Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic
Panorama DDR
関連文献: 40件中 21-40を表示
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- The GDR's National Economic Plan and how it was fulfilled in 1972 : report published by the German Statistical Board of the GDR
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1973] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 1/1973
- National Economic Plan of the GDR for 1973 : Bill adapted by the People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic on 14 December 1972
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1972] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 6/1972
- Interview granted by Erich Honecker, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, to Mr. Cyrus L. Sulzberger, columnist of the New York Times
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1972] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 5/1972
- Constructive GDR policy fore peace and security
speech delivered by Erich Honecker, to mark the constitution of the National Festival Committee of the GDR of the Tenth World Festival of Youth and Students
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1972] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 2/1972
- Good economic achievements in 1971 : the implementation of the 1971 National Economic Plan
report by the Central Statistical Office of the German Democratic Republic
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1971] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 2/1971
- GDR makes gesture of good will : joint decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the SED and the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic : decree on the temporary entry of permanent residents of Berlin (West) into the German Democratic Republic of 23 February 1972
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1972] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 3/1972
- The program of the eighth SED Congress becomes reality : extract from a speech made by Erich Honecker, First Secretaty of the Social Unity Party of Germany, at a Mass Meeting of the SED Leipzig County Organization on 10 March 1972
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1972] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 4/1972
- For the Well-being of us all : The people's Chamber of the GDR adopts the law on the 1971-1975 five-year plan
Verlag Zeit im Bild 1971 Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 4/1971
- Important consultations between CPSU and SED : communique on the visit paid by Leonid Brezhnev General Secretary of the Central Communittee of the CPSU, to the German Democratic Republic
Verlag Zeit im Bild 1971 Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 2/1971
- For the welfare of the people : documents of the Second Session of the People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic of 29 November 1971
Verlag Zeit im Bild 1971 Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 3/1971
- We shall continue on our good road of peace and socialism : New Year's message
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1971] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 1/1971
- No more war German soil! : drawing up the balance, 25 years after the defeat of Hitler Fascism
speech by Professor Albert Norden, member of the political burearu of the Central committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and member of the Presidium of the League fo the GDR for friendship among the peoples on 26 Feburary 1970
Verlag Zeit im Bild 1970 Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic No.3/1970
- Statement of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic republic on the conclusion of the treaty between the USSR and the FRG
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 11/1970
- The lessons of history and the struggle for the preservation of peace
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic no. 10/1970
- Declaration on the implementation of the principles of democratic international law in the German Democratic Republic after the defeat of German fascism by the Soviet Union and the other parties to the anti-Hitler coalition made by the Council of State of the German Democratic Republic on 29 April 1970
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic 1970/6
- Statements by the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR, Willi Stoph, during the talks between the GDR and the FRG in Kassel on 21 May 1970
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic no. 8/1970
- The 25th anniversary of the liberation : speech by Willi Storh, chairman of the council of ministers of the GDR at the festive meeting on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the German people from fascism, on 8 May 1970
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic no. 7/1970
- The GDR - a firm ally in the struggle for peace and security
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic no. 12/1970
- On the talks between Willi Stoph, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR, and Willy Brandt, Federal Chancellor of the FRG, in Erfurt
Verlag zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic no. 4/1970
- Peace initiative of the community of socialist states
Verlag Zeit im Bild [1970] Documents on the policy of the German Democratic Republic no. 13/1970
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