Kilivila : the language of the Trobriand islanders
Kilivila : the language of the Trobriand islanders
(Mouton grammar library, 3)
Mouton de Gruyter, c1986
- : US
- : Germany
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全24件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes Kilivila-English/English-Kilivila dictionary
Bibliography: p. [163]-173
The series builds an extensive collection of high quality descriptions of languages around the world. Each volume offers a comprehensive grammatical description of a single language together with fully analyzed sample texts and, if appropriate, a word list and other relevant information which is available on the language in question. There are no restrictions as to language family or area, and although special attention is paid to hitherto undescribed languages, new and valuable treatments of better known languages are also included. No theoretical model is imposed on the authors; the only criterion is a high standard of scientific quality.
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