Physiological programmatics of the nineteenth century


Physiological programmatics of the nineteenth century

edited by William Coleman

(The development of science : sources for the history of science)

Arno Press, 1981


Reprint of selected works published 1757-1877

Text in English and German and French

  • Coleman, W. Introduction
  • Haller, A. von. Vorrede, from Elementa physiologiae
  • Magendie, F. Introduction, from An elementary compendium of physiology
  • Muller, J. Prolegomena on general physiology, from Elements of physiology
  • Lebenskraft
  • Dubois-Reymond, E. Vorrede, from Untersuchungen über die thierische Elektrizität
  • Ludwig, C. Einleitung, from Lehrbuch des Physiologie des Menschen
  • Bergmann, C. and Leuckart, R. Einleitung, from anatomisch-physiologische Uebersicht des Thierreichs
  • Carpenter, W. B. Preface, Introduction, On the nature and causes of vital actions, Of vital stimuli, from Principles of general and comparative physiology
  • Huxley, T. H. On the physical basis of life
  • Purkyne, J. E. Ueber den Begriff der Physiologie, ihre Beziehung zu den übrigen Naturwissenschaften
  • Bernard, C. Le problème de la physiologie générale
  • Bernard, C. The definition of life
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