Laser spectroscopy VI : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland, June 27-July 1, 1983

Bibliographic Information

Laser spectroscopy VI : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland, June 27-July 1, 1983

editors, H.P. Weber and W. Lüthy

(Springer series in optical sciences, v. 40)

Springler-Verlag, 1983

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Laser spectroscopy 6

Laser spectroscopy sixth

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Photons in Spectroscopy.- Is Field Quantization Essential for Discussing Atoms in Laser Beams?.- Turbulence and 1/f Spectra in Quantum Optics.- "Turbulence" (Chaos) in a Laser.- Physical Applications of Photon Momentum.- Deflection of a Sodium Atomic Beam Light Pressure Exerted by Absorption from a Multiple Laser Beam.- 2 Spectroscopy of Elementary Systems.- A Test of Electroweak Unification: Observation of Parity Violation in Cesium.- Measurement of the Positronium l3S1?23S1 Two-Photon Transition.- Ultraviolet-Infrared Double-Resonance Laser Spectroscopy in 3He and 4He Rydberg States.- Experimental Investigations of the Photoionization Spectra of Lithium Atoms Perturbed by an Intense Magnetic Field.- Precision Lamb Shift Measurement in Helium-Like Li+ with an Automated Michelson Interferometer.- Lamb Shift Measurement in Hydrogenic Phosphorus.- 3 Coherent Processes.- Photon Echoes with Angled Beams.- Stimulated Photon Echoes in Ytterbium Vapour.- Superradiance and Subradiance.- Quantum Beats in the Forward Scattering of Resonance Radiation.- 4 Novel Spectroscopy.- Raman Heterodyne Detection of NMR.- Ionization Detected Raman Spectroscopy.- Velocity-Modulated Infrared Laser Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions.- Laser Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in Plasmas.- Single Eigenstate Polyatomic Molecule Vibrational Spectroscopy at 1-4 eV.- Imaging Laser-Induced Fluorescence Techniques for Combustion Diagnostic.- Laser Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Atoms.- Rotational Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions by Laser Magnetic Resonance.- Optically-Induced Spin Polarizations in Transition Metal Complexes and Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Room Temperature.- Electron Spectrometry Study of Ionization in a Laser-Excited Atomic Vapor.- Resonant Multiphoton Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Radicals in Flames.- Optogalvanic Double Resonance Spectroscopy of Atomic and Molecular Discharges.- Level-Crossing Optogalvanic Spectroscopy.- 5 High Selectivity Spectroscopy.- A Pulsed Laser Ionization Source for an Ultrasensitive Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer.- Single Molecule Detection Using CVL-Pumped Dye Lasers.- On the Way to the Laser Highly-Selective Detection of Very Rare Isotopes Against the Background of Abundant Isotopes.- 6 High Resolution Spectroscopy.- Longitudinal Ramsey Fringe Spectroscopy in an Atomic Beam.- Holeburning and Coherent Transient Spectroscopy of CaF2: Pr3+.- High Precision Measurements of Atomic Level Splittings by Means of Periodic Pumping with Picosecond Light Pulses.- High Resolution Correlation Spectroscopy Using Broad-Band Lasers.- High-Sensitivity Doppler-Free Spectroscopy via Four-Wave Mixing.- High-Resolution, Fast-Beam/Laser Interactions: Saturated Absorption, Two-Photon Absorption, and rf-Laser Double Resonances.- Selection of Motionless Atoms with Optical Pumping.- Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear Hanle Effect: Subnatural Spectroscopy of the 3P0,1,2 Calcium Metastable Triplet Produced in a Hollow Cathode Discharge.- Subnatural Linewidth Effects in Polarization Spectroscopy.- State-Dependent Hyperfine Coupling of HF Studied with a Frequency-Controlled Color-Center Laser Spectrometer.- Doppler-free Two-Photon Electronic Spectra of Large Molecules with Resolution Near the Natural Linewidth.- Near UV High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy the Rovibronic Spectra of Large Organic Molecules and Their van der Waals Complexes.- The High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Cyclopropane V9+V10 Combination Band Perturbed by Fermi Resonance.- Doppler-free Optoacoustic Spectroscopy Ammonia.- Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Supercooled Molecular Jet Using a Tunable Diode Laser.- High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy on SH in a Molecular Beam.- Direct Optical Detection of Ramsey Fringes in a Supersonic Beam of SF6.- 7 Cooling and Trapping.- Laser Cooling of Free Neutral Atoms in an Atomic Beam.- Precision Measurements of Laser Cooled 9Be+ Ions.- Experimental Determination of the Energy of Ions Stored in a Quadrupole Trap from Their Microwave Doppler Spectrum.- Ultraviolet Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in a Radiofrequency Ion Trap.- 8 Collisions and Thermal Effects on Spectroscopy.- Collision-Induced Population Gratings and Zeeman Coherences in the 32S Ground State of Sodium.- Role of Collisions in Second Harmonic Generation in Alkali Vapors.- Heating of Atoms by Collisionally Assisted Radiative Excitation.- Fine Structure Collisions Between Selectively Excited Rubidium Atoms in Intermediate D-States.- Quantum Diffractive Velocity Changing Collisions of Two Level Optical Radiators.- Time Resolved Study of Superelastic Collisions in Laser Excited Strontium Vapor.- Time Dependence and Intensity Correlations in the Resonance Fluorescence Triplet of Perturbed Atoms.- Picosecond Resolution of the Dynamical Inhomogeneous Fluorescence of Large Compounds, Related to Conformational Changes and Bath Effects.- Picosecond Studies of Molecular Dynamics in Solution.- Formation of Potassium Ultrafine Particles in a Laser-Produced Supersaturated Region.- 9 Atomic Spectroscopy.- Recent Progress in Laser Spectroscopy on Unstable Nuclides.- Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Fusion Produced Indium Isotopes.- Determination of the Isotope Shift of Neutron-Deficient Gold Isotopes.- Laser Spectroscopy on Group III Atoms.- 10 Rydberg-State Spectroscopy.- Planetary Atoms.- Resonant Multiphoton Ionization via Rydberg States - Angular Distributions of Photoelectrons.- Laser Spectroscopy of Rydberg Autoionization States of Rare-Earth Element Tm.- Observation of Energy Level Shifts of Rydberg Atoms Due to Thermal Fields.- Laserspectroscopy at Principal Quantum Numbers n > 100: Hyperfine-Induced n-Mixing.- Precise Determination of Singlet-Triplet Mixing in 4snd Rydberg States of Calcium.- Radiative Properties of Rydberg Atoms in Resonant Cavities.- The Atomic Rydberg Spectrum in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields: Experimental Evidence of a New Quantization Law.- Low Field Linear Stark Effect of High Lying Quasi Hydrogenic Rydberg States.- Decoupling Between Electronic and Nuclear Motion in Superexcited Rydberg States of Na2.- Laser Double Resonance Spectroscopy of Molecular Rydberg States.- 11 Molecular Spectroscopy.- Crossed Molecular Beam and Laser Spectroscopy of the Triplet State b3?u of Na2.- Laser Spectroscopy of Hg2 Molecules.- Photoacoustic Laser Spectroscopy of High Vibrational Overtones of the Si-H Local Mode in Silanes.- Laser Stark Spectroscopy of Carbon Dioxide in a Molecular Beam.- The Visible Spectrum of Jet-Cooled CC1F2NO.- 12 Transient Spectroscopy.- Laser Induced Fluorescence from a Molecule in the Process of Falling Apart.- Infrared Laser Spectroscopy and Vibrational Predissociation of van der Waals Clusters of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons.- Infrared Vibrational Predissociation Spectroscopy of van der Waals Clusters.- Vibrational and Rotational Level Dependence of the S1 Decay of Propynal in a Supersonic Free Jet.- Two Photon Spectroscopy and Kinetics of Xe Dimers.- Absorption Radiolysis of Short Lived Excited Species Using a Long Pulse Dye Laser.- Novel Method of Transient Spectroscopy in Laser Cavity.- Transients in a Far-Infrared Laser.- 13 Surface Spectroscopy.- Surface Enhancement on Large Metal Spheres: Dynamic Depolarization.- Recent Studies on Second-Harmonic Generation as a Surface Probe.- State Selective Study of Vibrationally Excited NO Scattering from Surfaces.- Infrared Laser Stimulated Molecular Interaction with Solid Surfaces.- Surface Photoacoustic Wave Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Molecules.- Surface Vibrational Studies by Infrared Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy.- The Effect of Oxygen on the Sputtering of Metastable Atoms and Ions from Ba Metal.- Laser Spectroscopy on a Liquid Surface.- 14 NL-Spectroscopy.- Breakdown of the Impact Approximation in the Pressure-Induced Hanle Resonance in Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing.- Hybrid Four-Wave Mixing in Liquid Pyridine.- Spectral Narrowing and Related Effects of Collision Dynamics in Resonant Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing.- Pulse Shortening in Saturated Phase Conjugation.- Transients in Optical Bistability Near the Critical Point.- Chaos in Liquid Crystal Hybrid Optical Bistable Devices.- 15 Raman and CARS.- High-Repetition-Rate Raman Generation of Infrared Radiation.- High Resolution cw CARS Spectroscopy in a Supersonic Expansion.- High Resolution Coherent Raman Spectroscopy for Supersonic Flow Measurements.- CARS Study of Vibrationally Excited H2 Formed in Formaldehyde Photolysis.- High Resolution CARS Spectroscopy of Gases in the Cavity of a cw Argon Ion Ring Laser.- Direct CARS Observation of IR-Excited Vibrational States of Sulfur Hexafluoride.- CARS Study of the v2-Band of Liquid Benzene.- CARS-Spectra of Free Radicals and Reaction-Products in Laser-Photolysis Experiments.- 16 Double Resonance and Multiphoton Processes.- Laser-Microwave Polarization Spectroscopy of Radicals.- Ultraviolet-Microwave Double Resonance Spectroscopy on OH.- Laser-RF Double Resonance in Molecular Crystals.- Diode Infrared Laser Double Resonance Spectroscopy of CDF3.- Reorientation of Molecules Studied by Laser-Double Resonance Spectroscopy in a Molecular Beam.- The Marriage of Multiphoton Excitation Spectroscopy and Optical Harmonic Generation.- Multiphoton Processes with a Resonant Intermediate Transition.- Infrared Multiple-Photon Absorption of SF6 and CF3Br in a Variable Temperature Molecular Beam.- Dynamics of Multiphoton Excitation of CF3Br Studied in Supersonic Molecular Beam by Means of One or Two Laser Frequencies.- Two-Color Multiphoton Ionization Studies.- Molecular Multiphoton-Ionisation-Resonance-Spectroscopy of NO.- Collisionless Multiquantum Ionization of Atomic Species with 193 nm Radiation.- A Study on the Photo-Dissociation of Protein Molecules Under Laser Action and the Two-Photon-Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Biomolecules.- 17 XUV - VUV Generation.- Laser Techniques for Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.- Generation of 35 nm Coherent Radiation.- Stimulated Extreme Ultraviolet Emission at 93 nm in Krypton.- Generation of Coherent Tunable VUV Radiation.- Two-Photon Resonant, Four-Wave Mixing in Xenon-Argon Gas Mixtures.- Generation of Tunable VUV Radiation and Higher Order Nonlinear Optical Processes in Atomic and Molecular Gases.- Pulsed Supersonic Jets in VUV and XUV Generation.- Stimulated Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission Following Two-Photon Excitation of H2.- New Directions in Anti-Stokes Raman Lasers.- 18 New Laser Sources and Detectors.- Sum Frequency Generation of Narrowband cw 194 nm Radiation in Potassium Pentaborate.- Generation of cw Radiation Near 243 nm by Sum Frequency Mixing, Saturation Spectroscopy of the 6p3P0 - 9s3S1 Transition in Mercury at 246.5 nm.- Angle-Matched Doubling in LiIO3, Intracavity to a Ring Dye Laser.- New Developments in Optically Pumped Dimer Lasers and Anti-Stokes Raman Laser Investigations in Atomic Tl.- A 10-THz Scan Range Dye Laser, with 0.5-MHz Resolution and Integral Wavelength Readout.- CW Synchronously Pumped IR Dye Lasers. New Dyes for Laser Action up to 1.8 m.- Yttrium-Erbium-Aluminum Garnet Crystal Laser.- Lamb Dip Spectroscopy Using Tunable Laser Sidebands.- Demonstration of Broadband Schottky Barrier Mixers for Visible Laser Light and Application to High-Resolution Spectroscopy.- New Point-Contact Diodes for Laser Spectroscopy.- Rectification and Harmonic Generation with MIM Diodes in the Mid-Infrared.- Index of Contributors.

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