Circumstellar matter : proceedings of the 122nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Heidelberg, F.R.G., June 23-27, 1986


Circumstellar matter : proceedings of the 122nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Heidelberg, F.R.G., June 23-27, 1986

edited by I. Appenzeller and C. Jordan

(Symposium / International Astronomical Union, no. 122)

D. Reidel, c1987

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



At head of title: International Astronomical Union = Union astronomique internationale

Includes bibliographies and index



The objective of this meeting was to bring together collea gues from different branches of observational astronomy and theoretical astrophysics to discuss and analyse the rapid progress in our knowledge and understanding of the matter surrounding stars, streaming off stellar surfaces, or fall ing onto stars. The meeting was sponsored by IAU Commis sions 36 (Theory of Stellar Atmospheres), 29 (Stellar Spec tra), and 34 (Interstellar Matter). There were two special reasons for organizing this meeting at Heidelberg in 1986: During this year the University of Heidelberg celebrated its 600th anniversary and the IAU symposium joined the many scientific events accompanying this celebration. Secondly, the year 1986 also marked the conclusion of a special co operative research project ("Sonderforschungsbereich") in astrophysics at Heidelberg, a major part of which had been devoted to the physics of circumstellar matter. The main topics discussed at this meeting were: (1) circumstellar matter, bipolar flows, and jets from young stars and protostars; (2) circumstellar envelopes of evolved stars; (3) stellar coronae; (4) stellar winds from hot and cool stars; (5) dust formation and circumstellar chemistry. Many exciting new results were presented in 21 invited or review papers, 26 contributed papers, and 127 poster papers. This symposium would not have been possible without the generous financial assistance of the International Astronomical Union, the German Science Foundation (DFG), and the State Government of Baden-Wurttemberg. The practi cal support of the University of Heidelberq and the Max Planck-Society was also very valuable.


Fifteen years of "Sonderforschungsbereich" in Heidelberg: Research on circumstellar matter.- Bipolar Flows, Jets and Protostars.- Star formation and the circumstellar matter of young stellar objects.- Circumstellar matter of young low-mass stars: Observations versus theory.- Bipolar flows and jets from stars of different spectral types: Observations.- Theory of bipolar flows and jets from young stars.- Radio emission from young stellar objects in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud.- Circumstellar radio emission from pre-main sequence stars.- Circumstellar matter around the candidate protostar EL29.- Circumstellar dust around FU Orionis stars.- The extended infrared radiation from the L1551 bipolar flow, L > 19L?.- CO observations of gas surrounding B335 (IR) and L1551-IRS5.- Hypersonic jets from young stars in molecular clouds.- A precessing jet in L1551.- Evidence for helical velocity field in molecular bipolar flows - Support for magnetodynamic model.- Molecular outflows and mass loss in pre-main-sequence stars.- Interferometric images of 13C0 emission toward HL Tau.- V645 Cyg - On the structure of a YSO.- On the line profiles of shell-shaped bipolar outflows.- A model of molecular emission in bipolar flows.- Star formation in the southern complex region NGC 3576.- Star formation in CHA T1.- An observational study of the Herbig Ae star VV Serpentis, and of R-stars associated with its dark cloud.- Multiple dust shells around Herbig Ae/Be stars.- Neutral oxygen in Herbig Ae stars.- The circumstellar environment of chromospherically active T Tauri stars.- Stellar wind flows in T Tauri stars.- The naked T Tauri stars: The low mass pre-main sequence unveiled.- The circumstellar environments and variability of RY and RU Lup.- Near-IR observations of the SSV 13, SSV 9, SSV 5 sources in NGC 1333.- Serpens-SVS 20: A new infrared double source.- GSS 31: Another T Tauri star with an infrared companion.- The EINSTEIN survey of the young stars in the Orion nebula.- Consistent spherical NLTE-models for BN-like objects.- Infrared observations of GGD objects.- Dust distribution near young stars of bipolar flows deduced from CCD polarimetry at 1 m.- Evidence from optical polarimetry for spiral structure in the magnetic field and cloud density around newly-formed stars.- Circular polarization in T Tauri stars.- A polarization outburst in the T Tauri star UY Aurigae.- Polarization measurements of some T Tauri star.- Polarization measurements in B5, L1 34 and Heiles Cloud 2 and evidence of newly born stars.- On the nature of protostellar H2O masers.- Magnetic flux dissipation during the contraction of a magnetic protostellar gas cloud.- Herbig-Haro Objects.- Recent observations of Herbig-Haro objects, optical jets, and their sources.- Theoretical models of Herbig-Haro objects.- TH 28 : A new bipolar Herbig-Haro jet.- HH34 : The bow shock of a jet.- Observations of jets from young stars.- Dense cores in the HH24-26 outflow region.- Herbig-Haro emission in two bipolar reflection nebulae.- Shock excited emission knots in cometary reflection nebula.- Bow shock models of Herbig-Haro objects.- Observational tests of the bow shock theory of Herbig-Haro objects.- Filtered CCD images of southern Herbig-Haro objects.- Detection of collimated bipolar mass flow in HH24.- A jet model of Herbig-Haro objects.- Circumstellar Shells and Envelopes.- lRAS results on circumstellar shells.- 1612 MHz observation of Southern IRAS sources.- Circumstellar matter as detected by IRAS - Some systematics.- Contribution of line emission to the IRAS measurements: NGC 6853.- Is there a signature of ice in the IRAS LRS spectra of some Mira variables?.- A statistical analysis of dust features in the IRAS low resolution spectra.- On the infrared excess of Alpha Lyrae.- IRAS observations of classical Cepheids.- Circumstellar envelopes of OH-IR sources.- Detection of the first extra-galactic OH-IR star.- OH masers in envelopes of late type stars.- Infrared speckle interferometry of OH-stars.- OH 0739-14: An old star blowing bubbles.- A model for maser line profiles of late-type stars.- Shock waves - The trigger mechanism of SiO masers in circumstellar envelopes of cool giants and supergiants.- Theory of circumstellar envelopes.- Studies of variability of circumstellar H20 masers.- Mass-Loss from Cool Stars.- What is the essential physics of mass loss from late-type stars?.- Theory of winds from cool stars.- What do binaries teach us about mass-loss from late-type stars?.- Chromospheric density distribution, opacity, ionization and wind-acceleration of 3 K supergiants in ? Aurigae systems.- ? Andromedae (K3 III): A hybrid giant in an extended dust shell.- Modelling the outer atmospheres and winds of K giant stars.- Acoustic wave driven mass loss in late-type giant stars.- Circumstellar shells of A-K luminous supergiants.- Circumstellar envelope of the supergiant 89 Herculis.- Stellar Coronae : Chromospheres of Cool Stars.- Observations of stellar coronae.- Theory of stellar coronae.- Evidence for stellar chromospheres in globular clusters.- Emission measures and heating mechanisms for stellar transition regions and coronae.- On the existence of hot coronae around cool stars.- Evidence for extended chromospheres and transition zones in the uv spectra of FK Comae stars.- Discovery of FK Comae and RS CVn systems by observation of their X-ray emission.- Relations between coronal and chromospheric activity diagnostics in T Tauri stars.- What can be learnt from full disk X-ray observations of stellar flares?.- Circumstellar CaII lines in R Leo.- CO molecule in transition region between chromosphere and cool stellar wind: A new probe on the outer atmospheres of cool luminous stars.- Infrared and radio excesses of late-type stars.- Chemical composition and circumstellar shells of carbon stars - Any obvious relations?.- Images of the envelope of Alpha Orionis.- Mira model photospheres.- A new treatment of water vapor opacity.- Neutral component of the outerstellar medium in the vicinity of the Sun.- Mass Loss from Hot Stars.- Theory of winds from hot stars.- Some observations relevant to the theory of extended envelopes.- Luminous blue variables - An evolutionary picture.- An extended nebulosity surrounding the S Dor variable R127.- A method for calculation of line profiles in expanding atmospheres: Application to winds from central stars of planetary nebulae.- The velocity law of P Cygni.- The detection of a circumstellar shell around P Cygni by direct CCD imaging.- On the puzzling line spectrum of the B[e]-supergiant R4 of the SMC.- A compact nebulosity surrounding the peculiar blue emissionline supergiant HD 37836 of the LMC.- Evidence for disks around certain luminous Magellanic cloud stars from the study of FeII.- The 06.5 IIIf star BD + 60 Degrees2522 and its interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium.- The unstable 06.5f?p star HD 148937 and its interstellar environment.- Ionization fractions and mass-loss in O stars.- Dynamical effects of stellar winds and associated HII regions on the interstellar medium.- Episodic dust formation in the wind of HD 193793.- Dust formation in, and the structure of Wolf-Rayet Stellar winds.- Wolf-Rayet nebulae - Enrichment in He and N and effective temperatures of Wolf-Rayet stars.- The behaviour of ?4686 line of He, II in Wolf-Rayet binaries.- Upper limits for the effective temperature of Wolf-Rayet stars from the presence of He I.- The effects of boundary conditions on stellar evolution.- A preliminary model for HR 8752.- Symbiotic Stars.- The R Aquarii jet.- Spectroscopy and polarimetry of the R Aquarii system.- Variation of linear polarization in R Aquarii system.- Far infrared observations on the peculiar variable star R Aquarii.- The enigma of RX Puppis.- A non-eclipsing binary model of the symbiotic star AG Dra.- Polarimetry of southern symbiotic stars.- UV and optical spectroscopy of CH Cygni in 1980-86.- Jets from symbiotic stars.- The circumstellar matter in the Be + K binary KX And seen in the uv spectra.- Planetary Nebulae.- Near IR observations of IRAS planetary nebulae.- Atomic hydrogen in the planetary nebula IC 4997.- Evidence of a circumstellar dust cloudlet orbiting around the central star of NGC 2346.- CO in planetary nebulae.- Anomalous [NII] - emission from Mz-3.- How unique is the protoplanetary nebula star HR 4049?.- Millimeter wave observations of circumstellar envelopes with the IRAM telescope.- Circumstellar Dust and Chemistry.- Formation and destruction of dust grains in circumstellar regions.- Molecular catastrophes and the formation of circumstellar dust.- Dust formation in M-stars.- The dust envelope of IRC + 10216.- Optical/infrared observations of RV Tauri stars.- Slow variability and circumstellar shells of red variable stars.- Dust formation in C-star shells.- Possible role of the white dwarf in grain formation in CV systems.- Nucleation in novae.- Circumstellar chemistry of cool evolved stars.- The chemistry of cool circumstellar envelopes.- Investigation of circumstellar shells by mid-infrared heterodyne spectroscopy.- The circumstellar environment of L2 Puppis.- Temperature distributions in circumstellar dust shells.- Experimental studies on simulated circumstellar grains.- Future Plans.- NASA plans relevant to the study of circumstellar matter.- Concluding Remarks.- Circumstellar matter, with particular reference to jets and molecular flows.- Name Index.- Object Index.

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  • Symposium

    International Astronomical Union

    D. Reidel Pub. Co.

