Rewards and punishments in the Arthurian romances and lyric poetry of mediaeval France : essays presented to Kenneth Varty on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday

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Rewards and punishments in the Arthurian romances and lyric poetry of mediaeval France : essays presented to Kenneth Varty on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday

edited by Peter V. Davies and Angus J. Kennedy

(Arthurian studies, 17)

D.S. Brewer, 1987

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English and French

"Selective bibliography of Kenneth Varty's published and forthcoming works": p. xi-xvii

Includes references

Description and Table of Contents


The essays in this volume, a Festschrift for Professor Kenneth Varty, are centred on the relatively unexplored theme of rewards and punishments in French Arthurian romance and the medieval lyric. The Arthurian studies range over verse (Beroul, Chretien, Jean Renart, the Roman de Silence) and prose (Robert de Boron, the Queste del Saint Graal, Perlesvaus, Lancelot and the Tristan), reflecting a variety of different approaches, from an examination of the legal background to the work of Beroul to an iconographical survey of hitherto undiscussed and unpublished Tristan illustrations to close textual analysis of an episode in Robert de Boron's Joseph and Merlin.

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    D.S. Brewer , Distributed in the United States of America by Biblio Distribution Centre

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