Common problems/proper solutions : avoiding error in quantitative research


Common problems/proper solutions : avoiding error in quantitative research

edited by J. Scott Long

(Sage focus editions, 94)

Sage Publications, c1988

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 25



Bibliography: p. 316-332



Statistical and methodological errors are fairly universal in all the social sciences. This unique volume investigates the following questions: what are the most common errors, and how can they be avoided? Common Problems/Proper Solutions identifies and corrects these errors and provides clear statements concerning methodological issues. Long groups the problems into two broad types: omission where researchers fail to apply methods ideal to a topic; and commission where a technique is inappropriately applied. Each article addresses a specific aspect of these problems. This volume encourages further communication between methodological specialists and quantitative researchers, and highlights the important relationship between substantive research and statistical methods.


Introduction - J Scott Long Measurement and the Interpretation of Effects in Structural Equation Models - Duane F Alwin Direct and Indirect Effects in Linear Structural Equation Models - Michael E Sobel Estimating Multiequation Models with Correlated Disturbances - Lowell L Hargens Problems in the Use and Interpretation of Product Variables - Gene A Fisher The Statistical Comparison of Groups - J Scott Long and Terance D Miethe Endogenous Switching Regression Models for the Causes and Effects of Discrete Variables - Robert D Mare and Christopher Winship Practical Issues in Structural Modeling - P M Bentler and Chih-Ping Chou Assessment of Fit in Overidentified Models with Latent Variables - Blair Wheaton Some Common Problems in Log-Linear Analysis - Clifford C Clogg and Scott R Eliason Interpreting the Parameters of Log-Linear Models - Richard D Alba Latent Class Analysis - James W Shockey An Introduction to Discrete Data Models with Unobserved Variables

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