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Methods in cell biology

edited by David M. Prescott

Academic Press, 1964-

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  • v. 44
  • v. 54
  • v. 72
  • v. 73

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Place of publication varies

Vol. 1-10, 13-15, 20 without special title

"Prepared under the auspices of the American Society for Cell Biology."

Vol. 27-36: Leslie Wilson, series editor

Vol. 37-: Leslie Wilson, Paul Matsudaira, series editors

v. 54. Cumulative subject index, volumes 31-52

v. 72. Digital microscopy: a second editon of Video Microscopy / edited by Greenfield Sluder, David E. Wolf

v. 73. Cumulative index, volumes 53-71


Description and Table of Contents


v. 44 ISBN 9780122870705


Drosphila melanogater: Practical Uses in Cell and Molecular Biology is a compendium of mostly short technical chapters designed to provide state-of-the-art methods to the broad community of cell biologists, and to put molcular and cell biological studies of flies into perspective. The book makes the baroque aspects of genetic nomenclature and procedure accessible to cell biologists. It also contains a wealth of technical information for beginning or advanced Drosophila workers. Chapters, written within a year of publication, make the topical volume a valuable laboratory guide today and an excellent general reference for the future. Features: * Collection of ready-to-use, state-of-the-art methods for modern cell biological and related research using Drosphila melanogaster * Accessible to both experienced Drosophilia researchers and to others who wish to join in at the cutting edge of this system * Drosophila offer an easily managed life cycle, inexpensive lifestyle, extraordinarily manipulable molecular and classical genetics, now combined with powerful new cell biology techniques * Introduction and overview sections orient the user to the Drosophila literature and lore * Six four-colour plates and over 100 figures and tables enhance the understanding of these biology techniques

Table of Contents

  • Basic genetic methodologies
  • isolation and culture methods
  • biochemical preparation methods
  • cytological methods
  • analysis of gene expression in situ
  • molecular and classical genetic analysis of function.

v. 73 ISBN 9780124802810


This is a cumulative index of Volumes 53-71 of the Methods in Cell Biology series. Critically acclaimed for more than 25 years, the series provides an indispensable tool for the researcher. Each volume is carefully edited by experts to contain state-of-the-art reviews and step-by-step protocols. Techniques are described completely so that methods are made accessible to users.

Table of Contents

A cummulative index of Volumes 53-71.

v. 34 ISBN 9780125641340


This is the third volume in this series covering protein translocation within and between cells. Volumes 31 and 32, Vesicular Transport, Parts A and B, treated techniques for eukaryotic cells available as of 1989. Vectorial Transport of Proteins into and across Membranes, brings together new methods and new topics as of 1991. Highlights include use of anti-idiotype antibodies, gene fusions, transcription, crosslinking, pulse-labeling, and reconstitution.

Table of Contents

D. Vaux and S.D. Fuller, The Use of Antiidiotype Antibodies for the Characterization of Protein-Protein Interactions. R.E. Dalbey, In Vivo Protein Translocation into or across the Bacterial Plasma Membrane. C. Manoil, Analysis of Membrane Protein Topology Using Alkaline Phosphatase and b-Galactosidase Gene Fusions. M. Hofnung, Expression of Foreign Polypeptides at the Escherichia coli Cell Surface. S. Mizushima, H. Tokuda, and S.-I. Matsuyama, In Vitro Biochemical Studies on Translocation of Presecretory Proteins across the Cytoplasmic Membrane of Escherichia coli. A.J.M. Driessen, L. Brundage, J.P. Hendrick, E. Schiebel, and W. Wickner, Preprotein Translocase of Escherichia coli: Solubilization, Purification, and Reconstitution of the Integral Membrane Subunits SecY/E. P.C. Tai, G. Tian, H. Xu, J.P. Lian, and J.N. Yu, In Vitro Protein Translocation into Escherichia coli Inverted Membrane Vesicles. K. Ito and Y. Akiyama, Membrane Components of the Protein Secretion Machinery. R.C. Skvirsky, L. Gilson, and R. Kolter, Signal Sequence-Independent Protein Secretion in Gram-Negative Bacteria: Colicin V and Microcin B17. R. Gilmore, P. Collins, J. Johnson, K. Kellaris, and P. Rapiejko, Transcription of Full-Length and Truncated mRNA Transcripts to Study Protein Translocation across the Endoplasmic Reticulum. D. Goerlich, T.V. Kurzchalia M. Wiedmann, and T.A. Rapoport, Probing the Molecular Environment of Translocating Polypeptide Chains by Crosslinking. C. Nicchitta, G. Migliaccio, and G. Blobel, Reconstitution of Secretory Protein Translocation from Detergent-Solubilized Rough Microsomes. H.P. Wessels, J.P. Beltzer, and M. Spiess, Analysis of Protein Topology in the Endoplasmic Reticulum. P.B. Lazarow, R. Thieringer, G. Cohen, T. Imanaka, and G. Small, Protein Import into Peroxisomes In Vitro. S.E. Perry, H.-M. Li, and K. Keegstra, In Vitro Reconstitution of Protein Transport into Chloroplasts. T. Soellner, J. Rassow, and N. Pfanner, Analysis of Mitochondrial Protein Import Using Translocation Intermediates and Specific Antibodies. T. Jascur, Import of Precursor Proteins into Yeast Submitochondrial Particles. A. Brandt, Pulse Labeling of Yeast Cells as a Tool to Study Mitochondrial Protein Import. V. Hines and K.P. Baker, The Protein Import Machinery of Yeast Mitochondria. B.S. Glick, Protein Import into Isolated Yeast Mitochondria. A. Schneider, Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Protease I of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. U.C. Krieg and P.E. Scherer, Purified Precursor Proteins for Studying Protein Import into Yeast Mitochondria. P.E. Scherer and U.C. Krieg, Cross-Linking Reagents as Tools for Identifying Components of the Yeast Mitochondrial Protein Import Machinery

v. 35 ISBN 9780125641357


A text intended for researchers and students in cell biology, genetics and molecular biology, developmental biology, biochemistry and biophysics. The complex problem of the relationship between nuclear structure and function demands a multidisciplinary, multifaceted approach. This laboratory guide is designed for researchers, from graduate students to professors, who need detailed protocols and general discussions on a broad range of techniques. The volume presents a selection of different methodological approaches for the analysis of nuclear structure and function - from cytological to molecular to genetic. These include visualization of nucleic acid sequences using hybridization probes, visualization of proteins using immunological probes, isolation of chromatin fractions, mapping "in vitro" protein-DNA interactions, reconstitution of functional templates and nuclear substructures, and genetic approaches to identifying and characterizing chromosomal components.

Table of Contents

  • DNA sequence localization in metaphase and interphase cells by fluorescence "in situ" hybridization, B.J. Trask
  • localization of mRNAs by "in situ" hybridization, L.M. Angerer and R.C. Angerer
  • fluorescent detection of nuclear RNA and DNA - implications for genome organization, C.V. Johnson et al
  • visualization of DNA sequences in meiotic chromosomes, P.B. Moens and R.E. Pearlman
  • nucleic acid sequence localization by EM "in situ" hybridization, S. Narayanswami et al
  • the use of autoantibodies in the study of nuclear and chromosomal organization, W. C. Earnshaw and J.B. Rattner
  • meiotic chromosome preparation and protein labeling, C. Heyting and A.J.J. Dietrich
  • distribution of chromosomal proteins in polytene chromosomes of "drosophila", R.F. Clark et al
  • the use of monoclonal antibody libraries, H. Saumweber
  • optical sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction of diploid and polytene nuclei, M.C. Rykowski
  • yeast minichromosomes, S.Y. Roth and R.T. Simpson
  • nucleosomes of transcriptionally active chromatin - isolation of template-active nucleosomes by affinity chromatography, V.G. Allfrey and T.A. Chen
  • the nucleoprotein hybridization method for isolating active and inactive genes as chromatin, C. Vincenz et al
  • protein-DNA crosslinking as a means to determine the distribution of proteins on DNA "in vivo", D.S. Gilmour et al
  • protein-DNA interactions "in vivo" - examining genes in "saccharomyces cerevisiae" and "drosophila melanogaster" by chromatin footprinting, M.W. Hull et al
  • control of class II gene transcription during "in vitro" nucleosome assembly, J.L. Workman et al
  • systems for the study of nuclear assembly, DNA replication and nuclear breakdown in "xenopus laevis" egg extracts, C. Smythe and J.W. Newport
  • "in vitro" nuclear protein import using permeabilized mammalian cells, S.A. Adam et al
  • mutations that affect chromosomal proteins in yeast, M.M. Smith
  • mutations that affect nuclear organization in yeast, A.O. Sperry et al
  • mutations that affect cell division in "drosophila", M. Gatti and M.L. Goldberg
  • position effect variegation - an assay for mutations in chromosomal proteins and chromatin assembly in "drosophila", T. Grigliatti.

v. 36 ISBN 9780125641364


A book intended for researchers, instructors, and students in cell biology, developmental biology, zoology, neurobiology, and molecular biology. This volume presents the first comprehensive treatment of the wide range of uses for Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos in cell and molecular biology. Each chapter includes background information, experimental protocols, and suggested applications. An extensive array of techniques is featured. The authors are experienced researchers who have written chapters intended to be useful to both other experienced researchers and to those new to Xenopus as an experimental system.

Table of Contents

  • Raising xenopus in the laboratory, M. Wu and J. Gerhart
  • genetics of xenopus laevis, J.D. Graf and H.R. Kobel
  • experimentally induced homozygosity in xenopus laevis, R. Tompkins and D. Reinschmidt
  • oogenesis and oocyte isolation, L.D. Smith
  • early embryonic development of xenopus laevis, R. Keller. Part 2 Oocytes - vitellogenin uptake in vitro culture of oocytes, L.K. Opresko
  • biochemical fractionation of oocytes, J.P. Evans and B.K. Kay
  • lampbrush chromosomes, J.G. Gall et al
  • preparation of synthetic mRNAs and analyses of translational efficiency of microinjected xenopus oocytes, M. Wormington
  • the use of oligonucleotides for antisense experiments in xenopus laevis oocytes, C. Prives and D. Foukal. Part 3 Embryos: fertilization of cultured xenopus oocytes and use is studies of maternally inherited molecules, J. Heasman et al
  • isolation of extracellular matrix structures from xenopus laevis oocytes, eggs, and embryos, J.L. Hedrick and D.M. Hardy
  • analysis of cellular signalling events, the cytoskeleton, and spatial organizations of macromolecules during early xenopus development, D.G. Capco and W.M. Bement
  • generation of body plan phenotypes in early embryogenesis, K. Kao and M. Danilcluk
  • fluorescent dextran clonal markers, R.L. Gimlich
  • nuclear transplantation in xenopus, J.B. Gurdon
  • mesoderm induction, I.B. Dawid
  • neural induction, C.R. Phillips
  • analysis of class II gene regulation, T.D. Sargent and P.H. Mathers
  • assays for gene function in developing xenopus embryos, P.D. Vize et al
  • histological preparation of xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos, C.M. Kelly et al
  • whole-mount staining of xenopus and other vertebrates, M.W. Klymkowsky and J. Hanker
  • in situ hyridization, H.P. O'Keefe (part contents).

v. 40 ISBN 9780125641418


A Practical Guide to the Study of Calcium in Living Cells describes popular techniques along with helpful do's and don't's and computer programs. The volume enables investigators to evaluate confocal images, use the latest dyes, and design Calcium buffers appropriate to their research needs. This book is designed for laboratory use by graduate students, technicians, and researchers in many disciplines, ranging from molecular to cellular levels of investigation.

Table of Contents

Ca2+ Buffers and [Ca2+]I Perturbation Techniques: D.M. Bers, C.W. Patton, and R. Nuccitelli, A Practical Guide to the Preparation of Ca2+ Buffers. R. Zucker, Photorelease Techniques for Raising or Lowering Intracellular Ca2+. D. Thomas and M.R. Hanley, Pharmacological Tools for Perturbing Intracellular Calcium Storage. Microelectrode Techniques for Measuring [Ca2+]I and Ca2+ Fluxes: S. Baudet, L. Hove-Madsen, and D.M. Bers, How to Make and to Use Calcium-Specific Mini- and Microelectrodes. P.J.S. Smith, R.H. Sanger, and L.F. Jaffe, The Vibrating Ca2+ Electrode: A New Technique for Detecting Plasma Membrane Regions of Ca2+ Influx and Efflux. C.A. Leech and G.G. Holz, IV, Application of Patch Clamp Methods to the Study of Calcium Currents and Calcium Channels. Fluorescence Techniques for Imaging [Ca2+]I: J.P.Y. Kao, Practical Aspects of Measuring [Ca2+] with Fluorescent Indicators. S.J. Morris, T.B. Wiegmann, L.W. Welling, and B.M. Chronwall, Rapid Simultaneous Estimation of Intracellular Calcium and pH. T.J. Keating and R.J. Cork, Improved Spatial Resolution in Ratio Images Using Computational Confocal Techniques. P.A. Diliberto, X.F. Wang, and B. Herman, Confocal Imaging of Ca2+ in Cells. S. Girard and D.E. Clapham, Simultaneous Near Ultraviolet and Visible Excitation Confocal Microscopy of Calcium Transients in Xenopus Oocytes. Use of Aequorin for [Ca2+]I Imaging: K.R. Robinson, T.J. Keating, and R. J. Cork, Inexpensive Techniques for Measuring [Ca2+]I Changes Using a Photomultiplier Tube. A.L. Miller, E. Karplus, and L.F. Jaffe, Imaging [Ca2+]I with Aequorin Using a Photon Imaging Detector. R. Rizzuto, M. Brini, and T. Pozzan, Targeting Recombinant Aequorin to Specific Intracellular Organelles. Index.

v. 54 ISBN 9780125641562


Critically acclaimed for more than 25 years, the Methods in Cell Biology series provides an indispensable tool for the researcher. Each volume is carefully edited by experts to contain state-of-the-art reviews and step-by-step protocols. Techniques are described completely so that methods are made accessible to users.

Table of Contents

Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 32-53.

v. 72 ISBN 9780125641692


This updated second edition of the popular methods book "Video Microscopy" shows how to track dynamic changes in the structure or architecture of living cells and in reconstituted preparations using video and digital imaging microscopy. Contains 10 new chapters addressing developments over the last several years. Basic information, principles, applications, and equipment are covered in the first half of the volume and more spcialized video microscopy techniques are covered in the second half.

Table of Contents

Digital Image Formats and Image Handling Digital cameras for microscopy Ratio imaging instrumentation (from 1e) Comparing cooled CCD and intensified cameras (from 1e) Proper alignment of the microscope (from 1e) Mating cameras to microscopes (from 1e) Practical ratio imaging (from 1e) Digital image processing (from 1e) Fluorescence Resonance Energy transfer in microscopy Digital deconvolution of fluorescence images for biologists (from 1e) Quantitative microscopy and digital deconvolution Imaging with GFP constructs High resolution video-enhanced DIC (from 1e) High resolution multimode microscopy (from 1e) Image processing in microscopy (from 1e) Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (from 1e) Electronic cameras for low light microscopy (from 1e) Microscopy Basics Physical Basis of Microscope Resolution Basics of Video: Use of Camera and Monitor Adjustments in Digital Cameras Basics of Fluorescence Microscopy Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

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