The Modula-2 software component library


The Modula-2 software component library

C. Lins

(Springer compass international)

Springer-Verlag, c1989-

  • v. 1 : alk. paper
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4


Modula-two software component library


Includes bibliographies


v. 1 : alk. paper ISBN 9780387968674


This book is the first volume in a series entitled The Modula-2 Software Component Library. Charles Lins collection of reusable standard software components, could be the basis for every programmers software project in Modula-2. Components that are implementations of commonly used data structures are presented, along with an adequate description of their functionality and efficiency. Moreover, the books provide the background necessary to tailor these components to the specific needs of any Modula-2 environment. For every Modula-2 programmer this series of books might prove as useful and indispensible as the original language reference by Niklaus Wirth.

v. 2 ISBN 9780387969398


This book is the second volume in a series entitled The Modula-2 Software Component Library. Charles Lins' collection of reusable standard software components could be the basis for every programmer's software project in Modula-2. Components that are implementations of commonly used data structures are presented, along with a description of their functionality and efficiency. Moreover, the books provide the background necessary to tailor these components to the specific needs of any Modula-2 environment. For every Modula-2 programmer, this series of books could prove as useful and indispensable as the original language reference by Niklaus Wirth. This second volume introduces software modules for lists, queues, and deques.

v. 3 ISBN 9780387970745


0 Introduction to Volume 3.- 1 - Preliminaries.- 1 Specification.- 1.1 Specification of Procedure Abstractions.- 1.1.1 Header Section.- 1.1.2 Requires Section.- 1.1.3 Where Section.- 1.1.4 Modifies Section.- 1.1.5 Effects Section.- 1.1.6 Signals Section.- 1.2 Specification of Data Abstractions.- 1.3 Special Symbols.- References.- 2 Module Guide.- 2.1 Purpose.- 2.2 Characterization of Modules.- 2.3 Module Guide Organization.- 2.4 Binary Trees.- 2.4.1 Tree Types.- 2.4.2 AVL Tree - Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator.- 2.4.3 BB Tree - Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator.- 2.4.4 Binary Tree - Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator.- 2.4.5 Binary Tree - Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator.- 2.4.6 IPB Tree - Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator.- 2.5 Graphs.- 2.5.1 Graph Types.- 2.5.2 Graph - Directed Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator.- 2.5.3 Graph - Directed Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator.- 2.5.4 Graph - Undirected Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator.- 2.5.5 Graph - Undirected Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator.- 2.6 Graph Utilities.- 2.7 Module Names.- References.- 2 - Trees.- 3 Tree Abstraction.- 3.1 Concepts and Definitions.- 3.1.1 Basic Tree Definitions.- 3.1.2 Attributes of Nodes.- 3.1.3 Relationships Between Nodes.- 3.1.4 Attributes of Trees.- 3.1.5 Kinds of Trees.- 3.1.6 Tree Traversals.- General Tree Traversals.- Binary Tree Traversals.- 3.1.7 Forests.- 3.2 Applications and Uses.- 3.3 Binary Search Tree Operations.- 3.3.1 Constructors.- Create.- Destroy.- Clear.- Assign.- Insert.- MakeTree.- Remove.- 3.3.2 Selectors.- IsDefined.- IsEmpty.- IsEqual.- ExtentOf.- IsPresent.- 3.3.3 Passive Iterators.- Preorder.- Inorder.- Postorder.- 3.3.4 Active Iterators.- RootOf.- LeftOf.- RightOf.- IsNull.- KeyOf.- DataOf.- 3.4 Balanced Binary Trees.- 3.4.1 Height-Balanced (AVL) Trees.- 3.4.2 Weight-Balanced (BB) Trees.- 3.4.3 Path-Balanced (IPB) Trees.- 3.4.4 Rotations.- 3.5 Tree Exceptions.- 3.5.1 Initialization Failed.- 3.5.2 Overflow.- 3.5.3 Tree is Null.- 3.5.4 Type Error.- 3.5.5 Undefined.- 3.6 Summary.- 3.6.1 Operations Summary.- 3.6.2 Exceptions Summary.- References.- 4 The Unbounded Binary Tree.- 4.1 Tree Types Module.- 4.1.1 Tree Operations.- 4.1.2 Tree Exceptions.- 4.1.3 Tree Types and Procedure Types.- 4.2 Unbounded Binary Search Tree Interface.- 4.2.1 Type Declarations.- 4.2.2 Exception Handling.- 4.2.3 Constructors.- 4.2.4 Selectors.- 4.2.5 Passive Iterators.- 4.2.6 Active Iterators.- 4.3 Unbounded Binary Search Tree Implementation.- 4.3.1 Internal Representation.- 4.3.2 Exception Handling.- 4.3.3 Local Operations.- 4.3.4 Constructors.- 4.3.5 Selectors.- 4.3.6 Passive Iterators.- 4.3.7 Active Iterators.- 4.3.8 Module Initialization.- 4.4 Unbounded Binary Search Tree Utilities Interface.- 4.4.1 Utility Selectors.- 4.4.2 Debugging Iterators.- 4.5 Unbounded Binary Search Tree Utilities Implementation.- 4.5.1 Utility Selectors.- 4.5.2 Debugging Iterators.- References.- 5. The Bounded Binary Tree.- 5.1 Bounded Binary Search Tree Interface.- 5.1.1 Type Declarations.- 5.1.2 Exception Handling.- 5.1.3 Constructors.- 5.1.4 Selectors.- 5.1.5 Passive Iterators.- 5.1.6 Active Iterators.- 5.2 Bounded Binary Search Tree Implementation.- 5.2.1 Internal Representation.- 5.2.2 Exception Handling.- 5.2.3 Free List Management.- 5.2.4 Local Operations.- 5.2.5 Constructors.- 5.2.6 Selectors.- 5.2.7 Passive Iterators.- 5.2.8 Active Iterators.- 5.2.9 Module Initialization.- References.- 6 The Unbounded AVL Tree.- 6.1 Unbounded AVL Tree Interface.- 6.1.1 Type Declarations.- 6.1.2 Exception Handling.- 6.1.3 Constructors.- 6.1.4 Selectors.- 6.1.5 Passive Iterators.- 6.1.6 Active Iterators.- 6.2 Unbounded AVL Tree Implementation.- 6.2.1 Internal Representation.- 6.2.2 Exception Handling.- 6.2.3 Local Operations.- 6.2.4 Constructors.- 6.2.5 Selectors.- 6.2.6 Passive Iterators.- 6.2.7 Active Iterators.- 6.2.8 Module Initialization.- 6.3 Unbounded AVL Tree Utilities Interface.- 6.3.1 Utility Selectors.- 6.3.2 Debugging Iterators.- 6.4 Unbounded AVL Tree Utilities Implementation.- 6.4.1 Utility Selectors.- 6.4.2 Debugging Iterators.- References.- 7 The Unbounded BB Tree.- 7.1 Unbounded BB Tree Interface.- 7.1.1 Type Declarations.- 7.1.2 Exception Handling.- 7.1.3 Constructors.- 7.1.4 Selectors.- 7.1.5 Passive Iterators.- 7.1.6 Active Iterators.- 7.2 Unbounded BB Tree Implementation.- 7.2.1 Internal Representation.- 7.2.2 Exception Handling.- 7.2.3 Local Operations.- 7.2.4 Constructors.- 7.2.5 Selectors.- 7.2.6 Passive Iterators.- 7.2.7 Active Iterators.- 7.2.8 Module Initialization.- References.- 8 The Unbounded k-Balanced Binary Tree.- 8.1 Unbounded k-Balanced Binary Tree Interface.- 8.1.1 Type Declarations.- 8.1.2 Exception Handling.- 8.1.3 Constructors.- 8.1.4 Selectors.- 8.1.5 Passive Iterators.- 8.1.6 Active Iterators.- 8.2 Unbounded k-Balanced Binary Tree Implementation.- 8.2.1 Internal Representation.- 8.2.2 Exception Handling.- 8.2.3 Local Operations.- 8.2.4 Constructors.- 8.2.5 Selectors.- 8.2.6 Passive Iterators.- 8.2.7 Active Iterators.- 8.2.8 Module Initialization.- 8.3 Unbounded k-Balanced Binary Tree Utilities Interface.- 8.3.1 Utility Selectors.- 8.3.2 Debugging Iterators.- 8.4 Unbounded k-Balanced Binary Tree Utilities Implementation.- 8.4.1 Utility Selectors.- 8.4.2 Debugging Iterators.- References.- 3 Graphs.- 9 Graph Abstraction.- 9.1 Concepts and Definitions.- 9.1.1 Directed Graphs.- 9.1.2 Undirected Graphs.- 9.1.3 Labeled and Weighted Graphs.- 9.2 Applications and Uses.- 9.3 Directed Graph Specifications.- 9.3.1 Directed Graph Types.- 9.3.2 Directed Graph Constructors.- Create.- Destroy.- Clear.- Assign.- Insert.- Remove.- SetLabel.- Link.- Unlink.- SetAttribute.- 9.3.3 Directed Graph Selectors.- IsDefined.- IsEmpty.- OrderOf.- SizeOf.- OutDegree.- InDegree.- LabelOf.- IsVertex.- GraphOf.- IsEdge.- AttributeOf.- InitialOf.- FinalOf.- 9.3.4 Directed Graph Passive Iterators.- Traverse Vertices.- TraverseEdges.- Iterate.- LoopVertices.- LoopEdges.- Looplterate.- 9.3.5 Directed Graph Active Iterators.- FirstVertex.- NextVertex.- FirstEdge.- NextVertex.- 9.4 Undirected Graph Specifications.- 9.4.1 Undirected Graph Constructors.- Remove.- Link.- 9.4.2 Undirected Graph Selectors.- DegreeOf.- FirstOf.- SecondOf.- IncidentOn.- 9.4.3 Undirected Graph Passive Iterators.- 9.5 Graph Exceptions.- 9.5.1 EdgeIsNull.- 9.5.2 EdgeNotInGraph.- 9.5.3 Initialization Failed.- 9.5.4 Overflow.- 9.5.5 Undefined.- 9.5.6 VertexIsNull.- 9.5.7 VertexNotInGraph.- 9.6 Graph Utilities.- 9.6.1 BreadthFirstSearch.- 9.6.2 DepthFirstSearch.- 9.6.3 HasSelfLoops.- 9.6.4 IsIsolated.- 9.6.5 IsReachable.- 9.6.6 IsTerminal.- 9.6.7 MaxDegree.- 9.6.7 MinDegree.- 9.7 Summary.- 9.7.1 Directed Graph Operations Summary.- 9.7.2 Directed Graph Exceptions Summary.- 9.7.3 Undirected Graph Operations Summary.- 9.7.4 Undirected Graph Exceptions Summary.- 9.7.5 Graph Utility Operations Summary.- 9.7.6 Graph Utility Exceptions Summary.- References.- 10 The Unbounded Directed Graph.- 10.1 Graph Types Interface.- 10.2 Unbounded Directed Graph Interface.- 10.2.1 Type Declarations.- 10.2.2 Exception Handling.- 10.2.3 Graph Constructors.- 10.2.4 Vertex Constructors.- 10.2.5 Edge Constructors.- 10.2.6 Graph Selectors.- 10.2.7 Vertex Selectors.- 10.2.8 Edge Selectors.- 10.2.9 Passive Iterators.- 10.2.10 Active Iterators.- 10.3 Unbounded Directed Graph Implementation.- 10.3.1 Internal Representation.- 10.3.2 Exception Handling.- 10.3.3 Local Routines.- 10.3.4 Graph Constructors.- 10.3.5 Vertex Constructors.- 10.3.6 Edge Constructors.- 10.3.7 Graph Selectors.- 10.3.8 Vertex Selectors.- 10.3.9 Edge Selectors.- 10.3.10 Passive Iterators.- 10.3.11 Active Iterators.- 10.3.12 Module Initialization.- References.- 11 The Bounded Directed Graph.- 11.1 Bounded Directed Graph Interface.- 11.1.1 Type Declarations.- 11.1.2 Exception Handling.- 11.1.3 Graph Constructors.- 11.1.4 Vertex Constructors.- 11.1.5 Edge Constructors.- 11.1.6 Graph Selectors.- 11.1.7 Vertex Selectors.- 11.1.8 Edge Selectors.- 11.1.9 Passive Iterators.- 11.1.10 Active Iterators.- 11.2 Bounded Directed Graph Implementation.- 11.2.1 Internal Representation.- 11.2.2 Exception Handling.- 11.2.3 Local Routines.- 11.2.4 Graph Constructors.- 11.2.5 Vertex Constructors.- 11.2.6 Edge Constructors.- 11.2.7 Graph Selectors.- 11.2.8 Vertex Selectors.- 11.2.9 Edge Selectors.- 11.2.10 Passive Iterators.- 11.2.11 Active Iterators.- 11.2.12 Module Initialization.- References.- 12 The Unbounded Undirected Graph.- 12.1 Unbounded Undirected Graph Interface.- 12.1.1 Type Declarations.- 12.1.2 Exception Handling.- 12.1.3 Graph Constructors.- 12.1.4 Vertex Constructors.- 12.1.5 Edge Constructors.- 12.1.6 Graph Selectors.- 12.1.7 Vertex Selectors.- 12.1.8 Edge Selectors.- 12.1.9 Passive Iterators.- 12.1.10 Active Iterators.- 12.2 Unbounded Undirected Graph Implementation.- 12.2.1 Internal Representation.- 12.2.2 Exception Handling.- 12.2.3 Local Routines.- 12.2.4 Graph Constructors.- 12.2.5 Vertex Constructors.- 12.2.6 Edge Constructors.- 12.2.7 Graph Selectors.- 12.2.8 Vertex Selectors.- 12.2.9 Edge Selectors.- 12.2.10 Passive Iterators.- 12.2.11 Active Iterators.- 12.2.12 Module Initialization.- References.- 13 Graph Utilities.- 13.1 DigraphSUMI Utilities Interface.- 13.1.1 Graph Selector Utilities.- 13.1.2 Vertex Selector Utilities.- 13.1.3 Graph Traversal Utilities.- 13.2 DigraphSUMI Utilities Implementation.- 13.2.1 Graph Selector Utilities.- 13.2.2 Vertex Selector Utilities.- 13.2.3 Graph Traversal Utilities.- References.- Appendices.- A Modula-2 Syntax Diagrams.- B Standard Modula-2 Routines.- C Modula-2 Compilers.- D Module Tables.- E Import Graphs.

v. 4 ISBN 9780387972558


This book is the fourth and final volume in a series entitled The Modula-2 Software Component Library. This volume complements the others by providing algorithms needed for many common computer tasks. Specifically: sorting algorithms, as a prelude to searching; searching algorithms, a postlude to sorting; pattern matching, a specialized form of searching; hashing, a group of widely used searching techniques capable of performing insertions in constant time; and primitive data types utilities for characters, strings, and numeric qualities. To further complement the preceding volumes, the algorithms are presented in a generic fashion.

ISBN 9783540969396


This book is the second volume in a series entitled The Modula-2 Software Component Library. Charles Lins' collection of reusable standard software components could be the basis for every programmer's software project in Modula-2. Components that are implementations of commonly used data structures are presented, along with a description of their functionality and efficiency. Moreover, the books provide the background necessary to tailor these components to the specific needs of any Modula-2 environment. For every Modula-2 programmer, this series of books could prove as useful and indispensable as the original language reference by Niklaus Wirth. This second volume introduces software modules for lists, queues, and deques.


Contents: Introduction to Volume 2.- Specification.- Module Guide.- The List Abstraction.- Singly-Linked Unbounded List.- The Doubly-Linked Unbounded List.- The Singly-Linked Bounded List.- The Doubly-Linked Bounded List.- List Utilities.- The Queue and Deque Abstractions.- The Bounded Queue.- The Unbounded Queue.- The Bounded Priority Queue.- The Unbounded Priority Queue.- The Bounded Deque.- The Unbounded Deque.- The Bounded Priority Deque.- The Unbounded Priority Balking Deque.- Appendices.- Bibliography.

ISBN 9783540972556


This book is the fourth and final volume in a series entitled "The Modula-2 Software Components Library". This volume complements the others by providing algorithms needed for many common computer tasks. Topics covered include sorting algorithms, as a prelude to searching, searching algorithms, a postlude to sorting, pattern matching, a specialized form of searching, hashing, a group of widely used searching techniques capable of performing insertions in constant time, and primitive data types utilities for characters, strings, and numeric qualities. To further complement the preceding volumes, the algorithms are presented in a generic fashion.


  • Preliminaries
  • sorting
  • hash tables
  • maps.

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