Drug dependence and alcoholism, forensic psychiatry, military psychiatry
Drug dependence and alcoholism, forensic psychiatry, military psychiatry
(Psychiatry, the state of the art, v. 6)
Plenum Press, c1985
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
"Proceedings of the VII World Congress of Psychiatry, held July 11-16, 1983, in Vienna, Austria"--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographies and indexes
The purpose of the World Psychiatric Association is to coordinate the activities of its Member Societies on a world-wide scale and to advance enquiry into the etiology, pathology, and treatment of mental illness. To further this purpose, the Association organizes mono- or multi thematic Regional Symposia in different parts of the world twice a year, and World Congresses dealing with all individual fields of psychiatry once every five or six years. Between these meetings the continuation of the Association's scientific work is assured through the activities of its specialty sections, each covering an important field of psychiatry. The programs of the World Congresses reflect on the one hand the intention to present the coordinating functions of the Association and on the other to open a broad platform for a free exchange of views. Thus, the VII World Congress of Psychiatry, held in Vienna from July 11 to 16, 1983, was composed of two types of scientific events - those structured by the Association and those left to the initiative of the participants. The first type comprised Plenary Sessions, planned by the Scientific Program Committee, and Section Symposia, organized by the WPA sections; the second embraced Free Symposia, free papers, video sessions, and poster presentations prepared by the participants. Altogether, 10 Plenary Sessions, 52 Section Symposia, and 105 Free Symposia took place, and 78 free papers and poster sessions and 10 video sessions were held.
Drug Dependency and Alcoholism.- The Challenge of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders: Are They the Number One Health Problem for Psychiatry?.- Diagnosis of Alcoholism.- Biological Psychiatry of Chronic Alcoholism and of the Postwithdrawal Syndrome.- Forensic Psychiatry.- New Horizons in Psychiatry and Legislation.- The Role of the Psychiatrist as an Expert in Court Procedures: Changing Patterns and New Trends.- The Psychiatrist’s Response to Repression.- Mental Health Needs of Victims of Violence.- Infanticide and Incest: Cross-Cultural Perspectives.- The Role of Psychiatry in the Treatment of Delinquents in a Correctional Setting.- Terrorists and Terrorism.- Mass Murder.- Military Psychiatry.- International Studies in Military Psychiatry.- Addendum.- Author Index.- Summary Contents of Volume I – VIII.
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