Progress in botany : Structural botany, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, geobotany


Progress in botany : Structural botany, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, geobotany

editors, H.-Dietmar Behnke ... [et al.]

Springer, c1980-

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Fortschritte der Botanik, struktur, Physiologie, Genetik, Systematik, Geobotanik

Progress in botany : genetics, cell biology and physiology, ecology and vegetation science

Progress in botany : genetics, physiology, systematics, ecology


v. 59. Progress in botany : genetics, cell biology and physiology, ecology and vegetation science

v. 62, 69. Progress in botany : genetics, physiology, systematics, ecology

v. 63. Progress in botany : genetics, physiology, ecology

Editor of v. 62: K. Esser ... [et al.]

Editor of v. 69: Ulrich Lüttge, Wolfram Beyschlag, Jin Murata

Includes bibliographical references and index


v. 44 ISBN 9783540118404


A. Morphology.- I. Cytology.- a) General and Molecular Cytology..- 1. Introduction.- 2. Components of the Endomembrane System.- a) Endoplasmic Reticulum.- b) Golgi Apparatus.- c) Coated Vesicles.- d) Plasmalemma.- 3. Experimental Effects on Endomembranes.- 4. Endomembrane Associations.- 5. Endomembrane Function.- References.- b) Cytology and Morphogenesis of the Prokaryotic Cell..- 1 Shape and Structure of Cells.- 2. Envelope.- a) Glycocalyx.- b) Cell Wall.- 3. Membranes.- 4. Specialized Cells.- a) Heterocysts.- b) Akinetes (Spores).- 5. Cell Inclusions.- a) Cyanophycin Granules.- b) Magnetosomes.- References.- c) Cytology and Morphogenesis of the Fungal Cell.- 1. Books, Monographs, etc.- 2. Membranes and Membranous Organelles.- a) Plasmalemma.- b) Spitzenkorper.- c) Pore Cap.- d) Mitochondria.- e) Peroxisomes (Microbodies).- 3. Cell Walls.- a) Chemistry.- b) Alterations.- c) Hyphal Sheats.- d) Septa.- 4. Microtubules.- a) Function and Chemistry.- b) Microtubule-Organizing Centers (MTOC's).- References.- d) Special Cytology: Morphology and Morphogenesis of Eukaryotic Algal Cells.- 1. Organization of Vegetative Cells, Excluding Nuclei and Cell Coverings.- a) Chloroplasts.- b) Eyespots.- c) Flagella and Flagellar Roots.- d) Golgi Bodies (Dictyosomes).- e) Microtubules, Microfilaments.- f) Other Cell Components, Including Microbodies, Contractile Vacuoles, Membranes, and Inclusions.- g) General Morphology.- 2. Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Nuclear Division, and Cell Division.- 3. Cell Coverings, Including Cell Walls, and Scales.- a) Cell Walls.- b) Diatom Frustules.- c) Coccoliths and Scales.- d) Thecae and Pellicles.- e) Loricae (Envelopes).- 4. Reproductive Stages.- 5. Parasitism.- 6. Taxonomy/Phylogeny.- References.- II. Morphologie und Histologie der hoheren Pflanze: Vegetative Anatomie der Spermatophyta.- 1 Allgemeines.- 2. Meristeme.- a) Sprossscheitelmeristeme.- b) Wurzelmeristeme.- c) Cambium.- d) Sonstige Meristeme.- 3. Epidermis.- 4. Tracheoiden und Skiereiden.- 5. Xylem.- a) Funktionell-okologische Aspekte.- b) Einzelne Xylemstrukturen unter verschiedenen Aspekten.- 6. Phloem, Rinde, Bast und Borke.- 7. Sekretionsgewebe.- 8. Ergastische Korper.- c) Pore Cap.- d) Mitochondria.- e) Peroxisomes (Microbodies).- 3. Cell Walls.- a) Chemistry.- b) Alterations.- c) Hyphal Sheats.- d) Septa.- 4. Microtubules.- a) Function and Chemistry.- b) Microtubule-Organizing Centers (MTOC's).- References.- d) Special Cytology: Morphology and Morphogenesis of Eukaryotic Algal Cells.- 1. Organization of Vegetative Cells, Excluding Nuclei and Cell Coverings.- a) Chloroplasts.- b) Eyespots.- c) Flagella and Flagellar Roots.- d) Golgi Bodies (Dictyosomes).- e) Microtubules, Microfilaments.- f) Other Cell Components, Including Microbodies, Contractile Vacuoles, Membranes, and Inclusions.- g) General Morphology.- 2. Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Nuclear Division, and Cell Division.- 3. Cell Coverings, Including Cell Walls, and Scales.- a) Cell Walls.- b) Diatom Frustules.- c) Coccoliths and Scales.- d) Thecae and Pellicles.- e) Loricae (Envelopes).- 4. Reproductive Stages.- 5. Parasitism.- 6. Taxonomy/Phylogeny.- References.- II. Morphologie und Histologie der hoheren Pflanze: Vegetative Anatomie der Spermatophyta.- 1 Allgemeines.- 2. Meristeme.- a) Sprossscheitelmeristeme.- b) Wurzelmeristeme.- c) Cambium.- d) Sonstige Meristeme.- 3. Epidermis.- 4. Tracheoiden und Skiereiden.- 5. Xylem.- a) Funktionell-okologische Aspekte.- b) Einzelne Xylemstrukturen unter verschiedenen Aspekten.- 6. Phloem, Rinde, Bast und Borke.- 7. Sekretionsgewebe.- 8. Ergastische Korper.- 9. Der Stamm.- 10. Das Blatt.- 11 Die Wurzel.- Literatur.- B. Physiology.- I. Cell Electrophysiology and Membrane Transport.- 1. Membrane ATPases and Proton Pumping.- 2. Transport Across the Tonoplast.- 3. Transport of Amino Compounds.- 4. Proton-Driven Cotransport: Chloride Uptake in Chara 61 References.- II. Plant Water Relations..- 1. Water Relations of Cells and Tissues.- 2. Water Relations of Germination.- 3. Water Movement Through Plants.- a) Water Uptake.- b) Water Transport Through the Plant.- c) Stomatal Behavior.- d) Transpirational Water Loss.- 4. Metabolism and Water Relations.- a) Implications of Water Shortage.- b) Dependence of Growth and Productivity on Plant Water Status.- 5. Aspects of Applied Water Physiology.- 6. Habitat Water Relations and Plant Performance.- 7. Water Relations in Poikilohydric Plants.- References.- III. Mineral Nutrition: Response of Plants to Trace Elements..- 1 Boron.- 2. Cobalt.- 3. Copper.- a) Absorption.- b) Distribution.- c) Redistribution.- d) Chemical Forms and Function.- e) Response and Deficiency Diagnosis.- 4. Iron.- 5. Manganese.- a) Absorption.- b) Distribution.- c) Redistribution.- 6. Nickel.- 7. Zinc.- References.- IV. Photosynthesis. Carbon Metabolism: The Profound Effects of Illumination on the Metabolism of Photosynthetic Cells.- 1 Introduction.- 2. Prologue: Advances in Methodology.- 3. The Uptake of Inorganic Carbon by Photosynthetic Cells.- 4. The Calvin Cycle: Enzymes and Their Regulation.- a) RuBP Carboxylase.- b) The Bisphosphatases.- c) Other Enzymes of the Calvin Cycle.- 5. On the Light-Mediated Control of Enzyme Activities.- 6. Transport by the Chloroplast Envelope.- 7. Products of CO2 Fixation.- a) Starch.- b) Sucrose.- c) Amino Acids and Fatty Acids.- 8. C4 Metabolism.- a) C4 Plants.- b) CAM Plants.- c) Aquatic Plants.- d) Stomata.- 9. Photorespiration.- a) Wir wissen, was passiert.- b) aber wissen wir, warum?.- References.- V. Carbohydrate Metabolism..- 1 Monosaccharides.- a) The L-Type of the Oxidative Pentose Pathway.- b) Fructose 2,6-Bisphosphate.- 2. Oligosaccharides.- a) Maltose.- b) Gentiobiose.- c) Sucrose.- d) The Sycrosyl Oligosaccharides.- e) Secondary Plant Oligosaccharides.- References.- VI. Metabolism of Organic N-Compounds: Ammonium Assimilation and Nitrogen Partitioning..- 1. Primary NH4+-Assimilation.- a) Pathway.- b) Glutamine Synthetase (GS).- c) Glutamate Synthase (GOGAT).- d) Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH).- 2. Reassimilation of Photorespiratory Released NH4+.- 3. Metabolism of N-Transport Compounds.- a) Asparagine.- b) Ureides.- 4. Translocation of N-Solutes.- 5. N-Mobilization During Leaf Senescence.- References.- VII. Secondary Plant Substances. Simple Amines, Pyrrolizidine, and Quinolizidine.- 1. Alipathic Monoamines.- 2. Di- and Polyamines.- 3. Muscarine.- 4. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids.- 5. Quinolizidine Alkaloids.- References.- VIII. Growth.- 1. General Reviews.- 2. Auxins.- a) Reviews.- b) Methods of Determination, Occurrence.- c) Biosynthesis and Metabolism.- d) Transport.- e) Mechanism of Action.- 3. Abscisic Acid.- a) Reviews.- b) Methods of Determination.- c) Biosynthesis and Metabolism.- d) Mechanism of Action.- e) Physiological Role.- 4. Ethylene.- a) Prefatory Remarks.- b) Biosynthesis.- c) Catabolism.- d) Physiological Role.- References.- IX. Developmental Physiology.- 1. Embryo Development.- a) Introduction.- b) Initiation of Embryo Development.- c) Factors Controlling Embryoid Initiation in vitro.- d) Embryo Development in Its Natural Environment.- e) Embryo Growth and Nutrition.- f) RNA Synthesis.- g) Changes in Various Metabolic Pathways.- h) Synthesis and Deposition of Some Storage Materials.- i) Phytohormones.- j) Water Potential of the Embryo.- k) Resting Period.- 2. Remarks Upon Elongation Growth.- References.- X. Physiology of Movement.- 1. General Mechanisms.- 2. Special Problems in Stomata Movement.- 3. Special Problems in Leaf Movement.- 4. Tendril Curling.- References.- C. Genetics.- I. Replication..- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Startpoint of Replication.- 3. Initiation of Replication.- a) Transcriptional Activation and Primer Synthesis.- b) Regulation of Initiation.- 4. Complementary Strand Synthesis (Elongation) and Direction of Replication.- 5. Termination.- 6. Partitioning.- 7. Concluding Remarks.- References.- II. Recombination. Recombination Following DNA Transfer.- 1 Introduction.- 2. DNA Species for Construction of Yeast Vectors.- 3. The Yeast (S. cevevisiae) Transformation System.- 4. Other Eukaryotic Hosts for in Vitro Recombinant DNA.- 5. Future Prospects.- References.- III. Mutation: Site-Directed Mutagenesis (Reversed Genetics)..- 1 Introduction.- 2. Basic Principles.- 3. Random Fragment Mutagenesis.- 4. Site-Directed Mutagenesis.- a) Nucleolytic Digestion (Deletion Mutants).- b) Nucleotide Addition (Insertion Mutations).- c) Nucleotide Alteration (Base Substitutions).- d) Oligodeoxynucleotide Mutagenesis.- 5. Complex Mutations at Defined Sites.- 6. In Vitro-Vivo Gene Transfer.- 7. Conclusions.- References.- IV. Function of Genetic Material. Gene Structure, Gene Function, and Genetic Regulation of Metabolism in Bacteria and Fungi..- 1 Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria.- 2. Gene Structure in Fungi.- 3. Controlling Regions, Transcription, and Transposable Elements in Fungal Genes.- 4. Processing of mRNA from Split Genes.- 5. Translation Signals.- 6. Genetical und Physiological Advances in Glycolysis Research.- References.- V. Extranuclear Inheritance.- a) Mitochondrial Genetics.- 1 Introduction.- 2. The Human Mitochondrial Genome.- 3. The Mitochondrial Genome of the Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- 4. The Mitochondrial Genome in Plants.- References.- b) DNA Plasmids in Eukaryotes with Emphasis on Mitochondria.- A. Mitochondrial Plasmids.- 1. Partial Amplification of the Mitochondrial 'Chromosome'.- 2. Mitochondrial Plasmids Without Homology to the mt Chromosome.- 3. Mitochondrial Plasmids and 'Episomes'rper.- c) Pore Cap.- d) Mitochondria.- e) Peroxisomes (Microbodies).- 3. Cell Walls.- a) Chemistry.- b) Alterations.- c) Hyphal Sheats.- d) Septa.- 4. Microtubules.- a) Function and Chemistry.- b) Microtubule-Organizing Centers (MTOC's).- References.- d) Special Cytology: Morphology and Morphogenesis of Eukaryotic Algal Cells.- 1. Organization of Vegetative Cells, Excluding Nuclei and Cell Coverings.- a) Chloroplasts.- b) Eyespots.- c) Flagella and Flagellar Roots.- d) Golgi Bodies (Dictyosomes).- e) Microtubules, Microfilaments.- f) Other Cell Components, Including Microbodies, Contractile Vacuoles, Membranes, and Inclusions.- g) General Morphology.- 2. Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Nuclear Division, and Cell Division.- 3. Cell Coverings, Including Cell Walls, and Scales.- a) Cell Walls.- b) Diatom Frustules.- c) Coccoliths and Scales.- d) Thecae and Pellicles.- e) Loricae (Envelopes).- 4. Reproductive Stages.- 5. Parasitism.- 6. Taxonomy/Phylogeny.- References.- II. Morphologie und Histologie der hoheren Pflanze: Vegetative Anatomie der Spermatophyta.- 1 Allgemeines.- 2. Meristeme.- a) Sprossscheitelmeristeme.- b) Wurzelmeristeme.- c) Cambium.- d) Sonstige Meristeme.- 3. Epidermis.- 4. Tracheoiden und Skiereiden.- 5. Xylem.- a) Funktionell-okologische Aspekte.- b) Einzelne Xylemstrukturen unter verschiedenen Aspekten.- 6. Phloem, Rinde, Bast und Borke.- 7. Sekretionsgewebe.- 8. Ergastische Korper.- 9. Der Stamm.- 10. Das Blatt.- 11 Die Wurzel.- Literatur.- B. Physiology.- I. Cell Electrophysiology and Membrane Transport.- 1. Membrane ATPases and Proton Pumping.- 2. Transport Across the Tonoplast.- 3. Transport of Amino Compounds.- 4. Proton-Driven Cotransport: Chloride Uptake in Chara 61 References.- II. Plant Water Relations..- 1. Water Relations of Cells and Tissues.- 2. Water Relations of Germination.- 3. Water Movement Through Plants.- a) Water Uptake.- b) Water Transport Through the Plant.- c) Stomatal Behavior.- d) Transpirational Water Loss.- 4. Metabolism and Water Relations.- a) Implications of Water Shortage.- b) Dependence of Growth and Productivity on Plant Water Status.- 5. Aspects of Applied Water Physiology.- 6. Habitat Water Relations and Plant Performance.- 7. Water Relations in Poikilohydric Plants.- References.- III. Mineral Nutrition: Response of Plants to Trace Elements..- 1 Boron.- 2. Cobalt.- 3. Copper.- a) Absorption.- b) Distribution.- c) Redistribution.- d) Chemical Forms and Function.- e) Response and Deficiency Diagnosis.- 4. Iron.- 5. Manganese.- a) Absorption.- b) Distribution.- c) Redistribution.- 6. Nickel.- 7. Zinc.- References.- IV. Photosynthesis. Carbon Metabolism: The Profound Effects of Illumination on the Metabolism of Photosynthetic Cells.- 1 Introduction.- 2. Prologue: Advances in Methodology.- 3. The Uptake of Inorganic Carbon by Photosynthetic Cells.- 4. The Calvin Cycle: Enzymes and Their Regulation.- a) RuBP Carboxylase.- b) The Bisphosphatases.- c) Other Enzymes of the Calvin Cycle.- 5. On the Light-Mediated Control of Enzyme Activities.- 6. Transport by the Chloroplast Envelope.- 7. Products of CO2 Fixation.- a) Starch.- b) Sucrose.- c) Amino Acids and Fatty Acids.- 8. C4 Metabolism.- a) C4 Plants.- b) CAM Plants.- c) Aquatic Plants.- d) Stomata.- 9. Photorespiration.- a) Wir wissen, was passiert.- b) aber wissen wir, warum?.- References.- V. Carbohydrate Metabolism..- 1 Monosaccharides.- a) The L-Type of the Oxidative Pentose Pathway.- b) Fructose 2,6-Bisphosphate.- 2. Oligosaccharides.- a) Maltose.- b) Gentiobiose.- c) Sucrose.- d) The Sycrosyl Oligosaccharides.- e) Secondary Plant Oligosaccharides.- References.- VI. Metabolism of Organic N-Compounds: Ammonium Assimilation and Nitrogen Partitioning..- 1. Primary NH4+-Assimilation.- a) Pathway.- b) Glutamine Synthetase (GS).- c) Glutamate Synthase (GOGAT).- d) Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH).- 2. Reassimilation of Photorespiratory Released NH4+.- 3. Metabolism of N-Transport Compounds.- a) Asparagine.- b) Ureides.- 4. Translocation of N-Solutes.- 5. N-Mobilization During Leaf Senescence.- References.- VII. Secondary Plant Substances. Simple Amines, Pyrrolizidine, and Quinolizidine.- 1. Alipathic Monoamines.- 2. Di- and Polyamines.- 3. Muscarine.- 4. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids.- 5. Quinolizidine Alkaloids.- References.- VIII. Growth.- 1. General Reviews.- 2. Auxins.- a) Reviews.- b) Methods of Determination, Occurrence.- c) Biosynthesis and Metabolism.- d) Transport.- e) Mechanism of Action.- 3. Abscisic Acid.- a) Reviews.- b) Methods of Determination.- c) Biosynthesis and Metabolism.- d) Mechanism of Action.- e) Physiological Role.- 4. Ethylene.- a) Prefatory Remarks.- b) Biosynthesis.- c) Catabolism.- d) Physiological Role.- References.- IX. Developmental Physiology.- 1. Embryo Development.- a) Introduction.- b) Initiation of Embryo Development.- c) Factors Controlling Embryoid Initiation in vitro.- d) Embryo Development in Its Natural Environment.- e) Embryo Growth and Nutrition.- f) RNA Synthesis.- g) Changes in Various Metabolic Pathways.- h) Synthesis and Deposition of Some Storage Materials.- i) Phytohormones.- j) Water Potential of the Embryo.- k) Resting Period.- 2. Remarks Upon Elongation Growth.- References.- X. Physiology of Movement.- 1. General Mechanisms.- 2. Special Problems in Stomata Movement.- 3. Special Problems in Leaf Movement.- 4. Tendril Curling.- References.- C. Genetics.- I. Replication..- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Startpoint of Replication.- 3. Initiation of Replication.- a) Transcriptional Activation and Primer Synthesis.- b) Regulation of Initiation.- 4. Complementary Strand Synthesis (Elongation) and Direction of Replication.- 5. Termination.- 6. Partitioning.- 7. Concluding Remarks.- References.- II. Recombination. Recombination Following DNA Transfer.- 1 Introduction.- 2. DNA Species for Construction of Yeast Vectors.- 3. The Yeast (S. cevevisiae) Transformation System.- 4. Other Eukaryotic Hosts for in Vitro Recombinant DNA.- 5. Future Prospects.- References.- III. Mutation: Site-Directed Mutagenesis (Reversed Genetics)..- 1 Introduction.- 2. Basic Principles.- 3. Random Fragment Mutagenesis.- 4. Site-Directed Mutagenesis.- a) Nucleolytic Digestion (Deletion Mutants).- b) Nucleotide Addition (Insertion Mutations).- c) Nucleotide Alteration (Base Substitutions).- d) Oligodeoxynucleotide Mutagenesis.- 5. Complex Mutations at Defined Sites.- 6. In Vitro-Vivo Gene Transfer.- 7. Conclusions.- References.- IV. Function of Genetic Material. Gene Structure, Gene Function, and Genetic Regulation of Metabolism in Bacteria and Fungi..- 1 Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria.- 2. Gene Structure in Fungi.- 3. Controlling Regions, Transcription, and Transposable Elements in Fungal Genes.- 4. Processing of mRNA from Split Genes.- 5. Translation Signals.- 6. Genetical und Physiological Advances in Glycolysis Research.- References.- V. Extranuclear Inheritance.- a) Mitochondrial Genetics.- 1 Introduction.- 2. The Human Mitochondrial Genome.- 3. The Mitochondrial Genome of the Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- 4. The Mitochondrial Genome in Plants.- References.- b) DNA Plasmids in Eukaryotes with Emphasis on Mitochondria.- A. Mitochondrial Plasmids.- 1. Partial Amplification of the Mitochondrial 'Chromosome'.- 2. Mitochondrial Plasmids Without Homology to the mt Chromosome.- 3. Mitochondrial Plasmids and 'Episomes' in Higher Plants.- B. Non-Mitochondrial DNA Plasmids.- References.- VI. Genetic Control of Reproduction..- 1 Introduction.- 2. Higher Plants.- a) Pollen-Stigma Interaction.- b) Overcoming Incompatibility.- c) Cytoplasmic Male Sterility.- 3. Lower Plants.- a) Transposable Yeast Mating Types.- References.- D. Taxonomy.- I. Systematics and Evolution of the Algae.- 1 General Aspects.- a) Books and General Reviews.- b) Endosymbiosis and Algal Evolution.- 2. Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria).- 3. Prochlorophyceae.- 4. Rhodophyceae.- a) Life History and Morphology.- b) New Approaches in Relation to Systematics and Evolution.- c) Cyanidium.- 5. Dinophyceae.- a) Reviews and Evolutionary Aspects.- b) Cellular Organization.- c) Sexual Reproduction and Life History.- 6. Cryptophyceae.- 7. Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophytes).- 8. Eustigmatophyceae.- 9. Tribophyceae (Xanthophytes).- 10. Raphidophyceae (Chloromonads).- 11 Chrysophyceae.- 12. Diatomophyceae (Bacillariophyceae).- a) Reviews and Evolutionary Aspects.- b) Cellular Organization.- c) Taxonomy and Floristics.- 13. Fucophyceae (Phaeophyceae).- 14. Euglenophyceae.- 15. Glaucophyceae.- 16. Green Algae..- a) Ultrastructure and Phylogeny.- b) Systematics of Lower Categories.- References.- II. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Fungi.- 1. General Considerations, Phylogeny, and Ecology.- 2. Myxomycota.- a) Acrasiomycetes.- b) Myxomycetes.- c) Plasmodiophoromycetes.- d) Labyrinthulomycetes.- 3. Oomycetes, Hyphochytridiomycetes.- a) Saprolegniales.- b) Peronosporales.- c) Hyphochytridiomycetes.- 4. Chytridiomycetes.- a) Chytridiales, Spizellomycetales.- b) Blastocladiales.- c) Monoblepharidales.- d) Harpochytridiales.- 5. Zygomycotina.- a) Zygomycetes.- b) Trichomycetes.- 6. Ascomycotina.- a) Hemiascomycetes (Endomycetes).- b) Euascomycetes.- c) Laboulbeniomycetes.- 7. Deuteromycotina (Anamorphic Ascomycetes).- a) Teleomorph-Anamorph Connections.- b) Coelomycetes.- c) Hyphomycetes.- 8. Basidiomycotina.- a) General Aspects.- b) Taxonomy of Heterobasidiomycetes.- c) Taxonomy of Homobasidiomycetes.- References.- III. Systematik der Flechten.- 1 Morphologie.- 2. Flechtenalgen.- 3. Chemie.- 4. System.- 5. Floristik.- 6. Soziologie.- 7. Arealkunde.- Literatur.- IV. Systematics of the Pteridophytes.- 1 Systematics.- 2. Bibliography, Collections, Nomenclature.- 3. Floristics.- 4. Geography and Ecology.- 5. Morphology and Anatomy.- 6. Chemotaxonomy.- 7. Cytology, Cytogenetics, Hybridization.- 8. Fern Allies.- References.- E. Geobotany.- I. The History of Flora and Vegetation During theQuaternary.- 1. The Problem of Vegetation During the Interval Between the Moskva and Dneprovsk Ice-Advances of the Dneprovsk Glaciation in Eastern Europe.- 2. The Likhvin (Holstein) Interglacial.- 3. The Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial.- 4. The End of the Tertiary and the First Part of the Pleistocene.- 5. The Last Glaciation.- 6. Various Problems.- a) Diagnosis of New Taxa and Pollenmorphology.- b) Methodology of Pollenanalysis.- c) Fossil Bioproduction and Rate of Sedimentation in the Oceans.- d) Reconstruction of Climate by Means of Isotope-Fractionation.- e) Dendroclimatology.- References.- II. Vegetation Science (Sociological Geobotany).- 1. Fundamental Perspectives and Publications, Bibliographies.- 2. General Results and Methods.- a) Successions and Related Vegetational Changes.- b) Vegetational Formations and Altitudinal Zonation.- c) Trends in Urban and Other Ruderal Vegetation.- 3. Boreal Vegetation.- a) Boreal Coniferous Forests of North America and of Eurasia.- b) Hemiboreal (Temperate-Boreal) Deciduous and Mixed Forests in Fennoscandia.- 4. Temperate Vegetation.- a) Broadleaved Forests in Central Europe and in France.- b) Seminatural Woodlands in Great Britain.- c) European Oceanic and Suboceanic Heath Vegetation.- d) Seminatural Grassland and Related Vegetation in Temperate and Adjacent Europe.- 5. Tropical Vegetation.- a) Tropical Vegetation of Humid and Semihumid Australia.- b) Tropical Forests of the Americas.- c) African Savanna.- 6. Vegetation of the Southern Hemisphere Outside of the Tropics.- a) Australian Sclerophyllous Scrub.- References.

v. 65 ISBN 9783540407218


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology, and vegetation science.


Review. Protoctists and Microalgae: Antagonistis and Mutualistic Associations and the Symbiogenesis of Plastids.- Genetics. Implications of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for Plant Breeding. Function of Genetic Material: Contribution of Molecular Markers in Improving Crop Plants. Extranuclear Inheritance: Chloroplast Proteomics. Genetics Molecular Cell Biology: Organization and Molecular Evolution of rDNA, Nucleolar Dominance, and Nucleolus Structure. Fungal Morphogenesis and Plant Infection. Production of Proteins for Biopharmaceutical and Industrial Uses in Transgenic Plants. The ABCs of Flower Development in Arabidopsis and Rice.- Physiology. Molecular Responses of Halophytes to High Salinity. Frequency or Ultradian Rhythms in Plants. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications ot Low-Molecular Metabolites in Plant Sciences. The Old Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in the Light of the Molecular Era. The Role of Nitrate Reduction in Plant Flooding Survival. Phloem-Mediated Remote Control by Long-Distance Signals.- Systematics. Systematics of Himalayan Seed Plants.- Ecology. Hydraulic Redistribution. New Insights in the Genus Phytophthora and Current Diseases These Pathogens Cause in Their Ecosystem. Carbon and Water Fluxes in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Contraints and Adaptations. Plants and Geothermal CO2 Exhalations: Survival in and Adaptation to a High CO2 Environment. Recent Advances in Understanding Plant Invasions. History of Flora and Vegetation During the Quaternary.-

v. 63 ISBN 9783540423041


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, ecology and vegetation science.


Review. Milestones in Plastid Genetics of Higher Plants.- Genetics. Structural Genome Analysis Using Molecular Cytogenetic Techniques. Function of Genetic Material: Genes Involved in Quantitative and Qualitative Resistance. Extranuclear Inheritance: Functional Genomics in Chloroplasts. Molecular Cell Biology: Mechamisms and Regulation of Protein Import into the Plant Cell Nucleus. Genetics of Phytopathology: Pathogenicity Factors and Signal Transduction in Plant-pathogenic Fungi. Key Genes of Crop Domestication and Breeding: Molecular Analyses.- Physiology. Redox Regulation in Oxigenic Photosynthesis. NO Production in Plants: Nitrate Reductase Versus Nitric Oxide Synthase. Organism Interactions and Plant Water Relations. Pathways of Enzymes of Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis.- Ecology. Stomatal Water Relations and the Control of Hydraulic Supply and Demand. Spatially Explicit Vegetation Models: What Have We Learned? The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Composition and Dynamics of Plant Communities: A Scaling Issue. History of Flora and Vegetation During the Quaternary. Diversity and Ecology of Biological Crusts.

v. 64 ISBN 9783540436201


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology, and vegetation science.


Review. Chromatophore Displacements in Marine Macroalgae: Physiology and Ecological Relevance.- Genetics. Alternative Respiration in Plants and Fungi: Some Aspects of Its Biological Role. Mutants and Transgenics -- a Comparison of Barley Resources in Crop Breeding. Molecular Genetics of Chloroplast Biogenesis. Extranuclear Inheritance: Genetics and Biogenesis of Mitochondria. Genetics of Phytopathogenic Bacteria. Population Genetics: Aspects of Biodiversity. Strategies of Breeding for Durable Disease Resistance in Cereals.- Physiology. Coordination of V-ATPase and V-PPase at the Vacuolar Membrane of Plant Cells. Ca2+ Mobilization from Internal Stores in Electrical Membrane Excitation in Chara. Photosynthesis. Carbon Metabolism: Quantification and Manipulation. Light Sensory Responses in Lower Plants: Photomovement Versus Photoadaptation. Circadian Rhythmicity: Is the Biological Clock' Hardware or Software?- Systematics. Systematics of the Pteridophytes.- Ecology. Impact of Ozone on Trees: an Ecophysiological Perspective. Fine Root Biomass of Temperate Forests in Relation to Soil Acidity and Fertility, Climate, Age and Species. Light Heterogeneity and Plants: from Ecophysiology to Species Coexistence and Biodiversity. Applications of Stable Isotopes in Plant Ecology. Trends in Plant Diversity Research.-

v. 59 ISBN 9783540632146


This volume consists of reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, ecology and vegetation science. It also includes an examination of the results obtained in all areas of plant sciences in the one to two years prior to publication.


  • Review
  • genetics
  • cell biology and physiology
  • ecology and vegetation science.

v. 60 ISBN 9783540646891


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences.The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology and vegetation science.


The complete table of contents can be found on the internet.

v. 61 ISBN 9783540649915


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, and vegetation science.


Review. 50 Years of the Moss Story.- Genetics. Recombination: From Genetic Towards Physical Distances: High Resolution Mapping of Plant Resistance Genes. Function of Genetic Material: From Gene Structure to Gene Function Approaches to Understanding the Action of Genes in Higher Plants. Extranuclear Inheritance: Plastid Genetics: Manipulation of Plastid Genomes and Biotechnological Applications. Molecular Cell Biology: Role of Repetitive DNA in Nuclear Architecture and Chromosome Structure. Genetics of Phytopathology: Phytopathogenic Fungi: Genetic Aspects of Host-Pathogen Interaction. Population Genetics: Coevolution in Host-Pathogen Systems. Plant Breeding: FLO-like Meristem Identity Genes: from Basic Science to Crop Plant Design.- Physiology. Are Plants Stacked Neutrophiles? Comparison of Pathogen-Induced Oxidative Burst in Plants and Mammals. Physiology of Mycorrhiza. Plant Performance under Water Logging and Flooding.- Systematics. Systematics and Evolution of the Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyceae). Ecology. History of Flora and Vegetation During the Quaternary. Biodiversity Research in Botany.-

v. 62 ISBN 9783540675518


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, and vegetation science.


Review. 50 Years of Translocation in the Phloem of Plants, With Refrence to Trees.- Genetics. Introns, Splicing and Mobility. Barley Mutagenesis. Extranuclear Inheritance: Cytoplasmic Linear Double-Stranded DNA Killer Elements of the Dairy Yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Extranuclear Inheritance: Genetics and Biogenesis of Mitochondria. Genetics of Phytopathogenic Bacteria. Plant Biotechnology: Transgenic Crops for the Third Millennium. Modification of Oilseed Quality by Genetic Transformation.- Physiology. Significance of Phloem-Translocated Organic Sulfur Compounds for the Regulation of Sulfur Nutrition. Mutualistic Relationships Between Algae and Fungi (Excluding Lichens). The Extracellular Matrix of the Plant Cell: Location of Signal Perception, Transduction and Response. Photosynthesis: Carbon Metabolism from DNA to Desoxyribose. The Metabolic Diversity of Plant Cell and Tissue Cultures.- Systematics. Molecular Systematics: 1997 - 1999. Systematics and Evolution of the Algae I: Genomics Meets Phylogeny. Systematics of the Bryophytes.- Ecology. The Search for Generality in Studies of Disturbance and Ecosystem Dynamics. Heterogenerous Soil-Resource Distribution and Plant Responses - from Individual Plant Growth to Ecosystem Functioning. The Existence of Bark and Stem Photosynthesis in Woody Plants and its Significance for the Overall Carbon Gain: An Eco-Physiological and Ecological Approach. Ecological Aspects of Clonal Growth in Plants.-

v. 69 ISBN 9783540729532


With one volume published each year, this series keeps scientists and students current with the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. This present volume includes insightful reviews covering genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology, and vegetation science.


Review.- Ecophysiology: Migrations Between Different Levels of Scaling.- Genetics.- Variability of Recombination Rates in Higher Plants.- Functional Markers in Resistance Breeding.- Extranuclear Inheritance: Plastid-Nuclear Cooperation in Photosystem I Assembly in Photosynthetic Eukaryotes.- Molecular Cell Biology: Are Reactive Oxygen Species Regulators of Leaf Senescence?.- Physiology.- Application of Laser-Assisted Microdissection for Tissue and Cell-Specific Analysis of RNA, Proteins, and Metabolites.- Plasma Membrane Redox Systems: Lipid Rafts and Protein Assemblies.- Subcellular Sites of Environmental Sensing.- Oxidative Stress and Salt Tolerance in Plants.- Crassulacean Acid Metabolism: a Cause or Consequence of Oxidative Stress in Planta?.- Cuscuta spp: "Parasitic Plants in the Spotlight of Plant Physiology, Economy and Ecology".- Ecology.- Bayesian Data-Model Integration in Plant Physiological and Ecosystem Ecology.- Quaternary Palaeoecology: Africa and its Surroundings.- The Application of Novel Optical Sensors (Optodes) in Experimental Plant Ecology.- Indirect Defence - Recent Developments and Open Questions.- Functional Differences in Soil Water Pools: a New Perspective on Plant Water Use in Water-Limited Ecosystems.- Plant Herbivore Interactions at the Forest Edge.- Getting Plant-Soil Feedbacks out of the Greenhouse: Experimental and Conceptual Approaches.

v. 68 ISBN 9783642071935


With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology, and vegetation science.


Review.- Crassulacean Acid Metabolism: Now and Then.- Genetics.- Function of Genetic Material: Progressive Insight into Antimicrobial Peptides and their Transcriptional Regulation.- Function of Genetic Material: Assembly Factors of the Photosynthetic Machinery in Cyanobacteria.- Extranuclear Inheritance: Genetics and Biogenesis of Mitochondria.- Extranuclear Inheritance: Virus-Like DNA-Elements in Yeast.- Population Genetics: Evolutionary Features of Asexual Species.- Plant Breeding: Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Crop Plants and its Exploitation in Breeding.- Plant Breeding: Antisense ODN Inhibition in in vitro spike cultures as a powerful Diagnostic Tool in Studies on Cereal Grain Development.- Physiology.- Characean Algae: Still a Valid Model System to Examine Fundamental Principles in Plants.- Receptors for the Five Classical Plant Hormones.- Spatiotemporal Patterns and Distributed Computation-A Formal Link between CO2 Signalling, Diffusion and Stomatal Regulation.- Plant Haemoglobins, Nitrate and Nitric Oxide: Old Players, New Games.- Living in Day-Night Cycles-Specific Diel Leaf Growth Patterns and the Circadian Control of Photomorphogenesis.- Ecology.- Competitive Networks, Indirect Interactions, and Allelopathy: A Microbial Viewpoint on Plant Communities.- Quaternary Palaeoecology: Isotopes as Valuable Aids in Palaeoecological Research.- Competition for Resources in Trees: Physiological Versus Morphological Plasticity.- Explaining Variation in Fine Root Life Span.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

  • ISBN
    • 0387104305
    • 3540118403
    • 3540172335
    • 0387184139
    • 3540184139
    • 0387502890
    • 3540502890
    • 0387517855
    • 354063214X
    • 3540646892
    • 3540649913
    • 3540675515
    • 3540423044
    • 3540436200
    • 3540407219
    • 9783642071935
    • 9783540729532
  • 出版国コード
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  • 出版地
    Berlin ; New York ; Tokyo
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    24-25 cm
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