Valence, semantic case, and grammatical relations : papers prepared for the Working Group "Valence and Semantic Case," 12th International Congress of Linguists, University of Vienna, Austria, August 29 to September 3, 1977


Valence, semantic case, and grammatical relations : papers prepared for the Working Group "Valence and Semantic Case," 12th International Congress of Linguists, University of Vienna, Austria, August 29 to September 3, 1977

edited by Werner Abraham

(Studies in language companion series / series editors, Werner Abraham, Michael Noonan, v. 1)

Benjamins, 1978


English, French, or German with summaries in English

Includes bibliographies


ISBN 9789027209610


Der Stricker war ein deutscher Fabeldichter, der in der ersten Halfte des 13. Jahrhunderts lebte. In dieser Publikation wird versucht der harrenden Frage, "welche Stellenwert der Stricker in der nachklassischen Romantradition genau eingenommen hat" eine Loesung zu liefern; besonders wird Strickers Daniel von dem Bluhenden Tal behandelt.


  • 1. 1. Kapitel: Stand der Forschung
  • 2. 2. Kapitel: Uberlegungen zur Methodik
  • 3. 3. Kapitel: Strukturuntersuchung zur Zahlenkomposition
  • 4. I. Codex Ms. germ. qu. 111 [= h]
  • 5. II. Codex Bibl. Thott. Nr. 423 in fol. [= k]
  • 6. 4. Kapitel: Vergleichende Interpretation
  • 7. Schlussbemerkung
  • 8. Literaturverzeichnis

ISBN 9789027209627


The papers in this volume have been grouped in three thematic parts: Valence which plays a key concept in the syntactic classification of verbs and adjectives, provides a necessary link for decoding and encoding grammatical relations, and is an important requisite for the evaluation of formal languages for the purpose of describing and explaining phenomena of natural language. The second group of papers concerns the notion of (deep) case and the implications of tracing a grammatical theory on semantic case. The final series of papers is distinguished by the degree of accent it puts on the link between linguistic surface phenomena, including semantic case, and grammatical relations, in the sense that it has been postulated by Universal Grammar.


  • 1. Introductory remarks
  • 2. 1. Valence: From heuristic problems to a strictly defined notion of valence-boundness
  • 3. Uber einige Regularitaten in den Valenzeigenschaften der verbalen Streckformen vom Bautyp "Prapositionale nominale Komponente + verbale Komponente" (In Bewegung sein, kommen, bringen) (by Abramov, B.)
  • 4. Uber kommunikative Notwendigkeit und Valenz (by Bluhm, H.)
  • 5. On the possibility of distinguighing between complements and adjuncts (by Vater, Heinz)
  • 6. Three aspects of valence (by Ruzicka, Rudolf)
  • 7. Valenzgrammatische Untersuchung zu fakultativen Spezialisierungen im Franzosischen (by Hesse, B.)
  • 8. Valence frames in standard form and corresponding frames of individual languages (by Rothkegel, Annely)
  • 9. A reconstruction of the notion of valence within a grammar with a lambda-categorial base (by Ballweg, J.)
  • 10. Valence in categorial syntax (by Guenther, Hartmut)
  • 11. On valence-binding grammars (by Frosch, Helmut)
  • 12. 2. Semantic case: Toward a sharper understanding of case notions and selection criteria
  • 13. Case grammar and valence theory at a stalemate? Their relevance for semantic memory (by Fink, St.)
  • 14. Lexical entries for verbs in a contrastive lexicon English-German (by Boas, Hans Ulrich)
  • 15. Semantische Verknupfungen und Kasus (by Figge, Udo L.)
  • 16. A la recherche d'une grammaire des cas. Ses rapports avec la syntaxe et le lexique (by Willems, Dominique)
  • 17. Case grammar and viability (by Omamor, A.P.)
  • 18. A case grammar matrix model (and its application to a Hemingway text) (by Cook, Walter A.)
  • 19. Stimulus as a semantic role (by Blansitt, Jr., E.L.)
  • 20. Can 'area' be taken out of the waste-basket? (by Radden, Gunter)
  • 21. Defining semantic roles in derived adjectives (by Dirven, Rene)
  • 22. Ist der Universalitatsanspruch der Kasusgrammatik berechtigt? (by Pleines, J.)
  • 23. 3. The interlocking of coding and control features with grammatical relations
  • 24. Die Beziehungen zwischen semantischen Kasusrelationen und syntaktischen Satzgliedfunktionen: Der freie Dativ (by Rosengren, Inger)
  • 25. Case-grammar as componential analysis (by Potts, T.C.)
  • 26. The one per sent solution (by Starosta, Stanley)
  • 27. Nominal inflection in Pamanyungan (by Klokeid, T.J.)
  • 28. Restructuring of noun-cases in syntax. Why 'anti-' will not do (by Collinge, N.E.)
  • 29. Ergative language, accessibility hierarchies governing reflexives and questions of formal analysis (by Edmondson, Jerold A.)
  • 30. On the derivative status of grammatical relations (by Anderson, Stefhen J.)
  • 31. Epilogue
  • 32. Valence and case: Remarks on their contribution to the identification of grammatical relations (by Abraham, Werner)

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