The moste profitable and commendable science of surueying
The moste profitable and commendable science of surueying
(The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 397)
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , Da Capo Press, 1971
大学図書館所蔵 全29件
Original t.p. reads: The moste profitable and commendable science, of surueying of landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes: drawen and collected by the industrie of Valentyne Leigh. Whereunto is also annexed by the same authour, a right necessarie treatise, of the measurying of all kyndes of lande, be it meadow, pasture, errable, wood, hill, or dale, and that aswell by certaine easie and compendious rules, as also by an exact and beneficiall table, purposely drawen and devised for that behalfe. Imprinted at London for Andrew Maunfell, Anno Domini, 1577
S.T.C. no. 15416