The chemical analysis of water : general principles and techniques
The chemical analysis of water : general principles and techniques
Royal Society of Chemistry, c1986
2nd ed. / by D.T.E. Hunt and A.L. Wilson
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全30件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Previous ed.: London : Society for Analytical Chemistry, 1974
This edition covers the considerable developments which have taken place (in the 11 years since the first edition was published) in the measurement of water quality, with particular reference to methods for estimating and controlling possible errors in analytical results.
- Information Requirements of Measurement Programmes: Sampling
- The Nature and Importance of Errors in Analytical Results
- Estimation and Control of the Bias of Analytical Results
- Estimation and Control of the Precision of Analytical Results
- Achievement of Specified Accuracy by a Group of Laboratories
- Reporting Analytical Results
- The Selection of Analytical Methods
- General Precautions in Water-Analysis Laboratories
- Analytical Techniques
- Automatic and On-Line Analysis
- Computers in Water Analysis.
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