
The peoples of the Soviet Union

Viktor Kozlov ; introduced by Michael Rywkin ; translated by Pauline M. Tiffen

(The Second world)

Hutchinson , Indiana University Press, 1988

  • : U.S.
  • : U.K.


Nat︠s︡ionalʹnosti SSSR

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Translation of: Nat︠s︡ionalʹnosti SSSR

Bibliography: p. [249]-253

Includes index



A survey of the Soviet Union's ethnic map, this book explores the interplay between ethnic, nationalist and social factors in the USSR.


  • History and ethnic geography - formation of ethnic areas and population growth to 1917, religious and anthropological composition of the Russian population, tsarist policy and the nationality question in the RSDWP programme, nationality policy since 1917 - the construction of ethnic states, the population growth in the republics of the USSR
  • geography and urbanization - general picture of population distribution, ethnic aspects of urbanization, changes in population distribution by republic, ethnic diversity within the republics of the USSR
  • demography and ethnic populations - dynamics of natural growth of the ethnic population until the mid-1920s, ethno-demographic situation according to the 1926 census, demographic processes 1926-1959, changes in the ethno-demographic situation, 1959-1970 and beyond
  • ethnography and processes of ethnic transformation - main types of ethnic processes in the USSR, linguistic-cultural development of the peoples of the USSR, ethno-linguistic processes in the USSR, ethnically mixed marriages, processes of ethnic transformation and growth of the peoples of the USSR.

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