Children and youth in America : a documentary history


Children and youth in America : a documentary history

editor, Robert H. Bremner ; associate editors, John Barnard, Tamara K. Hareven, Robert M. Mennel

Harvard University Press, 1970-1974

  • v. 1
  • v. 2 : pt. 1-6
  • v. 2 : pt. 7-8
  • v. 3 : pt. 1-4
  • v. 3 : pt. 5-7


Children & youth in America


Includes bibliographical references and index

Vol. 1. 1600-1865 -- v. 2. 1866-1932 -- v. 3. 1933-1973


v. 1 ISBN 9780674116108


Foreword Editor's Preface Acknowledgments Works Cited in Shortened Form PART ONE: CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN COLONIAL AMERICA, 1600-1735 The New World as Refuge and Bridewell Southern Colonies New England Middle Colonies Children in the Colonial Family The Family in the Social Order Single Persons, Bastards, and Orphans The Care of Dependent Children Schooling Educational Contacts between Europeans and Indians New England Schools and Schoolteachers Schools and Learning in the Southern Colonies Schools in the Middle Colonies Apprenticeship and Child Labor Appenticeship Indentured Servants Protection of Children against Abuse by Masters PART TWO: CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN THE AGE OF VOLUNTARISM AND SELF-HELP, 1735-1820 Children in the Enlightenment and the Revolution Child Labor Apprentices and Servants Infant Industries Education Education in the Late Colonial Period Education in the Early Republic Care of Dependent Children Binding Out and Outdoor Relief Institutional Care of Poor Children Child Health Children in Trouble Negro and Indian Children Indian Children in Schools and Missions Free Black Children in the North Situation of Slave Children Education of Negro Children PART THREE: THE AMERICAN CHILD, 1820-1865 Children in a Democracy The American Family The Legal Status of the Child in the Family Children in Slavery The Legal Status of Free Negro Children in the South Indian Children Immigrant Children Reports from the Promised Land The Crossing The Immigrant Child as a Social Problem Education The Common School Movement Educational Issues in School and College Education of Blacks and Indians Child Labor The Gospel of Work and the American Character Apprenticeship in the Early Industrial Era Boys at Sea Children in Factories Opposition to Child Labor and Efforts at Regulation Care of Dependent Children Children under the Poor Law Special Institutions for Dependent Children Juvenile Delinquency The Refuge Movement The Growth of State Institutions Prevention of Delinquency and Dependency Child Health Afflicted Children Recognition of Special Health Problems of Children Health Education and School Hygiene Health Hazards of Urban Children Chronology: Events Relating to the History of the Health, Education, and Welfare of Children and Youth, 1535-1865 Appendix: The Child and the State Project, 1965-1970 Selected Bibliography Index

v. 2 : pt. 7-8 ISBN 9780674116122


Foreword Editor's Preface Acknowledgments PART 1: The Social and Cultural Background 1. The Setting A. Homes B. Families 2. Youth in American Society A. Problems and Promise B. Youth and War C. Youth in the Post World War Era PART 2: The Legal Status of Children and Protection against Cruelty and Immorality 1. Rights of Parents and Children A. Rights and Obligations of Parents B. The Custody of Children C. Adoption D. Birth Control and Abortion E. Children of Unmarried Parents 2. Child Protection A. Protection against Cruelty and Neglect B. Protection against Immorality PART 3: Care of Dependent Children 1. Institutions and Foster Homes A. Public Institutions B. Private Institutions C. Foster Home Care D. Problems of Supervision 2. Care of Children in Their Own Homes A. Preservation of the Home B. The Mothers' Aid Movement 3. Issues in Child Care A. Subsidies and Supervision B. Research and Demonstration PART 4: Juvenile Delinquency 1. Delinquency in the Late Nineteenth Century A. Juvenile Delinquency in the South B. Reform Schools C. New Institutions for Delinquent and Unruly Children D. Special Legal Provisions for Children Prior to the Establishment of the Juvenile Court 2. The Juvenile Court A. The First Courts B. Juvenile Court Issues 3. Modem Theories and Studies of Juvenile Delinquency A. Delinquency as Physical and Mental Disease B. The Culture of Delinquency PART 5: Child Labor 1. The Working Force A. Extent and Variety of Child Labor B. The Progressive Attack on Child Labor 2. State and Federal Regulation of Child 'Labor A. State Child Labor Legislation B. Federal Child Labor Legislation C. The Child Labor Amendment PART 6: Administration of Child Welfare Services 1. The Children's Bureau A. Establishing the Bureau B. The Children's Bureau in Operation 2. State and County Child Welfare Agencies A. Innovations in Administration B. Standardization in Administration PART 7: Child Health 1. Health Problems of Infants and Children A. Development of Pediatric Thought B. Hospitals, Nurseries, and Visiting Nurses C. Handicapped Children D. Child Health Campaigns 2. School Health A. Buildings and Medical Inspection B. Special Health Programs 3. Infant and Maternal Mortality A. The Fight against Infant Mortality B. Prevention of Maternal Mortality C. The Sheppard-Towner Act 4. Programs, Research, and Demonstrations in Child Health A. Hospitals and Schools for Crippled Children B. The Mental Hygiene Movement C. Relationship of Government to Child Health D. Child Health and the Depression PART 8: Education 1. The School and American Society A. Evaluations and Measurements E. Schools as a Means of Social Progress C. Protecting the Interests and Growth of Children in the Schools D. Pedagogical Sources of Progressivism E. Progressive Experiments 2. Education in the South A. The Reconstruction Experiment B. Education in the New South 3. Federal Participation in Education A. A Federal Agency for Education B. Federal Aid to Education 4. Education of Northern Negro, Immigrant, and Indian Children A. Negro Children in Northern Schools B. Immigrant Children C. Indian Children 5. The First Century of the American Public High School A. Origin and Development of the Public High School B. Preparation for College in the High School C. Technical, Trade, and Manual Training 5. Issues and Trends in Education A. Compulsory Attendance B. The Quest for Uniformity C. Kindergarten Instruction D. Religious Instruction in Public and Private Schools E. Higher Education F. Public Libraries Chronology: Events Relating to the History of the Health, Education, and Welfare of Children and Youth, 1865-1932 Selected Bibliography Index

v. 3 : pt. 5-7 ISBN 9780674116139


PART 5: Juvenile Delinquency 1. Inertia and Innovation in the Care of Juvenile Delinquents A. Continuing Problems B. New Approaches 2.The Federal Government and Juvenile Delinquency A. Juvenile Delinquency as a National Concern B. Congressional Action 3. The Juvenile Court and Legal Issues A. Debate over the Court B. Legal Rights of Delinquents PART 6: Health Care for Children Old Problems and Youth 1. Development of Federal-State Programs in the New Deal and World War 2 A. Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services in the Social Security Act B. Child Health in World War 2 and the Postwar Era 2. Health Problems and Services for Children and Youth Since World War 2 A. Progress and Problems B. Expansion of Federal--State Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Programs C. additional Programs and National Research Institutes 3. Mental Health and Retardation A. Mental Health B. Mental Retardation PART 7: Education 1. The Roosevelt Era A. Education in Depression and War B. Theories of Education 2. Education of Children of Minority Groups: New Trends and Old Problems A. Educational Experiences of Black Children B. Outlawing School Segregation C. The Education of Indian Children 3. Education Adjusts to the Cold War A. The Issue of Loyalty B. The National Interest in Educational Improvement C. New Programs for Government 4. Education and Reform A. Federal Initiatives in Support of Education B. Desegregation of the Schools C. Church and State D. Higher Education E. Education of Handicapped Children Chronology: Event Relating to the History of the Health, Education, and Welfare of Children and Youth, 1933-1973 1868 Selected Bibiliography 1915 Index 1958 1987

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