Autopoietic law : a new approach to law and society


Autopoietic law : a new approach to law and society

edited by Gunther Teubner

(European University Institute = Institut universitaire européen, ser. A . Law = Droit = Recht = Diritto ; 8)

W. de Gruyter, 1988

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 39



Includes indexes



Frontmatter -- Introduction to Autopoietic Law -- The Unity of the Legal System -- The Law of Law -- On the Supposed Closure of Normative Systems -- Between Order and Disorder: The Game of Law -- Biological Metaphors in Legal Thought -- The Communicative Autonomy of the Legal System -- The Autonomy of Law: Two Visions Compared -- Changing Paradigms in the Sociology of Law -- Evolution of Autopoietic Law -- Perspectives on a Post-Modern Theory of Law: A Critique of Niklas Luhmann, "The Unity of the Legal System" -- Accounting for Law -- The Fact of Law -- Closure and Openness: On Reality in the World of Law -- Talking About Autopoiesis - Order From Noise? -- Authors' Biographical Sketches -- Name Index -- Subject Index

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