Academic freedom and Catholic higher education


Academic freedom and Catholic higher education

James John Annarelli ; foreword by Charles E. Curran

(Contributions to the study of education, no. 21)

Greenwood Press, c1987


Bibliography: p. [221]-230

Includes index



In recent decades, as the question of academic freedom within Catholic higher education has received greater attention, models and interpretations of academic freedom have been proposed to help Catholic colleges and universities deal with the issue. James Annarelli contends, however, that present Catholic interpretations place unnecessary constraints on these institutions and are inadequate in many other ways. In his study he offers a critical analysis of both Catholic and secular modes of academic freedom and frames a set of criteria applicable to Catholic institutions, while advancing pertinent insights on the issue as a whole.


Foreword by Charles E. Curran Acknowledgments Introduction The Context of the Problem The American Roman Catholic College and University Academic Freedom and the Catholic Campus: The Current State of the Discussion The Secular Model of Academic Freedom in the United States: A Descriptive Overview A Critical Examination of Existing Catholic Approaches to Academic Freedom A Critical Examination of the American Secular Model of Academic Freedom Criteria for Interpreting Academic Freedom in the Catholic Context Selected Bibliography Index

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