
How to assess program implementation

Jean A. King, Lynn Lyons Morris, Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon

(Program evaluation kit, 5)

Sage Publications, c1987

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references (p. 128) and index



Extensively revised to reflect modern views of program implementation, this volume introduces the variety of functions served by implementation studies and the roles played by qualitative and quantitative data. The reader is shown the importance of assessing how a program design works in actual practice--and is given the planning tools and procedures to make assessment happen. The evaluator's role in documenting, describing, observing and assessing how a program is implemented is covered in detail. Step-by-step guidelines are provided for identifying key program processes and arrangements for assessment, for selecting optimal strategies for conducting the assessment, and for developing and analyzing questionnaires, interviews, observations, and program records.


Assessing Program Implementation An Overview Initial Planning Deciding What to Measure Planning for Data Collection Methods for Assessing Program Implementation Program Records Methods for Assessing Program Implementation Questionnaires and Interviews Methods for Assessing Program Implementation Observations Summarizing, Analyzing, and Reporting Your Data

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