The manuscripts of the younger romantics
Donald H. Reiman, general editor
Garland Pub
- タイトル別名
A Garland series
A facsimile edition, with scholarly introductions, bibliographical descriptions, and annotations
関連文献: 29件中 1-20を表示
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- Poems 1807-1824 and Beppo : a facsimile of the original manuscripts in the British Library and in the Pforzheimer Collection of the New York Public Library
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Andrew Nichol
Garland Pub. 1998 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 12 所蔵館6館
- Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte and Don Juan Canto VIII and Stanzas from III and IX : illustrating Byron's attitudes toward Napoleon, Wellington, and war
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Cheryl Fallon Giuliano
Garland Pub. 1997 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 11 所蔵館5館
- Fair-copy manuscripts of Shelley's poems in European and American libraries : including Percy Bysshe Shelley's holographs and copies in the hand of Mary W. Shelley, located in the United States, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Switzerland, as well as the holograph draft of Keats's Robin Hood
edited by Donald H. Reiman and Michael O'Neill
Garland Pub. 1997 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Percy Bysshe Shelley ; v. 8 所蔵館8館
- Shelley's 1821-1822 Huntington notebook : a facsimile of Huntington MS. HM 2111 : including translation of scenes from Calderón's El mágico prodigioso, abstract for Acts I and II of Charles the First, drafts of "Remembrance", "The world's wanderers", "Lines: 'we meet not as we parted '", "Lines" ("Far, far away, O ye/Halcyons of memory") together with fragments possibly connected with Charles the First and Hellas, and several other fragments and memoranda
edited by Mary A. Quinn
Garland 1996 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Percy Bysshe Shelley ; v. 7 所蔵館4館
- The Frankenstein notebooks
[transcription and commentary by] Charles E. Robinson
Garland Pub. 1996 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Percy Bysshe Shelley ; v. 9 part 1 , part 2
- The prisoner of Chillon : and, Don Juan, canto IX : a facsimile of the original draft manuscripts in the Beinecke Library of Yale University
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Peter Cochran
Garland Pub. 1995 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 13 所蔵館1館
- Don Juan, cantos XIV and XV manuscript : a facsimile of the original draft manuscripts in the Berg Collection at the New York Public Library
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Andrew Nicholson
Garland Pub. 1995 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 10 所蔵館3館
- Shelley's 1819-1821 Huntington notebook : a facsimile of Huntington MS. HM 2176 : including drafts of Prometheus unbound "Ode to the west wind" "The sensitive plant" "Fragment of a satire on satire" Una Favola : together with minor poems and fragments
edited by Mary A. Quinn
Garland Pub. 1994 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Percy Bysshe Shelley ; v. 6 所蔵館13館
- Don Juan, cantos X, XI, XII and XVII manuscript : a facsimile of the original draft manuscripts in the University of London Library
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Andrew Nicholson
Garland Pub. 1993 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 9 所蔵館12館
- Don Juan, cantos III-IV manuscript : a facsimile of the fair copy manuscripts in the University of London Library
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Andrew Nicholson
Garland Pub. 1992 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 8 所蔵館10館
- The Harvard Shelley poetic manuscripts : facsimiles of the two Harvard Shelley fair-copy notebooks donated by Edward A. Silsbee and manuscripts of Shelley's poetry bequeathed by George E. Woodberry (MS. Eng. 258.2, MS. Eng. 258.3 and fMS. Eng. 822) : together with leaves earlier removed from MS. 258.2 and now in the Bodleian Library and the Pierpont Morgan Library
edited with an introduction and noted by Donald H. Reiman
Garland Pub. 1991 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Percy Bysshe Shelley ; v. 5 所蔵館12館
- Childe Harold's pilgrimage : a critical, composite edition, presenting photographic evidence of the author's revisions, rearrangement, and replacements, stanza by stanza, and canto by canto
edited, with an introduction and notes by David V. Erdman ; with the assistance of David Worrall
Garland Pub. 1991 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 6 所蔵館11館
- The Mask of anarchy draft notebook : a facsimile of the Huntington MS. HM 2177 : including drafts of The mask of anarchy, A vision of the sea, preface to Prometheus unbound, preface to The Cenci, "Ode to Heaven", together with minor poems, fragments, and prose writings
edited by Mary A. Quinn
Garland Pub. 1990 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Percy Bysshe Shelley ; v. 4 所蔵館11館
- Don Juan, cantos VI-VII manuscript
edited and transcribed with an introduction and notes by Andrew Nicholson
Garland Pub. 1989 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 5 所蔵館9館
- Childe Harold's pilgrimage, canto III : a facsimile of the autograph fair copy found in the "Scrope Davies" notebook
edited with an introduction and notes by T.A.J. Burnett
Garland Pub. 1988 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 7 : alk. paper
- The Charles Brown poetry transcripts at Harvard : facsimiles including the fair copy of Otho the Great
edited with an introduction and notes by Jack Stillinger
Garland Pub. 1988 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . John Keats ; v. 7 : alk. paper
- The Woodhouse poetry transcripts at Harvard : a facsimile of the W[2] notebook, with description and contents of the W[1] notebook
edited with an introduction and notes by Jack Stillinger
Garland Pub. 1988 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . John Keats ; v. 6 alk. paper
- Manuscript poems in the British Library : facsimiles of the Hyperion holograph and George Keats's notebook of holographs and transcripts
edited with an introduction and notes by Jack Stillinger
Garland Pub. 1988 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . John Keats ; v. 5 alk. paper
- Miscellaneous poems : a facsimile of the manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library
edited by Alice Levine and Jerome J. McGann ; introduction and notes by Alice Levine
Garland Pub. 1988 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 4 所蔵館13館
- Poems 1819-1822 : poems in the autograph of Lord Byron once in the possession of the Countess Guiccioli : a facsimile of the manuscrpts in the Pierpont Morgan Library
edited by Alice Levine and Jerome J. McGann ; introduction and notes by Alice Levine
Garland Pub. 1988 The manuscripts of the younger romantics / Donald H. Reiman,
general editor . Lord Byron ; v. 3 所蔵館13館
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