Bibliographic Information
Morals and law in ancient Greece
Arno Press
- : set
- Agraphos nomos . Der Charakter in der Sprache der frühgriechischen dichtung
Rudolf Hirzel . Walter Marg
Arno 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 14 libraries
Jacob Hemelrijk
Arno 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 12 libraries
- Die Willenslehre im griechischen Recht
Richard Maschke
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- A study of the Greek love-names
David M. Robinson and Edward J. Fluck
Arno Press 1979, c1937 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Épiménide de Crète
Hubert Demoulin
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece , Bibliothèque de la Faculté de philosophie et lettres de l'Université de Liège fasc. 12
Available at 13 libraries
- Der Eid
Rudolf Hirzel
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Demosthenes and the last days of Greek freedom, 384-322 B.C.
A(rthur) W(allace) Pickard-Cambridge
Arno Press 1979, [c1914] Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 15 libraries
- Beiträge zur genaueren Kenntnis der attischen Gerichtssprache aus den zehn Rednern . and Die Schuldenerbfolge im attischen Recht
Konrad Schodorf . Edwin Demisch
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Das Beispiel und Vorbild der Vorfahren
Karl Jost
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 14 libraries
- Die Diabole bei Lysias
Walter Voegelin
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Index Andocideus, Lycurgeus, Dinarcheus . and Index Aeschineus
Ludovico Leaming Forman . Siegmund Preuss
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 14 libraries
- Demosthenes against Androtion and against Timocrates
with introductions and English notes by William Wayte
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Demosthenes on the crown
with critical and explanatory notes, an historical sketch, and essays by William Watson Goodwin
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Demosthenes against Midias
with critical and explanatory notes and an appendix by William Watson Goodwin
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 14 libraries
- L'oraison funèbre de Gorgias
Carl Wilhelm Vollgraff
Arno Press 1979, c1952 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- La vie de Pythagore de Diogène Laërce
édition critique avec introduction et commentaire par Armand Delatte
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 15 libraries
- Die Ethik der alten Stoa
Adolf Dyroff
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Der Begriff der Gerechtigkeit bei Aristoteles
Max Salomon (Shellens)
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 15 libraries
- Νομος βασιλευς
Marcello Gigante
Arno Press 1979 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 16 libraries
- Moral values in the ancient world
John Ferguson
Arno Press 1979, c1958 Morals and law in ancient Greece
Available at 18 libraries