments in the field of nuclear engineering have included the formatting in recent versions of Evaluated Nuclear Data Files (e.g., ENDF/B and its variants) of cross­ section uncertainty, the general acceptance of good practice in the representation of error correlation matrices, and more recent developments in the application of Monte Carlo tech­ niques to sensitivity analysis in complex geometries.

Table of Contents

A. Purpose.- B. Scope of this Work.- C. Background.- D. Organization and Content of the Presentation.- Uncertainty in the Nuclear Data Used for Reactor Calculations.- A. Relevant Aspects of a Cross Section Data Base.- B. The Description of Nuclear Data Uncertainties and Correlations.- C. The Evaluation of Nuclear Data Uncertainties.- D. Existing Nuclear Data Uncertainty Files.- E. Conclusions on Nuclear Data.- Calculational Methodology and Associated Uncertainties.- A. Cross Section Processing.- B. Calculational Methodology for the Design Problem.- C. Determination of Calculational Corrections and Associated Uncertainties for a Critical Assembly.- D. Concluding Remarks.- Integral Experiment Information for Fast Reactors.- A. Availability of Integral Experiment Information.- B. Relevance of Data for Reactor Design.- C. Accuracy of Integral Experiment Data.- D. Selection of Reliable Integral Data.- E. Need for Additional Integral Experiment Data.- F. Summary.- Sensitivity Functions for Uncertainty Analysis.- A. Introduction.- B. Theoretical Foundation.- C. Criticality Reset Sensitivities.- D. Group Sensitivities and Uncertainties.- E. Selection of Sensitivities Included in the Analysis.- F. Other Uses and Limitations of Sensitivity Functions.- G. Summary.- Combination of Differential and Integral Data.- A. Introduction.- B. Derivation of Least-Squares Adjustment.- C. Input Data to the Adjustment.- D. The Results of Adjustment.- E. Application to an LMFBR.- F. Summary.- New Developments in Sensitivity Theory.- A. Introduction.- B. Sensitivity Theory for Reactor Depletion and Safety Problems.- C. Constrained Sensitivity Theory.- D. Complex Performance Parameters.- E. Methods to Account for Spectral-Fine-Structure Effects.- F. High Order Sensitivity Analysis.- G. Summary.- Summary 363.

v. 15 ISBN 9780306413926


Dur previous volume 14 was devoted to an exposition of the topics of sensitivity analysis and uncertainty theory with its development and application in nuclear reactor physics at the heart of the discussion. In this volume, we return to our customary format as a selection of topics of current interest, authored by those working in the field. These topics range from the theoretical underpinnings of the (linear) Boltzmann transport equation to a resume of our ex­ pectations in what still may be thought of as twenty-first century technology, the world's fusion reactor program. In the first article of this volume, we have Protopop­ escu's analysis of the structure of the Boltzmann equation and its solutions for energy and space-dependent problems of an eigenvalue nature. There long has been a curious "folk history" effect in this area~ Wigner and Weinberg could de­ scribe it as "what was generally known was generally untrue". This account of the Boltzmann equation surely will show that a rigorous basis for our expectations of certain solutions can be well-founded on analysis. Ely Gelbard's review of the methods of determining diffusion-type parameters in complex geometries where simple diffusion theory would be welcome has required just as much rigor to determine how such modeling can be made accurate, although to a more immediate and practical purpose. The two articles can be seen as interesting contrasts, facets of the same underlying problem showing apparently different aspects of the same central core.

Table of Contents

Eigenvalue Problems for the Boltzmann Operator in Various Formulations.- I. Introduction.- II. The Role of Eigenvalues.- III. Various Forms of the Boltzmann Equation.- IV. Isotropic Scattering.- V. Pseudomodes and True “Shadowed” Modes.- VI. Anisotropic Scattering.- VII. Conclusions.- Acknowledgements.- References.- The Definition and Computation of Average Neutron Lifetimes.- Abstract.- I. Introduction.- II. Definitions.- III. Analysis.- IV. Specific Cases.- V. Approximate Expressions for Neutron Lifetimes.- VI. Summary.- References.- Nonlinear Nuclear Stochastic Theory.- Abstract.- I. Introduction.- II. Nonlinear Stochastic Phenomena in Nuclear Reactors.- III. Theoretical Treatment of Nonlinear Stochastic Effects.- IV. Concluding Remarks.- References.- Appendix I. Kummers’s Confluent Hypergeornetric Function.- Appendix II. Nonlinear Transformation of Stochastic Variables.- Fusion Reactor Development: A Review.- Abstract.- I. Introduction.- II. Tokamaks.- III. Technology.- IV. Tokamak Reactor Studies.- V. Alternate Confinement Concepts.- VI. Commercialization Timetable.- References.- Streaming in Lattices.- I. Introduction.- II. Definition of Diffusion Coefficients.- III. Monte Carlo Computation of Diffusion Coefficients.- IV. Testing of Homogenized Diffusion Coefficients.- References.- Contributors.

v. 16 ISBN 9780306414862


John Maynard Keynes is credited with the aphorism that the long-term view in economics must be taken in the light that "in the long-term we are aU dead". It is not in any spirit of gloom however that we invite our readers of the sixteenth volume in the review series, Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, to take a long view. The two principal roles of nuclear energy lie in the military sphere - not addressed as such in this serie- in the sphere of the centralised production of power, and chiefly electricity generation. The immediate need for this latter has receded in the current era of restricted economies, vanishing growth rates and occasional surpluses of oil on the spot markets of the world. Nuclear energy has its most important role as an insurance against the hard times to come. But will the demand come at a time when the current reactors with their heavy use of natural uranium feed stocks are to be used or in an era where other aspects of the fuel supply must be exploited? The time scale is sufficiently uncertain and the duration of the demand so unascertainable that a sensible forward policy must anticipate that by the time the major demand comes, the reasonably available natural uranium may have been largely consumed in the poor convertors of the current thermal fission programme.

Table of Contents

Electrical Insulation and Fusion Reactors.- I. Introduction.- II. Fusion Environment.- III. Materials and Radiation.- IV. General Discussion and Conclusion.- V. Acknowledgements.- The Human Factors of CRT Displays for Nuclear Power Plant Control.- I. Introduction.- II. The Human Operator in Nuclear Process Control.- III. Fundamentals of CRT Display Systems.- IV. Effective CRT Display Design for Nuclear Process Control.- V. Summary.- References.- Nuclear Pumped Lasers.- I. Introduction.- II. Physics of Nuclear Pumping.- III. Experimental Research.- IV. Modelling of Nuclear-Pumped Lasers.- V. Reactor Laser Systems.- VI. State-of-the-Art of Nuclear-Pumped Lasers.- References.- Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactors.- I. Introduction.- II. Range of Characteristics Attainable from Hybrid Reactor Blankets.- III. Blanket Design Considerations.- IV. Hybrid Reactor Designs.- V. Alternative Fuel Hybrid Reactors.- VI. Multi-Purpose Hybrid Reactors.- VII. Hybrid Reactors and the Energy Economy.- VIII. Concluding Remarks.- Acknowledgements.- References.- Radiation Protection Standards: Their Development and Current Status.- I. Introduction.- II. Basic Standards for Radiological Protection.- III. The Practical Application of Standards.- IV. Current Issues.- V. Future Developments.- References.- Glossary of Dosimetric Quantities and Units.

v. 18 ISBN 9780306422898


The coverage in this series ranges from the experimental to the theoretical, providing something for all readers committed to the safe and useful development of nuclear power and its associated technologies.

v. 20 ISBN 9780306430824


The editors are happy to present the twentieth volume in the review series Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology. Lahey and Drew, our first authors, present a concise development of the equations for two-phase flow, essential to the understanding of normal and, even more, accidental behavior in water-cooled reactors. The commitment to the PWR in Europe (now joined by England in this respect) and the aftermath of Chernobyl in the U.S.S.R. put continuing emphasis on the need for good understanding of two-phase phenomena to provide good modelling. The second review, by Downar and Sesonske, of light water reactor fuel modelling, follows this LWR interest and emphasises a current major economic interest: how to get the most out of fuel. Recollecting that the capital cost of nuclear power is high, it is easy to overlook the fact that in the lifetime of a plant as much money is spent on fuel as capital. Optimization is worthwhile. The U.S. scene still does not practice recycling whereas the European scene does. Now that the United Kingdom is building its first (commercial) light water reactor, the linear modelling of burnup exploited by the second authors will prove even more useful, although previously exploited for advanced gas-cooled reactors. If the U.K. is behind in this respect, the recycling undertaken by France and England has led to trial use of plutonium in thermal reactors but, even more, the availability of plutonium for fast reactors.

Table of Contents

The Three-Dimensional Time and Volume Averaged Conservation Equations of Two-Phase Flow.- I. Introduction.- II. Spatial Averaging.- III. Conservation Equations.- IV. Time-Averaging.- V. Interfacial Jump Conditions.- VI. Transformed Equations.- VII. Closure and Constitutive Equations.- VIII. One-Dimensional Conservation Equations.- IX. System Classification.- X. Drift-Flux Techniques.- XI. Mixture Models.- References.- Nomenclature.- Light Water Reactor Fuel Cycle Optimization: Theory Versus Practice.- I. Introduction.- II. LWR Fuel Cycle Optimization Theory.- III. LWR Core Reload Design Practice.- IV. Theory Versus Practice.- References.- The Integral Fast Reactor.- I. Introduction.- II. Design Goals for the Next Generation Nuclear Power.- III. Passive Inherent Safety.- IV. Fuel Cycle Closure.- V. Plant Capital Cost.- VI. Operability and Reliability.- VII. Technology Development Status.- VIII. Future Development Path.- References.- Indoor Radon.- I. Introduction.- II. Terminology of the Radon Problem.- III. Radon Sources, Measurements, and Levels.- IV. Lung Dosimetry Models.- V. Risk Estimation Methods.- VI. Cancer Rates and Radon Exposure.- VII. Comparison of Radon Doses with Doses From Other Sources.- VIII. Summary and Discussion.- References.

v. 21 ISBN 9780306436147


Some countries have moved beyond the design and operation of nuclear electricity generating systems to confronting the issue of nuclear waste disposal, whole others are still committed to further nuclear facility construction. Volume 24 chronicles these key developments and examines nuclear reactor accidents at Chernobyl, Bhopal, and TMI. The text also analyzes current international knowledge of neutron interactions; deterministic methods based on mean values for assessing radiation distributions; practical applications of the TIBERE models to explicit computation of leakage terms in realistic reactor geometry; and a technique to deal with the issues of finance, risk assessment, and public perception.

v. 22 ISBN 9780306440946

Table of Contents

High Energ+

v. 23 ISBN 9780306451843


The editors have pleasure in presenting this volume of our review series. We have specialised in three areas: perturbation Monte Carlo, non-linear kinetics and the transfer of radioactive fluids in rocks. These contributions are linked, however, in the demands for optimising complex systems that are a feature of the scale of nuclear power production. Kuniharu Kishida’s account of Japanese thinking in the application of modern non-linear theory to reactor kinetics and control comes at a time when the community of control scholars is seeking how to apply the new ideas that have led to the prominence of chaos theory to our field. Pr- lems of maintenance in power reactors are as severe as ever and must be solved for credibility to characterise any new program. As much as 30% of unanticipated down-time, for example, is due to the failure of motor op- ated valves. We need a theory to provide for preventive maintenance. This in turn depends heavily on on-line monitoring to anticipate failure as well as expert systems to schedule preventive treatment. Noise theory with its promise of on-line interpretation of information from inchoate breakdown is the key. It is all too likely that the need to deal with major departures makes a non-linear theory of noise essential. We can be grateful that P- fessor Kishida has provided us with such a consistent account.

Table of Contents

Contraction of Information and Its Inverse Problem in Reactor System Identification and Stochastic Diagnosis.- Stochastic Perturbation Analysis Applied to Neutral Particle Transport.- Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Rock: an Analogy with Neutron Transport.

v. 24 ISBN 9780306455155


Some countries have moved beyond the design and operation of nuclear electricity generating systems to confronting the issue of nuclear waste disposal, whole others are still committed to further nuclear facility construction. Volume 24 chronicles these key developments and examines nuclear reactor accidents at Chernobyl, Bhopal, and TMI. The text also analyzes current international knowledge of neutron interactions; deterministic methods based on mean values for assessing radiation distributions; practical applications of the TIBERE models to explicit computation of leakage terms in realistic reactor geometry; and a technique to deal with the issues of finance, risk assessment, and public perception.

Table of Contents

  • Chernobyl and Bhopal Ten Years On
  • M.C. Grimston. Transport Theory in Discrete Stochastic Mixtures
  • G.C. Pomraning. The Role of Neural Networks in Reactor Diagnostics and Control
  • I. Pazsit, M. Kitamura. Data Testing of EndF/B-VI with MCNP: Crystal Experiments, Thermal-Reactor Lattices and Time-of-Flight Measurements
  • R. Mosteller, et al. System Dynamics: An Introduction and Applications to the Nuclear Industry
  • K.F. Hansen, M.W. Golay. BN Theory: Advances and New Models for Neutron Leakage Calculations
  • I. Petrovic, P. Benoist. Current Status of Core Degradation and Melt Progression in Severe LWR Accidents
  • R.W. Wright. Index. Contents of Earlier Volumes: Volumes 10-23.

v. 25 ISBN 9780306456046


The present review volume not only covers a wide range of topics pertinent to nuclear science and technology, but has attracted a distinguished international authorship, for which the editors are grateful. The opening review by Drs. Janet Tawn and Richard Wakeford addresses the difficult matter of questioning sci- tific hypotheses in a court of law. The United Kingdom experienced a substantial nuclear accident in the 1950s in the form of the Windscale Pile fire. This in itself had both good and bad consequences; the setting up of a licensing authority to ensure nuclear safety was one, the understandable public sentiment concerning nuclear power (despite the fire occurring in a weapons pile) the other. Windscale today is subsumed in the reprocessing plant at Sellafield operated by British Nuclear Fuels plc and it was inevitable perhaps that when an excess cluster of childhood leukaemia was observed in the nearby village of Seascale that public concern should be promoted by the media, leading to the hearing of a claim of compensation brought on behalf of two of the families of BNFLs workers who had suffered that loss. The review article demonstrates the complexity of und- standing such a claim against the statistical fluctuations inherent and shows how the courts were persuaded of the need to propose a biological mechanism if responsibility were to be held. The Company were undoubtedly relieved by the finding.

Table of Contents

  • Childhood Leukaemia and Radiation: The Sellafield Judgment
  • E.J. Tawn, R. Wakeford. Reactor Dynamics from Monte Carlo Calculations
  • T.E. Valentine. Notes on a Simplified Tour: From the Fourier to the Wavelet Transform
  • M. Marseguerra. Genetic Algorithms for Incore Fuel Management and Other Recent Developments in Optimisation
  • J.N. Carter. The Computerization of Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
  • B.k.H. Sun, A.N. Kossilov. Consequences of Chernobyl: A View Ten Years On
  • A. Borovio, S. Bogatov. Dynamic Reliability
  • J. Devooght. Index. Table of Contents for Volumes 10-24.

v. 26 ISBN 9780306461101


Since its initiation in 1962, this series has presented authoritative reviews of the most important developments in nuclear science and engineering, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. In addition, many original contributions are included.

Table of Contents

  • Childhood Leukaemia and Radiation: The Sellafield Judgment
  • E.J. Tawn, R. Wakeford. Reactor Dynamics from Monte Carlo Calculations
  • T.E. Valentine. Notes on a Simplified Tour: From the Fourier to the Wavelet Transform
  • M. Marseguerra. Genetic Algorithms for Incore Fuel Management and Other Recent Developments in Optimisation
  • J.N. Carter. The Computerization of Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
  • B.K.H. Sun, A.N. Kossilov. Consequences of Chernobyl: A View Ten Years On
  • A. Borovio, S. Bogatov. Dynamic Reliability
  • J. Devooght. Index. Table of Contents for Volumes 10-24.

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0120293064
    • 0120293072
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    • 0120293099
    • 030638230X
    • 0306400308
    • 0306403153
    • 0306406373
    • 0306409941
    • 0306413922
    • 0306414864
    • 0306422891
    • 0306430827
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    • 0306455153
    • 0306456044
    • 0306461102
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  • Place of Publication
    New York
  • Pages/Volumes
  • Size
    24 cm
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