
Immunopathology of the skin

edited by Ernst H. Beutner, Tadeusz P. Chorzelski, Vijay Kumar

(A Wiley medical publication)

Wiley, c1987

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes index



In this third edition leading experts in the growing field of immunopathology provide critical evaluations of the reliability of immunopathologic studies, particularly of autoimmune skin diseases. Special attention is given to diseases of the bullous and connective tissue, ie collagen-vascular diseases, and contributors provide the first comprehensive set of reviews on IgA class anti-endomysial antibodies which are specific for dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) and other forms of gluten-sensitive enteropathy, as well as other reviews on DH. New chapters include information on standardization methods, immune complexes, passive transfer of pemphigus, autoimmune bullous diseases in animals, and several other important reviews.


  • Defined Immunoflourescence in Immunodermatology
  • Standardization of Antinuclear Antibody and Other Immunofluourescent Tests Used in Immunopathologic Studies of the Skin
  • Monkey Esophagus: A Unique Antigenic Substrate in Immunodermatology
  • Immunoelectron Microscopy and the Quantitation of Selected Immunohistochemical Methods
  • The Detection of Circulating Immune Complexes
  • VESICULO-BULLOUS DISEASES: Clinical Significance of Immunoflourescence Tests of Sera and Skin in Bullous Diseases: A Cooperative Study
  • Recent Advances in Passive Transfer Studies of Bullous Diseases
  • CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES: Comments on Clinical Significance of Immunologic Findings in Connective Tissue Diseases
  • The Biochemical Nature of Nuclear Antigens Reactive with Antinuclear Antibodies .

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