Continuity and change in France


Continuity and change in France

edited by Vincent Wright

G. Allen & Unwin, 1984


Includes bibliographies and index

  • Introduction / by V. Wright
  • The president's men / by H. Machin
  • The Giscardians, the Republican Party / by Ella Searls
  • The Giscardian politico-administrative elite / by P. Birnbaum
  • The social policies of Giscard d'Estaing / by X. Gardette
  • Industrial policy and policy-making, 1974-82 / by Diana Green
  • From planning the French economy to planning the French state / by J. Hayward
  • The presidency and the media, 1974-82 / by R. Kuhn
  • Central control and local resistence / by Yves Mény
  • Europeanisation and the pursuit of national interests / by R. Formesyn