
The Political culture of the old regime

edited by Keith Michael Baker

(The French Revolution and the creation of modern political culture, v. 1)

Pergamon Press, 1987

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 66



English and French

Papers presented at a series of three colloquia. The first colloquium, Conference on the Political Culture of the Old Regime was held in Chicago, Sept. 11-15, 1986



The first of four volumes of papers from a set of major international symposia commemorating the Bicentenary of the French Revolution which address the central dimensions of the Revolution as a political event. This volume investigates the nature of French political culture under the Old Regime and the processes by which revolutionary principles and practices were invented within the context of absolute monarchy.


(partial) Introduction. Part I: Absolute Monarchy and its Representations: La monarchie absolue, M Antoine. La monarchie au travail sur elle-meme?, D Richet. The king imagined, R E Giesey. Rangs et hierarchie dans la vie de cour, E Le Roy Ladurie. La representation populaire de la monarchie, M Vovelle. Part II: The State and Corporate Society: Offices, corps, and a system of state credit, D Bien. City and state, G Bossenga. The rural community and the French Revolution, H L Root. Part III: Forms of Political Contestation: The Parlements, W Doyle. The Jansenist constitutional legacy in the French Prerevolution, D Van Kley. The prerevolutionary origins of political journalism, J Popkin. Les corps et communautes, J Revel. Culture populaire et culture politique dans l'Ancien Regime, R Chartier. Part IV: Enlightenment and Politics: The facts of literary life in eighteenth-century France, R Darnton. Les deux puissances, D Julia. Eloquence antique, eloquence future, J Starobinski. Academies et politique au siecle des lumieres, D Roche. Part V: The Monarchy and the Estates General: The Bourbon monarchy, V R Gruder. La monarchie et le reglement electoral de 1789, F Furet. La monarchie et les elections, R Halevi. The "National Assembly", L Hunt. Part VI: The Evolution of Concepts: L'opinion publique, M Ozouf. L'utilitarisme francais et les ambiguites de la culture politique prerevolutionnaire, P Rosanvallon. La constitution francaise, M Valensise. Representation, K Baker. Le contrat social des francais (B Baczko). Citoyennete et souverainete (L Jaume). Index.

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