The plant-book : a portable dictionary of the higher plants utilising Cronquist's An integrated system of classification of flowering plants (1981) and current botanical literature arranged largely on the principles of editions 1-6 (1896/97-1931) of Willis's A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns


The plant-book : a portable dictionary of the higher plants utilising Cronquist's An integrated system of classification of flowering plants (1981) and current botanical literature arranged largely on the principles of editions 1-6 (1896/97-1931) of Willis's A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns

D.J. Mabberley

Cambridge University Press, 1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27




This comprehensive portable dictionary describes flowering plants--conifers and their allies, and ferns and their allies--with their common names and uses. It sets out to fill the gap formerly filled by the early editions of Willis's Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns, and is based largely along the lines of that work, although with more references and common names, the whole being arranged according to Cronquist's system.

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