Bibliographic Information
Russian titles for the specialist
Prideaux Press
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- Интеллигенция и революция = Intelligentsia & revolution
П. Струве
Prideaux 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 223
- Разсказы = Selected stories
Тэффи = Teffy
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 214
Available at 1 libraries
- Экономика переходного периода = Economics in the transitional period
Н. Бухарин = N. Bukharin
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 218
Available at 3 libraries
- Улица = The street
Семень Юшкевичъ = S. Yushkevich
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 210
Available at 1 libraries
- Miserere
Семень Юшкевичъ
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 215
Available at 1 libraries
- Творческое самосознан◆ī◆е = Creative self-consciousness
М.О. Гершензон
Prideaux 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 224
Available at 1 libraries
- Этика нигилизма = The ethics of nihilism
S.L. Frank
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 225
Available at 1 libraries
- Большой день = The big day
Киршон = V. Kirshon
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 222
Available at 1 libraries
- Хлеб = Bread
В. Киршон = V. Kirshon
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no.207
Available at 1 libraries
- Гоголь = Gogol
Д.С. Мережковский = D.S. Merezhkovsky
Prideaux Press 1980 Russian titles for the specialist no. 203
Available at 4 libraries
- Письма о русской поэзии = Letters relating to Russian poetry
Н.С. Гумилев = N. Gumilev
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no.179
Available at 1 libraries
- Домъ no. 13 = House no.13
Михаил Булгаков = M. Bulgakov
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no. 165
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
- Судьба Блока = Blok's destiny
Б. Эйхенбаум = B. Eikhenbaum
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no. 199
Available at 1 libraries
- Гавріиліада : поэма = Gavriliada
А.С. Пушкинъ = A.S. Pushkin
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no.180
Available at 3 libraries
- Письма из тулы, 1918 = Letters from Tula
Борис, Пастернак
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no.171
Available at 2 libraries
- Tristia
O. Mandelshtam = О. Мандельштамъ
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no. 168
Available at 1 libraries
- Пролетариат и вопросы художественной политики = The proletariat and culture
Н. Бухарин = N. Bukharin
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no. 189
Available at 6 libraries
- Лермонтовъ. = Lermontov
Д.С. Мережковский = D.S. Merezhkovsky
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no. 202
Available at 3 libraries
- Злые заметки = Evil comments
Н. Бухарин
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no. 191
Available at 5 libraries
- Грибоедов и Мольер : переоценка традиции
Н.К. Пиксанов
Prideaux Press 1979 Russian titles for the specialist no.174
Available at 4 libraries