Society, culture, and urbanization


Society, culture, and urbanization

S.N. Eisenstadt, A. Shachar

Sage Publications, c1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 56



Bibliography: p. 363-381

Includes index



Eisenstadt and Shachar provide new insights into the development of urban civilization. They use a comparative and historical approach to analyse early forms of urban development within preindustrial societies. After reviewing the existing theories of urbanization, the authors present a new macrosocietal and comparative theoretical approach. They analyse nine civilizations in the context of their political regimes, social processes, and cultures.


PART ONE: THEORETICAL APPROACHES Theories of Urbanization Cities and Urban Systems Toward A New Comparative Civilizational Approach PART TWO: CASE STUDIES Urbanization in Southeast Asia Urbanization in Colonial Latin America Urbanization in the Chinese Empire Urbanization in the Russian Empire Urbanization in the Byzantine Empire Urbanization in the Early Periods of Islam Urbanization in India Urbanization in Japan Urbanization in Medieval Europe PART THREE: ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS Major Dimensions of Distinctiveness of Cities and Urban Systems Patterns of Cities and Urban Systems and the Institutional Creativity of Cities

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