Creep of crystals : high-temperature deformation processes in metals, ceramics, and minerals


Creep of crystals : high-temperature deformation processes in metals, ceramics, and minerals

Jean-Paul Poirier

(Cambridge earth science series)

Cambridge University Press, 1985

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36



Bibliography: p. [236]-255

Includes indexes



This textbook describes the physics of the plastic deformation of solids at high temperatures. It is directed at geologists or geophysicists interested in the high-temperature behaviour of crystals who wish to become acquainted with the methods of materials science in so far as they are useful to earth scientists. It explains the most important models and recent experimental results without losing the reader in the primary literature of materials science. In turn the book deals with the essential solid-state physics; thermodynamics and hydrostatics of creep; creep models and their applications in the geological sciences; diffusion creep; superplastic deformation and deformation enhanced by phase transformations. Five concluding chapters give experimental results for metals, ceramics and minerals. There are extensive bibliographies to aid further study.


  • Preface
  • 1. Mechanical background
  • 2. The agents of deformation: lattice defects
  • 3. Phenomenological and thermodynamical analysis of quasi-steady-state creep
  • 4. Dislocation creep models
  • 5. The effect of hydrostatic pressure on deformation
  • 6. Creep polygonization and dynamic recrystallization
  • 7. Diffusion creep, grain-boundary sliding and superplasticity
  • 8. Transformation plasticity
  • 9. Scaling and classification
  • References
  • Indexes.

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