West Germany's foreign policy : the impact of the Social Democrats and the Greens


West Germany's foreign policy : the impact of the Social Democrats and the Greens

Diane Rosolowsky

(Contributions in political science, no. 192)

Greenwood Press, 1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Bibliography: p. [145]-152

Includes index



This work examines the positions of the Social Democratic and Green parties on the debate within the Federal Republic of Germany concerning security policy, especially as it relates to NATO. Since its founding in 1949, the Atlantic Alliance has provided a framework for relations between the United States and its European allies. The United States is an important NATO member, particularly because of its nuclear commitment to European defense. The Federal Republic of Germany plays a pivotal role in NATO as well, as it is the strongest European member in NATO's integrated command structure, the major contributor of land forces, and, because of its geographic location, NATO's first line of defense. Thus the roles of the United States and West Germany in NATO are both key: the former due to its nuclear capabilities, and the latter because of its conventional force strength and front line position.


The Atlantic Alliance, Neutralism and the Parties of the Left in West Germany The Decade of Neutralism The Social Democrats as Pragmatists Domestic Factors That Influenced the SPD's Defense Policy and the Birth of the Green Party The Theory and Practice of Ostpolitik Value Change and Ideological Neutralism in the Green Party The Alternative to Alliance The New Strategies Debate in the Social Democratic Party Conclusion Selected Bibliography Index

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