Statistical papers
United Nations
- タイトル別名
Statistical paper
- Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1980 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 67 所蔵館7館
- Recommendations on statistics of international migration
United Nations 1980 Statistical papers Series M ; no. 58
- Sample surveys of current interest (Thirteenth report)
United Nations 1979 Statistical papers ser. C,
no. 14 所蔵館4館
- Manual on producers' price indices for industrial goods
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1979 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 66 所蔵館10館
- Guidelines on statistics of tangible assets
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1979 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 68 所蔵館11館
- Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international trade
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1979 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 29, rev. 2 , Document ST/STAT/ser. M/29/rev. 2 : pbk
- Manual on national accounts at constant prices
United Nations 1979 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 64 所蔵館11館
- World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
United Nations 1978 3rd ed Statistical papers ser. V,
no. 3 所蔵館1館
- Social indicators : preliminary guidelines and illustrative series
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1978 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 63 所蔵館12館
- Provisional guidelines on statistics of international tourism
United Nations 1978 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 62 , Document ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/62 所蔵館11館
- World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
United Nations Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistical Office
United Nations 1977 2nd ed Statistical papers Series 5,
no.2 所蔵館1館
- Guidelines on principles of a system of price and quantity statistics
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1977 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 59 所蔵館11館
- Provisional guidelines on statistics of the distribution of income, consumption and accumulation of households
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1977 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 61 所蔵館13館
- Provisional international guidelines on the national and sectoral balance-sheet and reconciliation accounts of the system of national accounts
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1977 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 60 所蔵館10館
- Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 2
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1976 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 53, rev. 1 所蔵館2館
- Classification by broad economic categories
United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1976-2003 [Rev. ed] Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 53, rev. 1, 4 rev. 1 , rev. 4
- World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
United Nations 1976 1st ed Statistical papers Series 5,
no.1 所蔵館2館
- United Nations standard country or area code for statistical use
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office of the United Nations
In-house reproduction) Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 49, rev. 1 所蔵館1館
- Standard international trade classification, 2nd revision
United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
United Nations 1975 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 34, rev. 2 所蔵館8館
- United Nations standard country or area code for statistical use
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office of the United Nations
United Nations 1975 Statistical papers ser. M,
no. 49, rev. 1 所蔵館6館