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no. 17 ISBN 9780847676583
A collection of articles from the publication "Medievalia et Humanistica" which devotes itself specifically to medieval and Renaissance culture. Topics considered include "The Knight's Tale", the Florentine Renaissance and the nobility of later medieval England.
Chapter 1 Editorial Notes Chapter 2 Preface Chapter 3 Just War as Concept and Motive in the Central Middle Ages Chapter 4 Martial & Seneca: A Renaissance Perspective Chapter 5 "As Thynketh Yow": Conflicting Evidence and the Interpretation of the Franklins Tale Chapter 6 Imagery of the City of Thebes and The Knights Tale Chapter 7 Piety, Politics, and Social Commitment in Capgrave's Life of St. Katherine Chapter 8 Aeneid to Eneados: Theory and Practice of Gavin Douglas's Translation Chapter 9 Church Reform and Social Structure in Western Europe Chapter 10 Habitats and Habitudes Chapter 11 Saints, Scholars, and Royal Councilor Chapter 12 Celtic Fringe or Celtic Center? Rethinking Medieval Welsh and Irish History Chapter 13 Nobility of Later Medieval England Chapter 14 Burckhardtian Legacies Chapter 15 Florentine Renaissance: Before, During, and After Chapter 16 Italian Renaissance Medals
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no. 23 ISBN 9780847682720
Since its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication in America to devote itself entirely to medieval and Renaissance studies. Since 1970, a new series, sponsored by the Modern Language Association of America and edited by an international board of distinguished scholars and critics, has published significant scholarship, criticism, and reviews treating all facets of medieval and Renaissance culture: history, art, literature, music, science, law, economics, and philosophy.
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new ser., no. 38 ISBN 9781442220522
Since its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication in America to devote itself entirely to medieval and Renaissance studies. Since 1970, a new series, sponsored by the Modern Language Association of America and edited by an international board of distinguished scholars and critics, has published interdisciplinary articles. In yearly hardcover volumes, the new series publishes significant scholarship, criticism, and reviews treating all facets of medieval and Renaissance culture: history, art, literature, music, science, law, economics, and philosophy.
Volume 38 showcases a broad range of medieval scholarship, including five original articles that explore French, English, Italian, and Latin subjects. The volume also features one review article and seven review notices that illustrate the volume’s interdisciplinary scope.
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new ser., no. 39 ISBN 9781442226739
Since its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication in America to devote itself entirely to medieval and Renaissance studies. Since 1970, a new series, sponsored by the Modern Language Association of America and edited by an international board of distinguished scholars and critics, has published interdisciplinary articles. In yearly hardcover volumes, the new series publishes significant scholarship, criticism, and reviews treating all facets of medieval and Renaissance culture: history, art, literature, music, science, law, economics, and philosophy.
Volume 39 showcases the interdisciplinary nature of the series with five articles on topics ranging from Christian-Jewish controversies, the Muses, and medieval comedy. It features a final essay from Medievalia et Humanistica's longtime editor Paul Maurice Clogan. Volume 39 also includes seven review notices.
- Editorial Note
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Articles for Future Volumes
In Memoriam Paul Maurice Clogan (1931-2012)
Reinhold F. Glei
Mountains as a Novel Staging Ground in Late-Medieval/Early Modern Literature: Felix Fabri's Evagatorium (1493), Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini's Historia Austrialis (after 1452) and Emperor Maximilian's Tewrdank from 1517
Albrecht Classen
"I still retain the Empire of my Minde": Thomas Ross's Continuation of Silius Italicus (1661
- 1672)
Eva von Contzen
Liturgical and Sacramental Imagery in the Disputation between a Christian and a Jew
Luuk Houwen
Con le Muse in Parnaso: Classical and Medieval Mythography on the Pierides and a Possible Source for Giovanni Boccaccio
Simona Lorenzini
Narrative, Elegy, Parody: The Medieval Latin Comedy Pamphilus, Gliscerium et Birria
Kurt Smolak
Review Notices
Bowers, John M., An Introduction to the "Gawain" Poet.
(Maik Goth)
Jansen, Katherine L., Drell, Joanna and Andrews, Frances, eds., Medieval Italy: Texts in Translation.
(James A. Palmer)
Lopez-Morillas, Consuelo, El Coran de Toledo. Edicion y estudio del ms. 235 de la Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha.
(Ana Echevarria Arsuaga)
Ritter, Carolin, Ovidius redivivus. Die Epistulae Heroides des Mark Alexander Boyd. Edition, UEbersetzung und Kommentar der Briefe Atalanta Meleagro (1), Eurydice Orpheo (6), Philomela Tereo (9), Venus Adoni (15).
(Christoph Pieper)
Schneider, Bernd and Meckelnborg, Christina, eds., Odyssea Homeri a Francisco Griffolino Aretino in Latinum translata. Die lateinische Odyssee-UEbersetzung des Francesco Griffolini.
(Wolfgang Polleichtner)
Wilkens, Karsten, ed., Johannes Gaza: Bacchi Piratae. Eine humanistische Warnung vor dem Alkohol (1531). Einleitung, Edition, Kommentar und Versuch einer Einordnung.
(Markus Stachon)
Zacher, Samantha. Preaching the Converted: The Style and Rhetoric of the Vercelli Book Homilies.
(Mary Dockray-Miller)
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new ser., no. 40 ISBN 9781442243002
Since its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication in America to devote itself entirely to medieval and Renaissance studies. Since 1970, a new series, sponsored by the Modern Language Association of America and edited by an international board of distinguished scholars and critics, has published interdisciplinary articles. In yearly hardcover volumes, the new series publishes significant scholarship, criticism, and reviews treating all facets of medieval and Renaissance culture: history, art, literature, music, science, law, economics, and philosophy.
Volume 40 showcases the interdisciplinary nature of the series with five articles on topics such as the image of Jews in Christian medieval literature, Trojan legends in Dante, and thirteenth-century French love poetry. Volume 40 also includes eight review notices that illustrate the volume’s interdisciplinary scope.
Editorial Note
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Articles for Future Volumes
India Perceived through the Eyes of Sixteenth-Century Readers:
Ludovico de Varthema’s Bestseller on the Early Modern Book
Markets—A Narrative Landmark of the Emerging Positive
Evaluation of curiositas (Together with a Study of Balthasar
Sprenger’s Travelogue on India)
Albrecht Classen
The Image of Judaism in Nicholas of Cusa’s Writings
Görge K. Hasselhoff
Some Remarks on the Hymn to Light of Dracontius
(Laudes Dei 1,115–28)
Lorenzo Nosarti
“Even Children and the Uneducated Know Them”:
The Medieval Trojan Legends in Dante’s Commedia
Valentina Prosperi
The Art of Clerkly Love: Drouart la Vache Translates
Andreas Capellanus
Lucas Wood
Review Notices
Burns, E. Jane, and McCracken, Peggy, eds., From Beasts to Souls:
Gender and Embodiment in Medieval Europe
(Luuk Houwen)
F errer, Vicent, Quaestio de Unitate Universalis. בכולל נכבד מאמר
(Ma’amar nikhbad ba-kolel). Latin Text and Medieval Hebrew
Version with Catalan and English Translations. Edited by
Alexander Fidora and Mauro Zonta in collaboration with
Josep Batalla and Robert D. Hughes
(Ryan Szpiech)
Fuchs, Franz, ed., Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften in der
Zeit von Philipp Melanchthon: Akten des gemeinsam mit dem
Cauchy-Forum-Nürnberg e.V. am 12./13. November 2010
veranstalteten Symposions in Nürnberg
(Reinhold F. Glei)
Glück, Helmut, Mark Häberlein, and Konrad Schröder,
Mehrsprachigkeit in der frühen Neuzeit. Die Reichsstädte Augsburg
und Nürnberg vom 15. bis ins frühe 19. Jahrhundert. In collaboration
with Magdalena Bayreuther, Amelie Ellinger, Nadine Hecht,
Johannes Staudenmaier, and Judith Walter
(Niklas Holzberg)
Kent, Francis W. (†), Princely Citizen: Lorenzo de’ Medici
and Renaissance Florence. Edited by Carolyn James
(Christoph Pieper)
Marenbon, John, Abelard in Four Dimensions: A Twelfth-Century
Philosopher in His Context and Ours
(Knut Martin Stünkel)
Santing, Catrien, Barbara Baert, and Anita Traninger, eds.,
Disembodied Heads in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
(Maik Goth)
Schulte, Jörg, Jan Kochanowski und die europäische Renaissance,
Acht Studien
(Matylda Obryk)
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