
Advances in industrial and labor relations : a research annual

JAI Press, 1983-

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5
  • v. 6
  • v. 7
  • v. 8
  • v. 9
  • v. 11
  • v. 12
  • v. 13
  • v. 14
  • v. 15
  • v. 16
  • v. 25

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 57





Editors: David B. Lipsky, Joel M. Douglas

Vol. 2: editor: David B. Lipsky

Vol. 3: editors: David B. Lipsky, David Lewin

Vols. 4-5: editors: David Lewin, David B. Lipsky, Donna Sockell

Vol. 6: editors: David Lewin, Donna Sockell

Vol. 7: editors: David Lewin, Bruce E. Kaufman, Donna Sockell

Vols. 8-16: editors: David Lewin, Bruce E. Kaufman

Vol. 25: editors: David Lewin, Paul J. Gollan

Vol. 6-: no subtitle

Publisher changes: v. 10-12, Amsterdam : JAI, an imprint of Elsevier Science; v. 13-15, Amsterdam : Elsevier, JAI; v. 16, Bingley, UK : Emerald, JAI; v. 25, Emerald

Suppl. 1, v. 10, v. 19 with special titles

Includes bibliographical references



v. 8 ISBN 9780762302451


This volume in the series "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" contains two papers on industrial relations theory, four papers on high-involvement work practices of which three emphasize unions' roles in such practices, and two papers on labor markets. Taken as a whole, the papers constitute a rich mix of topics, disciplinary perspectives, theory and empiricism, field studies and large scale surveys, and quantitative and qualitative analyses. In this, they can be said to reflect the broad range of trends in contemporary industrial relations and human resource management research. The employment relationship and unionism remain at the heart of this research, though emphasis is increasingly being placed on connecting employment/labor/union/human resource management practices to outcomes at the individual, group, and organizational/enterprise levels of analysis.


Industrial relations theory and empirical research: introduction to Volume 8 (D. Lewin, B.E. Kaufman). Industrial relations theory (J.T. Dunlop). An organizational theory of variation in the management of labor (J. Godard). Business environment, high involvement management, and firm performance in Korea (M. Byugnam Lee, N. Brown Johnson). Variation in labor-management collaboration over the redesign of work: impacts on work organization and outcomes (A.C. Frost). Participative management in union settings: lessons from Saturn (W.L. Horvath II, D.J. Svyantek). What's inside the black box? Union differences, innovations, and outcomes (P. Jarley et al.). Internal labor markets: labor-process and market-power effects (R.G. Long, A.G. Bedeian). Do pension covered employees perceive greater employment security? (A. Luchak, M. Gunderson).

v. 9 ISBN 9780762305865


Reflecting the perspectives of disciplines ranging from labor economics to organizational sociology to industrial psychology, the papers included in volume 9 constitute a rich mix of new and unusual research approaches to and findings about important contemporary industrial relations and workplace topics. Among the topics represented in these papers are the evolution of worker attitudes at Mitsubishi Motors, pay satisfaction and skill acquisition under skilled-based pay systems, new payment systems for British telephony personnel, and dual and unilateral employee loyalty. Other papers in this volume conceptually and empirically explore comparative institutional approaches to the firm and labor-management relations, the philosophies of American and Canadian unions, a sequential investment-bargaining model of striker replacement legislation, and the ideology of wildcat strikes and shop floor governance. Four of these papers were winners of the 2nd Annual Industrial Relations Research Association/Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations paper competition.


List of contributors. Exemplars of contemporary industrial relations research: introduction to Volume 9 (D. Lewin, B.E. Kaufman). (Not) hanging on the telephone: payment systems in the new sweatshops (S. Fernie, D. Metcalf). Assessing correlates of pay satisfaction and skill acquisition under skill-based pay systems (K. Mericle, Dong-One Kim). Institutional approaches to the nature of the firm and the management of labor in comparative perspective (H.F. Gospel). The philosophies of American and Canadian unions (L. Troy). From high hopes to disillusionment: the evolution of worker attitudes at Mitsubishi Motors (R. Bruno, L. Jordan). Dual and unilateral loyalty: methodological, conceptual, and practical issues (J.M. Magenau, J.E. Martin). The ideology of wildcat strikes and shop floor governance regimes: the institutionalization of collective bargaining, shop floor contractualism, and fractional bargaining (V.G. Devinatz). The ambiguity of strike replacement legislation and wages: a sequential investment-bargaining model (J.W. Budd, Yijiang Wang).

v. 11 ISBN 9780762308538


Continuing to provide forward-thinking industrial relations research, Volume 11 of "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" (AILR) features studies of EEOC and FMCS mediation approaches and effectiveness; union organizing, political effectiveness and internal democracy; the effects of broad-based stock option plans on the performance of unionized and non-union companies; and 21st century prospects for a new baby boom generation, employee-driven corporate governance, and global labour markets. These studies offer a variety of disciplinary perspectives, research designs, and analytic methods, yet they all contain important findings, some quantitative and some qualitative, as well as conclusions about key aspects of contemporary industrial relations.


  • Has the EEOC hit a home run? An evaluation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Mediation Program from the participants' perspective, E.P. McDermott et al
  • Resolving conflict - tactics of federal mediators, P.M. Mareschal
  • Broad-based employee stock options - a union-nonunion comparison, M.K. Kroumova et al
  • Consenting to be governed: union transformation and teamster democracy, R. Bruno
  • Revitalizing AFL-CIO political outreach: can a direct informational campaign do the trick?, R. Zullo
  • The fears of resource standardization and the creation of an adversarial workplace climate - the struggle to organize a faculty union at Illinois State University, V.G. Devinatz
  • The aging work force and the next turning point, D.J.B. Mitchell
  • From workplace to corporate governance - leveraging worker assets in the 21st century, S.R. Sleigh
  • Globalization - some implications for 21st century US labor markets, K. McLennan.

v. 12 ISBN 9780762310289


This volume contains papers dealing with topics such as the effects of company unions on wages, the effects of labour market regulation on hiring standards, coalition bargaining at General Electric, cooperative labour-management partnerships in the steel industry, the union commitment of adjunct faculty, the effects of union political outreach on union members political perceptions, preferences and voting behaviour, reinterpretation of "new" labour historians differences with "old" labour historians, and newly discovered lecture notes by industrial relations scholar Sumner Slichter that detail his views on the early development of welfare capitalism in the US. These papers contain a vibrant mix of disciplinary perspectives, analytical methods, arguments and conclusions about key industrial relations topics - and do so from both contemporary and historical perspectives. The volume should be of interest to industrial relations scholars and students worldwide.


  • Company unions, wages, and work hours, J. Pencavel
  • labor market regulation and production worker hiring standards - international comparisons, K. Daniel, W.S. Siebert
  • capital mobility and the social accord: a critical examination of the GE coordinated bargaining committee, F. Borgers
  • partnerships of steel? Forging high involvement work systems in the US steel industry - a view from the local unions, S.A. Rubinstein
  • the union commitment of adjunct faculty, K. Pereles
  • shaping political preferences through workplace mobilization - unions and the 2000 election, R. Zullo, John Fitch, David Brody and the culture of management in American labor history, J. Rees
  • Sumner Slichter on personnel management and employee representation before the new deal, B.E. Kaufman.

v. 13 ISBN 9780762311521


"Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" (AILR) continues to receive high quality submitted manuscripts and to publish the best among these, as determined by double blind anonymous refereeing. Volume 13 of "AILR" contains eight papers dealing, respectively, with European responses to high unemployment rates; the effects of alternative types of staffing arrangements; the adoption and use of alternative dispute resolution procedures in the nonunion workplace; the implications of organizational ombuds arrangements for voice, conflict resolution and fairness at work; building and sustaining labor-management partnerships; union and employer tactics in Ontario, Canada organizing campaigns; the late 20th century campaign for U.S. striker replacement legislation; and the development over a quarter-century of Australian industrial relations thought. It is no accident that the research settings for the papers contained in this volume include North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim. "AILR" has long encouraged manuscript submissions from researchers worldwide, and seeks to publish articles that expand theoretical and empirical industrial relations knowledge beyond that obtained from U.S. settings and data sources. Taken as a set, the eight papers contained in Volume 13 of "AILR" clearly reflect achievement of this objective.


Ontario Certification. Nonunion Grievance Procedure. Labor's Last Stand in National Politics. Japanese and HR Executive Influence. Alternative Staffing Arrangements. Labor-Management Partnerships. Transfer of Ideas in IR.

v. 14 ISBN 9780762312658


Volume 14 of "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR)" contains 10 papers dealing, respectively, with HR versus finance in the control of corporate health care decisions; a theory of workplace conflict grounded in U.S. municipal collective bargaining; creative compliance in, or union defiance of, labor regulation in Australia; the extent to which union organizing means determine bargaining ends; the failure of labor-manangement cooperation at two Maine (U.S.) paper mills; the interplay between union and nonunion representation arrangements at Eurotunnel; challenges to and prospects for the industrial relations field in France; an empirical and comparative analysis of the industrial relations field in Germany; the development of the industrial relations field in Canada; and the implications of a decentralized labor market for industrial relations as a field in Australia. Taken together, these papers feature a rich mix of theory and empiricism, quantitative and qualitative analyses, and international perspectives on both industrial relations and human resources. Four of the papers were winners of the 2004 and 2005 AILR/Labor and Employment Relations Association Competitive Papers Competitions, and all papers were subject to double blind anonymous refereeing. The papers in Volume 14 of "AILR" will be of interest to industrial relations and human resource scholars and practitioners worldwide.


Introduction. (D. Lewin, B.E. Kaufman). H.R. Versus Finance: Who Controls Corporate Health Care Decisions and Does it Matter? (F. Briscoe, J. Maxwell, P. Temin). Toward a theory of Workplace Conflict: The Case of U.S. Municipal Collective Bargaining. (B. Hebdon). Creative Compliance in Labor Relations: 'Turning the Law on its Head'. (A. Pyman). Do the Organizing Means Determine the Bargaining Ends? (L. Jordan, R. Bruno). The Failure of Labor-Management Cooperation at Two Maine Paper Mills: A Case Study. (M.G. Hillard). Representative Voicethe Interplay Between Non-Union and Union Representation Arrangements at Eurotunnel. (P.J. Gollan). The Industrial Relations Field in France: Complex Past and Challenging Prospects. (I. da Costa). The Industrial Relations field in Germany: An Empirical and Comparative Analysis. (B. Keller). The Development of the Industrial Relations Field in Korea. (Y-M. Lee, M. Byungnam Lee). Industrial Relations as a Field in Australia: The Implications of a Decentralized Labor Market. (R.D. Lansbury, G. Michelson).

v. 15 ISBN 9780762313860


Volume 15 of "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" (AILR) contains ten papers, four of which deal with human resource management and six of which deal with unionization. Six of the papers were originally presented in Best Papers sessions at the 57th and 58th annual meetings of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA). In keeping with AILRs global perspective and global sourcing of leading research, the studies contained in these papers draw on data from the United Kingdom, France, Asia, Canada and the United States. It contains 10 papers that address human resource management and unionization.


Introduction (David Lewin and Bruce E. Kaufman) Human Resource Practices, Unionization, and the Organizational Efficiency of French Industry (Histros Doucouliagos and Patrice Laroche) An Emergent Theory of HRM: A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Determinants of HRM Among Irish Small to Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) (Brian Harney and Tony Dundon) Dispute Resolution in Cooperative and Hierarchical Worksites (Elizabeth A. Hoffman) A New Framework of Enterprise Unionism: A Comparative Study of Nine Asian Countries (Dae Yong Jeong and John Lawler) Chinese Unions: An Alice in Wonderland Dream World (David Metcalf and Jianwei Li) The Nature of Union Raiding: Evidence from British Columbia, 1978-1998 (Chris Riddell) Lifting the Veil on Anti-Union Activities: Employer and Consultant Reporting Under the LMRDA, 1959-2001 (John Logan) Labors House Divided: Contextual and Theoretical Terms of the U.S. Divorce (Roland Zullo) Change to Win: Can Structural Reform Revitalize the American Labor Movement (Jack Fiorito, Paul Jarley and John T. Delaney) Pay for Performance where Output is Hard to Measure: The Case of Performance Pay for School Teachers (David Marsden and Richard Belfield)

v. 6 ISBN 9781559384889


Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Volume 6 presents papers that tackle concerns in industrial and labor relations. The book is comprised of eight chapters; each chapter reviews a study that discusses issues in industrial and labor relations. The first two chapters discuss the development of models of industrial and labor relations that are not bound by characteristics, processes, and practices. Chapter 3 compares the innovations in work organization, compensation, and employee participation in decision-making. Chapter 4 examines the cause and effects of technological change at the workplace level of analysis. Chapter 5 discusses the effects of seniority-based layoffs on survivors. Chapters 6 and 7 cover the lump-sum payment system. Chapter 8 talks about the publishing performance of industrial relations academics. The text will be of interest to readers who are concerned with the development of industrial and labor relations.


List of Contributors Editorial Board and Submissions Information Series Editors' Introduction Beyond Empiricism: towards a Reconstruction of IR Theory and Research The System Perspective in Labor Relations: Toward a New Model Productivity-Enhancing Innovations in Work Organization, Compensation, and Employee Participation in the Union versus the Nonunion Sectors Industrial Relations and Technological Change in the Workplace: Lessons from a 911 Emergency Communications Field Study A Multimethod Analysis of Survivors' Reactions to Seniority-Based Layoffs An Exploratory Study of Employee Perceptions of Lump-Sum Payments Lump-Sum Bonuses in Union Contracts The Publishing Performance of Industrial Relations Academics

v. 7 ISBN 9781559389259


This volume discusses such topics as where we stand in industrial relations and human resources, critical junctures in the transformation of industrial relations systems, and successor unions and the evolution of industrial relations in former Communist countries.


  • Where do we stand in industral relations and human resources, Morley Gunderson and Anil Verma
  • an reinterpretation of the historical foundations of the Wagner Act, Bruce Kaufman
  • critical junctures in the transformation of industrial relations systems - a comparative study, Christopher Erickson and Surosh Kuruvilla
  • employee communciations - a new analytical overview, Morris Kleiner and Chang-Ruey Ay
  • successor unions and the evolution of industrial relations in former Communist countries, Derek Jones
  • the evolution of HRM policies and practices in Japan, Motohiro Morishima
  • the role of loyalty in exit and voice - a conceptual and empirical analysis, David Lewin and Karen Boroff
  • regulating the workplace - the vexing problem of implementation, David Weil
  • unions, human resource innovations and organizational outcomes, John Delaney
  • the financial power of public employee unions, Marick Masters.

v. 25 ISBN 9781839091926


Volume 25 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains eight new peer-reviewed papers highlighting key aspects of employment relations from a global perspective. Topics discussed include dispute resolution through ombud and arbitration arrangements, union organizing in an informal economy, domestic and foreign firm labor market competition, occupational safety in coal mining, work and social protections in a platform economy, workforce training for older workers, and right-to-work law effects on the stock market. Consistent with previous AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 25 reflect a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods. These range from primary research methods such as case studies, survey, interviews and historiography to longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs and theory building. Some of the research included in this volume was first presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) held in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) during June 2018.


  • Chapter 1. Introduction
  • David Lewin and Paul J. Gollan Chapter 2. Complaining to the Ombudsman: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Brazilian Organizations
  • Paulo Marzionna Chapter 3. Labor Standards Violations and Employment Arbitration: An Empirical Assessment
  • Michael D. Maffie Chapter 4. Irreconcilable Differences: Union Organizing in the Informal Sector in Ghana
  • Yvonne A. Lamptey Chapter 5. The Effects of Ownership on Labor Standards in China: A Comparison of Foreign Multinationals and Indigenous Firms
  • Weihao Li and Ying Chen Chapter 6. Occupational Safety in China's Coal Mining Industry: The Roles of Regulations, Human Resources and Labor Relations
  • Yujie Cai Chapter 7. Work and Social Protection in the Platform Economy in Europe
  • Simon Joyce, Mark Stuart, Chris Forde and Danat Valizade Chapter 8. Workforce Training for Older Workers: Toward a Better Understanding of Older Worker Needs After the Great Recession
  • Ting Zhang Chapter 9. New Evidence from the Stock Market on Right-to-Work Laws
  • Steven Abraham and Paul B. Voos

v. 16 ISBN 9781848553965


Volume 16 of "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" ("AILR") highlights important and interesting aspects of industrial and labor relations. Such issues include alternative approaches to establishing an ownership culture, accounting for union collective action through resource acquisition and mobilization, union avoidance through double-breasting, labor-management partnership and mutual gains, high involvement work systems and union-management communication networks, a new paradigm for IR/HR theory and research, implications for women of private pension reform, and competing ethical conceptions of the minimum wage.


List of Contributors. Introduction. The relative importance of psychological versus pecuniary approaches to establishing an ownership culture. Accounting for collective action: resource acquisition and mobilization in British unions. Subtle but deadly? union avoidance through "double breasting" among multinational companies. Does labor?management partnership deliver mutual gains? Evidence from the UK public services. The effects of high-involvement work systems on employee and union-management communication networks. Human resources relations: A new paradigm for better theorizing and research on the HR/IR field. Private pension reform and personal accounts in the UK: Implications for women. The minimum wage and competing ethical conceptions. Advances in industrial and labor relations. Advances in industrial and labor relations volume 16. Copyright page.

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  • ISBN
    • 0892322500
    • 0892324449
    • 0892326425
    • 0892329092
    • 0892329408
    • 1559384883
    • 1559389257
    • 0762302453
    • 076230586X
    • 0762308532
    • 0762310286
    • 0762311525
    • 0762312653
    • 0762313862
    • 9781848553965
    • 9781839091926
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  • 出版地
    Greenwich, Conn. ; London
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
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