International handbook of behavior modification and therapy


International handbook of behavior modification and therapy

edited by Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen, and Alan E. Kazdin

Plenum Press, c1982


Includes bibliographies and index



The rapid growth of behavior therapy over the past 20 years has been well doc- umented. Yet the geometric expansion of the field has been so great that it deserves to be recounted. We all received our graduate training in the mid to late 1960s. Courses in behavior therapy were then a rarity. Behavioral training was based more on informal tutorials than on systematic programs of study. The behavioral literature was so circumscribed that it could be easily mastered in a few months of study. A mere half-dozen books (by Wolpe, Lazarus, Eysenck, Ullmann, and Krasner) more-or-Iess comprised the behavioral library in the mid- 1960s. Semirial works by Ayllon and Azrin, Bandura, Franks, and Kanfer in 1968 and 1969 made it only slightly more difficult to survey the field. Keeping abreast of new developments was not very difficult, as Behaviour Research and Therapy and the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis were the only regular outlets for behavioral articles until the end of the decade, when Behavior Therapy and Be- havior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry first appeared. We are too young to be maudlin, but "Oh for the good old days!" One of us did a quick survey of his bookshelves and stopped counting books with behavior or behavioral in the titles when he reached 100. There were at least half again as many behavioral books without those words in the title.


I Foundations of Behavior Modification and Therapy.- 1 History of Behavior Modification.- Background.- Historical Precursors of Behavioral Techniques.- Traditional Approaches in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology.- Foundations of Behavior Modification.- Conditioning in Russia.- Emergence of Behaviorism.- Psychology of Learning.- Extensions of Conditioning and Learning.- Laboratory Paradigms and Analogues.- Clinically Relevant Applications.- Additional Applications.- Personality and Psychotherapy.- Emergence of Behavior Modification.- Developments in South Africa.- Developments in England.- Developments in the United States.- Formalization of Behavior Therapy.- Contemporary Behavior Modification.- Characteristics of Behavior Modification.- Diversity within Behavior Modification.- Current Status.- Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 2 Experimental and Theoretical Foundations of Behavior Modification.- The Case for Behavioral Therapeutic Approaches.- Assets.- Basic Experimental Learning Paradigms and Principles.- Classical Conditioning.- Operant or Instrumental Learning.- Avoidance Learning: A Combination of Procedures.- Implication of Conditioning Principles.- Theoretical Foundations.- The Function of Theory.- Skinner's Antitheoretical Position.- The Impact of Formal Models.- Excitation and Inhibition Models of Behavior Change.- Counterconditioning Models of Behavior Change.- Behavior Change via Emotional Extinction.- Cognitive Models of Behavior Change.- Methodological Foundations.- Infrahuman Analogue Research.- Human Analogue Research.- Patient Research.- Epilogue.- References.- 3 A Model of Dysfunctional Behavior.- Science versus Technology.- Macro- versus Microtheories.- General Assumptions.- External Events.- Physical Stimuli.- Social Experiences.- Organismic Variables.- Biological Influences.- Cognitive Factors.- Response Factors.- Structure and the Elements of Behavior.- Summary and Conclusions.- References.- II Assessment and Methodology.- 4 Behavioral Assessment: An Overview.- Basic Assumptions.- Behavioral Assessment Methods.- Observations in Naturalistic Settings.- Situation Tests.- Role Playing.- Self-Report.- Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Therapy.- Variables Associated with Maladaptive Behavior.- Variables Associated with the Selection and Implementation of Techniques.- Classification of Behavior Disorders.- Difficulties in Stimulus Control of Behavior.- Deficient Behavioral Repertoires.- Aversive Behavioral Repertoires.- Difficulties with Incentive Systems (Reinforcers).- Aversive Self-Reinforcing Systems.- Future Perspectives.- Comparative Validity of Behavioral and Traditional Assessment.- Standardization of Procedures.- Need for Theoretical Framework.- Summary.- References.- 5 Observational Methods.- Designing an Observation System.- Developing Behavioral Categories.- Selecting Observation Settings.- Scheduling Observations.- Selecting Observation Procedures.- Selecting Technological Aids.- Observers: Errors and Training.- Sources of Observer Effects.- Selecting and Training Observers.- Reliability.- Generalizability Theory.- Interobserver Generalizability.- Other Facets of Generalizability.- Recommendations for Reporting Reliability Information.- Validity.- Content Validity.- Criterion-Related Validity.- Construct Validity.- Final Observations.- References.- 6 Experimental Design in Group Outcome Research.- The Logic of Strong Inference.- Questions of Efficiency and the Scientific Approach.- Specification of the Independent Variable.- Treatment versus No-Treatment Design.- Placebo Control Design.- Component Control Design.- Parametric Design.- Constructive and Comparative Designs.- Concluding Comments on Independent-Variable Specification.- Specification of the Dependent Variable.- Outcome Content.- Outcome Context and Generalization.- Strong Inference and Programmatic Research.- Science and Strong Inference in Perspective.- References.- 7 Single-Case Experimental Designs.- History.- Group Comparison Designs.- Experimental Analysis of Behavior.- General Issues.- Intrasubject Variability.- Intersubject Variability.- Magnitude of Change.- Generality of Findings.- Variability as Related to Generality.- General Procedures.- Repeated Measurement.- Choosing a Baseline.- Changing One Variable at a Time.- Length of Phases.- Reversal and Withdrawal.- Evaluating Irreversible Procedures.- Basic A-B-A Designs.- A-B Design.- A-B-A Design.- A-B-A-B Design.- B-A-B Design.- Extensions of the A-B-A Design.- A-B-A-B-A-B and A-B-A-C-A-C? Designs.- Interaction Designs.- Drug Evaluations.- Additional Designs.- Multiple Baseline.- Changing-Criterion Design.- Simultaneous Treatment Design.- Statistical Analysis.- The Case Against.- The Case For.- T Test and ANOVA.- Time-Series Analysis.- Additional Comments.- Replication.- Direct Replication.- Clinical Replication.- Systematic Replication.- Summary and Conclusions.- References.- III General Issues and Extensions.- 8 Training Paraprofessionals.- Historical Changes in Staffing Patterns.- Amateurs and Volunteers.- The Ward Aide.- Paraprofessional Precedents.- Shifts from an Individual to a Social Focus.- Changes in the Mental Health Field.- Evaluating Paraprofessionals.- Behavioral Paraprofessionals.- Teachers and Teachers' Aides.- Training Parents as Behavior Therapists.- Behavioral Aides.- College Students as Behavioral Paraprofessionals.- Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 9 Ethical and Legal Issues.- Ethical Issues.- Ethics, Society, and Behaviorism.- The Parties and the Issues.- Some Tentative Principles.- Some Problem Areas.- Research into Behavior Therapy.- Legal Issues.- The Arguments for and against Legal Intervention.- The Existing Legal Framework.- Summary.- References.- 10 Balancing Clients' Rights: The Establishment of Human Rights and Peer Review Committees.- Right to Treatment.- Right to Be Free from Harm.- Establishing Protective Mechanisms.- Selecting Appropriate Goals.- The Need for Protective Mechanisms.- The Human Rights Committee.- Composition.- Purpose.- Education.- The Formal Review Process: The Use of Aversive Procedures.- The Formal Review Process: Determining Individualized Treatment.- Operating Independently of the Treatment Staff.- Public Dissemination of Purpose and Procedures.- Written Records and Checklists.- Adapting the Committee to the Size of the Program.- Ensuring Staff Compliance.- Compensation.- Benefits to the Program.- The Peer Review Committee.- Composition.- Purpose.- The Formal Review Process.- Operating Independently of the Treatment Staff.- Public Responsiveness.- Written Records and Checklists.- Adapting the Committee to the Size of the Program.- Ensuring Staff Compliance.- Compensation.- Benefits to the Program.- Conclusion.- Appendixes.- Appendix 1: Human Rights Committee "Due Process" Summary Report.- Appendix 2: Summary of Human Rights Committee Review of Client Individual Habilitation.- Appendix 3: Peer Review Committee Summary Report.- References.- 11 Community Intervention and the Use of Multidisciplinary Knowledge.- Community Settings.- Home.- School.- General Community Problems.- Limitations.- Suggested Extensions: The State of the Art.- Example One: The Kamehameha Early Education Program.- Example Two: Social Networks.- Summary.- References.- 12 Drugs Combined with Behavioral Psychotherapy.- Abreaction.- Intravenous and Inhaled Agents.- Orally Administered Drugs.- Phobic-Obsessive Syndromes.- Anxiolytics.- Antidepressants.- Tricyclics.- Neurotic Depression.- Sexual Dysfunction.- Perspectives and Conclusions.- References.- IV Intervention and Behavior Change: Adult.- 13 Anxiety and Fear.- Historical Perspective.- Current Status of the Process Learning Theory of Fear Acquisition.- Nonbehavioral Treatments.- Current Empirical Status.- Behavioral Procedures.- Clinical Outcome Studies.- Future Perspectives.- Behavioral Analysis.- Prevention.- Drug-Assisted Exposure.- Therapeutic Relationship.- Summary.- References.- 14 Depression.- Overview.- Historical Perspective.- Major Theories of Depression.- Reinforcement Theories.- Cognitive Theories.- Epidemiological Considerations in Depression.- Assessment of Depression.- Differential Diagnosis.- Functional Diagnosis and Identification of Targets for Intervention.- Therapeutic Programs for Depression.- Decreasing Unpleasant Events and Increasing Pleasant Activities.- Interpersonal Therapy.- Cognitive Therapy.- Self-Control Therapy.- A Psychoeducational Approach.- "Eclectic" Tactics in Treating Depression.- Final Comments.- Conclusions and Recommendations.- References.- 15 Treatment of Schizophrenia.- Operant Paradigms.- Other Behavioral Procedures.- Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.- Token Economies.- Establishment of a Token Economy: Problems and Suggestions.- Problems in Evaluation.- Treatment.- Conclusions.- Social Skills Training.- Definition and Patient Population.- Treatment Protocols.- Evidence of Treatment Effectiveness.- Evidence of Generalization of Behavior Change.- Evidence of Durability of Behavior Change.- Promoting Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change.- Summary.- General Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 16 Adult Medical Disorders.- Identification of Problem or Topic.- Contemporary Importance.- Overview of the Chapter.- Historical Perspective.- Patient Care.- Psychosomatic Medicine.- Behavioral Medicine.- Possible Adoption and Disillusionment.- Clinical versus Statistical Significance.- Side Effects.- Current Empirical Status.- Cardiovascular Disorders.- Respiratory Disorders.- Gastrointestinal System.- Pain Syndromes.- Central Nervous System.- Health Care Behavior.- Disability.- Overview of Relaxation and Related Techniques and Biofeedback.- Relaxation and Related Techniques.- Biofeedback.- Future Perspectives.- Summary.- References.- 17 Alcohol and Drug Problems.- Traditional and Behavioral Treatment Methods.- Distinctions and Problems.- Behavioral Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Problems.- Unimodal Methods.- Multimodal Methods.- Treatment Outcome Evaluation: Alcohol Abusers.- Treatment Outcome Evaluation: Drug Abusers.- The State of the Art.- Summary.- References.- 18 Obesity.- Description of a Behavioral Program.- Self-Monitoring: Description of the Behavior to Be Controlled.- Control of the Stimuli That Precede Eating.- Development of Techniques for Controlling the Act of Eating.- Reinforcement of the Prescribed Behaviors.- Cognitive Restructuring.- Historical Perspective on Behavioral Weight Control.- Harris.- Wollersheim.- Penick et al..- Craighead et al..- Current Empirical Status: What Behavior Therapy Can Do.- The Special Case of Childhood Obesity.- The Problem of Faulty Assumptions.- "Obesity Is a Learning Disorder" and "Results from Excess Caloric Intake".- "The Obese Individual Is an Overeater".- "Obese Persons Are More Sensitive to Food Stimuli than Are Nonobese Individuals".- "There Are Important Differences in the Eating Style of Obese and Nonobese Persons".- "Training an Obese Person to Eat like a Nonobese One Will Result in Weight Loss".- Future Perspectives: Clinical Measures.- Combining Diet and Behavior Modification.- Exercise.- Couples Training.- Increasing the Duration and Intensity of Treatment.- Therapist's Skill.- Social Skills Training.- Future Perspectives on Clinical Measures: One Conclusion.- Future Perspectives: Social and Public Health Measures.- The Community of the Afflicted.- The Community at the Work Site.- The Geographical Community.- Summary.- References.- 19 Current Trends in the Modification of Cigarette Dependence.- The Natural History of Cigarette Smoking.- The Tenaciousness of Cigarette Smoking.- Pharmacological Influences on Smoking.- Addiction or Dependence.- Nicotine Regulation.- Behavioral Influences on Smoking.- Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches.- Environmental Determinants of Smoking.- Measurement of Smoking.- Abstinence and Rate Data.- Physiological Measurement.- Intervention Strategies.- Aversion Strategies.- Nicotine Chewing Gum.- Nicotine Fading.- Controlled Smoking.- Goals of Intervention: Abstinence or Controlled Smoking?.- Tailoring.- Maintenance.- Multicomponent Treatment Programs.- Alternative Service-Delivery Methods.- Physician's Influence.- Consultant to Voluntary Health Organizations.- Communitywide Approaches.- Self-Help Books.- Prevention.- Implications for Research and Practice.- Implications for Clinical Work.- References.- 20 Crime and Delinquency.- Overview.- Institutional Behavior-Modification Programs.- The Implementation of Behavior-Modification Procedures.- Direct Behavioral Effects.- Generalization to the Natural Environment.- Community-Based, Residential Behavior-Modification Programs.- Community-Based, Nonresidential Behavior-Modification Programs.- Family Behavior-Modification Programs.- School Behavior-Modification Programs.- Employment-Related Behavior-Modification Programs.- Probation Behavior-Modification Programs.- Mediated Behavior-Modification Programs.- Summary of Community-Based, Nonresidential Programs.- Summary.- References.- 21 Sexual Dysfunctions and Their Treatment: Current Status.- Sex Therapy: The Roots.- Sex Therapy: The Development of a Discipline.- Masters and Johnson.- Criticisms and Modifications.- Direct Treatment Principles.- Summary.- Sex Therapy: Expansion and Differentiation.- Diagnostic Terminology and Classification.- Advances in Assessment.- New Populations.- New Treatment Procedures.- Ethical Issues: Trick or Treatment?.- Summary.- References.- 22 Sexual Deviation.- Introduction: Assessment and Treatment of Arousal and Orgasm Anomalies.- Homosexuality.- Physiological Measures of Sexual Arousal and Orientation.- Paradoxical Penile-Circumference Changes.- Incidence of Homosexuality.- Etiology of Homosexuality.- Homosexual Adjustment and Lifestyles.- Treatment in Homosexuality.- Exhibitionism.- Etiology.- Treatment.- Pedophilia.- Etiology.- Treatment.- Voyeurism.- Etiology.- Treatment.- Fetishism, Bondage, and Sadomasochism.- Etiology.- Treatment.- Rape.- Etiology.- Treatment.- Miscellaneous Sexual Anomalies.- Physical Treatment of Criminal Deviants.- Assessment and Treatment of Sexual or Gender Identity Disorders.- Transsexualism.- Transvestism.- Amount and Treatment of Sex-Dimorphic Behavior.- Etiology.- Treatment.- Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 23 Interpersonal Dysfunction.- Nature of Social Skill.- Definition.- Components of Social Skill.- Associated Factors.- Assessment of Social Skill.- Interviewing.- Self-Monitoring.- Self-Report Inventories.- Behavioral Observation.- The Focus of Assessment.- Social Skills Training.- Models of Social Skills Training.- Social Skills Training with Schizophrenic Patients.- Depression.- Alcoholism.- Aggression.- Minimal Dating.- Unassertiveness.- Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 24 Obsessional-Compulsive Disorders.- Historical Perspective.- Current Status.- Independent Studies.- Practical Considerations.- Obsessions and Compulsions.- Future Directions.- References.- 25 Marital Distress.- and Overview.- Historical Perspective.- Conceptual Developments in BMT.- Basic Assumptions and Concepts.- The OMSP Behavioral-Systems Model.- Current Empirical Status.- Objectification.- Support-Understanding.- Problem Solving.- Behavior Change.- Future Perspectives.- Theory.- Methodology.- Therapy.- Summary and Conclusions.- Implications for Marital Satisfaction.- Implications for Treatment.- References.- V Intervention and Behavior Change: Child.- 26 Habit Disorders.- Stuttering.- Rhythmic Speech.- Speech Shadowing.- Delayed Auditory Feedback.- Masking Noise.- Anxiety Reduction.- Reinforcement-Based Procedures.- Biofeedback.- Direct Voice Production.- Summary.- Enuresis.- Urine Alarm.- Other Operant Approaches.- Retention Control Training.- Other Urinary Problems.- Summary.- Encopresis.- Summary.- Vomiting and Rumination.- Summary.- Thumb-Sucking.- Summary.- Nail-Biting.- Summary.- Pica.- Summary.- Tics and Tourette's Syndrome.- Tics.- Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome.- Summary.- Tantrums.- Summary.- Trichotillomania.- Summary.- Comments.- References.- 27 Retardation.- Traditional Definitions of Mental Retardation.- Behavioral Models of Retardation.- Biological and Physiological Factors.- Intermittent Reinforcement and Extinction.- Inadequate Reinforcement History.- Severe Punishment.- Historical Perspectives on Treatment.- Current Empirical Status and Developments.- Targets for Change.- Behavioral Tactics.- Strategies for Applying Behavioral Tactics.- Future Perspectives and Directions.- Summary.- References.- 28 Autism.- Overview.- Diagnosis.- Social Behavior.- Language.- Ritualistic Behavior and the Insistence on Sameness.- Other Symptoms of Autism.- Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia.- Etiology and Past Treatment Approaches.- Behavior Modification.- Theoretical Perspective.- Treatment Procedures.- Eliminating Behavioral Excesses.- Acquisition of New Behaviors and Stimulus Functions.- Treatment Environments.- Parent Training.- Classroom Instruction.- Teaching Homes.- Critique of the Behavioral Approach.- New Approaches to Evaluating Treatment Effectiveness.- Social Validation of Treatment Effectiveness.- Behavior Modification and Neurological Correlates of Treatment Gains.- Conclusion.- References.- 29 The Modification of Child Behavior Problems in the Home.- The Historical Beginnings of Behavior Modification of Child Behavior Problems in the Home.- Specific Problem Areas.- Health-Related Behavior of Children.- Toileting Problems.- Nervous Habits and Fears.- Noncompliance.- Problems in Everyday Family Living.- Home-School Relations.- Social Isolation.- Elective Mutism.- Recruiting Reinforcement.- Positive Social Behavior.- Characteristics of Behavior Modification with Children in the Home.- The Nature of the Problem.- Assessing Behavior.- Settings.- Providers and Targets of Treatment.- Parent Training.- Self-Management.- Procedural Trends.- Ethical and Legal Aspects.- Methodology.- Future Perspectives.- References.- 30 Behavior Analysis Procedures in Classroom Teaching.- Contingent Relationships and the Behavior Involved in the Maintenance of Classroom Order.- Response-Increment Procedures.- Tangible Reinforcement.- Response-Decrement Procedures.- Summary.- Effects of Environmental Discriminative Stimuli on Behavior Involved in Maintaining Order in the Classroom.- The Role of Physical Environment Characteristics as Discriminative Stimuli.- The Role of Teacher Verbalizations and Presence as Discriminative Stimuli.- The Role of Peer Behavior as Discriminative Stimuli.- Summary.- Contingent Relationships and Attention, Rate, Accuracy, and Amount of Responding on Academic Tasks.- Reinforcement of On-Task Behavior.- Reinforcement of Rate of Academic Responding.- Reinforcement of Correct Academic Responding.- Comparisons of Reinforcement of On-Task Behavior with Reinforcement of Productivity.- Summary.- Effects of Manipulating Discriminative Stimulus Materials and Teaching Procedure on Children's Learning of Academic Concepts and Skills.- Teacher Presentation of Materials and Instructions.- Manipulating Curriculum Material Stimuli.- Summary.- References.- 31 Treatment of Childhood Medical Disorders.- Asthma.- Treatment.- Convulsive Disorders.- Treatment.- Childhood Obesity.- Treatment.- Hyperactivity.- Treatment.- References.

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