Integrated control of cereal mildews : monitoring the pathogen : proceedings of a seminar in the Community Programme of Coordinated Research on Energy in Agriculture held in Freising-Weihenstephan, Federal Republic of Germany, 4-6 November, 1986


Integrated control of cereal mildews : monitoring the pathogen : proceedings of a seminar in the Community Programme of Coordinated Research on Energy in Agriculture held in Freising-Weihenstephan, Federal Republic of Germany, 4-6 November, 1986

sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Agriculture, Coordination of Agricultural Research ; edited by M.S. Wolfe, E. Limpert

(Advances in agricultural biotechnology, 22)

Martinus Nijhoff for the Commission of the European Communities, 1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7




Proceedings of a Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordinated Research on Energy in Agriculture held in Freising-Weihenstephan, FRG, November 4-6, 1986

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