Strategic management of technology and innovation


Strategic management of technology and innovation

Robert A. Burgelman, Modesto A. Maidique

(The Irwin series in management and the behavioral sciences)

Irwin, 1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36



Includes bibliographical references and index



This text features offers rich exposure to the management of innovation. It integrates technological strategy, new product development, and corporate entrepreneurship and innovation. The book is based on case studies and readings with brief, transitional text.


Preface. Introduction. The Fundamentals of the Science and Technology of Ultrasonics: Vibratory and Wave Motion. Ultrasonic Technology. The Physical Principles of Ultrasonic Treatment of Liquid Metals: Ultrasonic Cavitation. Acoustic Streaming, Radiation Pressure and Sonocapillary Effect. Ultrasonic Atomization and Degassing of Liquids. Solidification of Metals in an Ultrasonic Field. The Physical Principles of Ultrasonic Treatment of Solid Metals: The Attenuation of Ultrasonic Vibrations in Solids. Structure Changes in Metals on Ultrasonic Stressing. Mechanical Properties of Ultrasonically Irradiated Metals. Diffusion in an Ultrasonic Field. Phase Transformations in Ultrasonically Irradiated Metals. Ultrasound Interaction with the Solid-Solid Contact Surface. High-Intensity Ultrasound in Liquid Metal Technologies: Ultrasonic Degassing of the Melt. Solidification of Metals in an Ultrasonic Field. Ultrasonically Assisted Crystal Growth. Ultrasound in Plating Processes. Ultrasonic Melt Atomization in Powder Metallurgy. The Use of Ultrasound for Preparing In Situ Composites. High-Intensity Ultrasound in Solid Metal Technologies: Ultrasound in Metalworking Processes. Ultrasound in Heat Treatment and Chemical Heat Treatment. Ultrasonic Machining. Ultrasonic Surface Hardening.

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