Issues and ethics in the helping professions


Issues and ethics in the helping professions

Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Patrick Callanan

Brooks/Cole, c1988

3rd ed

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Rev. ed. of: Issues & ethics in the helping professions. 2nd ed. c1984

Bibliography: p. 362-384

Includes indexes



The text concentrates upon the professional and ethical issues that most affect the actual practice of counselling. The authors raise significant questions such as: how does the therapist's values and life experiences affect the therapeutic process? What are the rights and responsibilities of both the client and the helper? They then offer a number of different viewpoints to stimulate discussion. Containing at least fifty per cent of new material, this third edition provides more topics and coverage to make it more comprehesive than previous editions. New chapters include ethical decision making, issues in multicultural counselling and ethical issues specific to marriage and family therapy. A discussion of recent landmark court cases is included, with implications for professional practice and each chapter begins with a series of questions to stimulate the reader's interest in the topics covered in the chapter. This book should be of interest to degree and diploma students in the helping professions, and on courses in counselling, psychology and social work.


Introduction to professional ethics. The counselor as a person and as a professional. Values and the helping relationship. Theory and practice in counseling and psychotherapy. Professional competence, Training, and supervision. Client rights, confidentiality, and duty to warn and protect. The client/therapist relationship, Unethical behavior, and malpractice issues. Ethical concerns in multicultural counseling. The counselor in the community and in a system. Ethical and professional issues in marital and family therapy. Ethical and professional issues in group work. References and reading list. Appendices. Name index. Subject index.

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