
Personality and interpersonal communication

edited by James C. McCroskey and John A. Daly

(Sage series in interpersonal communication, v. 6)

Sage Publications, c1987

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Bibliography: p. 340-349

Includes index



Should studies of personality be central to communication research? Should the usefulness of the individual differences approach to interpersonal communication be questioned? McCroskey and Daly - while not negating the value of situational research - stress the importance of communication research which focuses on individual differences, particularly personality-type differences. This comprehensive and in-depth study will show those who tend to overestimate the influence of the situation that the person is also a critical part of the communication equation.


PART ONE: PERSPECTIVES Personality and Interpersonal Communication - John A Daly Issues and Directions Personality and Communication - Thomas M Steinfatt Classical Approaches PART TWO: COMMUNICATION ORIENTATIONS Willingness to Communicate - James C McCroskey and Virginia P Richmond Aggressiveness - Dominic A Infante PART THREE: SOCIAL ORIENTATIONS Social Involvement - Robert A Bell Style - Virginia Eman Wheeless and William B Lashbrook PART FOUR: INFORMATION PROCESSING ORIENTATIONS Self-Conception and Social Information Processing - Charles R Berger Cognitive Complexity - Brant R Burleson

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