
Metals and inorganic sections

section editor, L. D. Calvert and E. J. Gabe

(Structure reports / general editor J. Trotter)

Oosthoek, Scheltema & Holkema, 1975-

  • for 1971 : vol. 37A
  • for 1972 : vol. 38A
  • for 1973 : vol. 39A
  • for 1974 : vol. 40A
  • for 1975 : vol. 41A
  • Index, supplement for 1974-1975
  • for 1976 : vol. 42A
  • for 1977 : vol. 43A
  • for 1978 : vol. 44A
  • for 1979 : vol. 45A
  • for 1980 : vol. 46A
  • for 1981 : vol. 48A
  • for 1982 : vol. 49A
  • for 1983 : vol. 50A
  • for 1984 : vol. 51A
  • for 1985 : vol. 52A
  • for 1986 : vol. 53A
  • for 1987 : vol. 54A
  • for 1988 : vol. 55A
  • for 1989 : vol. 56A
  • for 1990 : vol. 57A

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    for 1971 : vol. 37A459.96//S00013986419, for 1972 : vol. 38A459.96//S00013986435, for 1973 : vol. 39A459.96//S00013986468, for 1974 : vol. 40A459.96//S00013986484, for 1975 : vol. 41A459.96//S00013986518, for 1976 : vol. 42A459.96//S00013986542, for 1977 : vol. 43A459.96//S00013986575, for 1978 : vol. 44A459.96//S00013986609, for 1979 : vol. 45A459.96//S00013986633, for 1980 : vol. 46A459.96//S00013986666, for 1981 : vol. 48A459.96//S00013986708

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    for 1974 : vol. 40A548:T858:40A7600040252, for 1975 : vol. 41A548:T858:41A7600040260, Index, supplement for 1974-1975548:T858:I-A7600040336, for 1976 : vol. 42A548:T858:42A7600040278, for 1977 : vol. 43A548:T858:43A7600040286, for 1978 : vol. 44A548:T858:44A7600040294

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    for 1974 : vol. 40A459.9||SR05805563, for 1975 : vol. 41A459.9||SR05805590

  • 立教大学 図書館

    for 1974 : vol. 40A88-31316, for 1976 : vol. 42A88-31319, for 1977 : vol. 43A88-31322, for 1978 : vol. 44A88-31323, for 1979 : vol. 45A88-31328, for 1980 : vol. 46A89-32523, for 1981 : vol. 48A89-32524, for 1984 : vol. 51A87-38920, for 1985 : vol. 52A89-32525

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'Published for the International Union of Crystallography'

1976-1979: published by Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema

1980-1987: published by D. Reidel

1988- : published by Kluwer

for 1972 : vol. 38A - for 1974 : vol. 40A / section editor, L. D. Calvert and J. Trotter

for 1978 : vol. 44A - for 1979 : vol. 45A / general editor, J. Trotter ; section editor, L. D. Calvert and J. Trotter

for 1985 : vol. 52A / general editor, G. Ferguson ; section editor, J. Trotter

for 1989 : vol. 56A / general editor G. Ferguson, section editor J. Trotter

Index, supplement for 1974-1975 : 60-year structure index supplement for 1974-1975. A. Metals and inorganic compounds



for 1988 : vol. 55A ISBN 9780792306481


Continues the aim of Structure reports to present critical accounts of all crystallographic structure determinations of metals and of inorganic compounds. Published for the International Union of Crystallography. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

for 1990 : vol. 57A ISBN 9780792316725


This volume is part of a series of reports, which are published annually and are divided into two main sections - metals and inorganic compounds. The format of information in individual reports is: names, formulae, papers reported, unit cell and space group data, details of analysis, atomic positions, inter-atomic distances and angles, description and discussion of the structure (with diagrams), and additional references. The subject index is based on the names of the substances as given in the heading of the individual reports. Each volume has also an author index. In addition, cumulative indexes are published as separate volumes. The Reports make the search through hundreds of journals unnecessary, as each volume gives the essence of one year's worldwide literature on crystal structure determinations. The series thus forms a major bank of information.


Metals.- Inorganic Compounds.- Indexes.- Metals formula index.- Corrigenda.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Structure reports

    general editor J. Trotter

    Oosthoek, Scheltema & Holkema [19--]-

    for 1940-1941 : vol. 8 , for 1942-1944 : vol. 9 , for 1945-1946 : vol. 10 , for 1947-1948 : vol. 11 , for 1949 : vol. 12 , for 1950 : vol. 13 , supplementary volume and cumulative index for 1940-1950 : vol. 14 , for 1951 : vol. 15 , for 1952 : vol. 16 , for 1953 : vol. 17 , for 1954 : vol. 18 , for 1955 : vol. 19 , for 1956 : vol. 20 , for 1957 : vol. 21 , for 1958 : vol. 22 , for 1959 : vol. 23 , for 1960 : vol. 24 , cumulative index for 1951-1960 : vol. 25 , for 1961 : vol. 26 , for 1962 : vol. 27 , for 1963 : vol. 28 , for 1964 : vol. 29 , for 1965 : vol. 30A , for 1965 : vol. 30B , for 1966 : vol. 31A , for 1966 : vol. 31B , for 1967 : vol. 32A , for 1967 : vol. 32B , for 1968 : vol. 33A , for 1968 : vol. 33B , for 1969 : vol. 34A , for 1969 : vol. 34B , for 1970 : vol. 35A , for 1970 : vol. 35B , cumulative index for 1961-1970 vol. 36 , 60-year structure index 1913-1973, A , 60-year structure index 1913-1973, B , for 1971 : vol. 37A , for 1971 : vol. 37B , for 1972 : vol. 38A , for 1973 : vol. 39A , for 1973 : vol. 39B



  • ISBN
    • 9031300470
    • 9031300497
    • 903130073X
    • 9031301779
    • 9031302473
    • 9031302627
    • 9031303119
    • 9031303518
    • 0792302397
    • 9027727546
    • 9027724709
    • 9027723850
    • 9027727082
    • 0792302125
    • 0792306481
    • 0792310780
    • 079231672X
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    25 cm
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