Difference equations from differential equations


Difference equations from differential equations

W.J. Lick

(Lecture notes in engineering, 41)

Springer-Verlag, c1989

  • : Berlin
  • : New York

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Bibliography: p. 273



In computational mechanics, the first and quite often the most difficult part of a problem is the correct formulation of the problem. This is usually done in terms of differential equations. Once this formulation is accomplished, the translation of the governing differential equations into accurate, stable, and physically realistic difference equations can be a formidable task. By comparison, the numerical evaluation of these difference equations in order to obtain a solution is usually much simpler. The present notes are primarily concerned with the second task, that of deriving accurate, stable, and physically realistic difference equations from the governing differential equations. Procedures for the numerical evaluation of these difference equations are also presented. In later applications, the physical formulation of the problem and the properties of the numerical solution, especially as they are related to the numerical approximations inherent in the solution, are discussed. There are numerous ways to form difference equations from differential equations.


1. Ordinary Differential Equations.- 1.1 Difference Equations by Means of Taylor Series.- 1.2 The Volume Integral Method.- 1.3 A More Interesting Example: The Convection-Diffusion Equation.- 1.4 Non-Uniformly Spaced Points.- 1.5 Boundary-Value Problems.- 1.6 Initial-Value Problems.- 1.7 A Higher-Order Boundary-Value Problem.- 2. Parabolic Equations.- 2.1 Standard Approximations for the Heat Equation.- 2.2 Stable, Explicit Approximations.- 2.3 Implicit Algorithms.- 2.4 Algorithms for Two-Dimensional Problems.- 2.5 Non-Uniformly Spaced Points.- 2.6 Polar Coordinates.- 3. Hyperbolic Equations.- 3.1 A Transport Equation.- 3.2 Other Linear, One-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Equations.- 3.3 Extensions to Two Space Dimensions.- 3.4 More on Open Boundary Conditions.- 3.5 Nesting and Wave Reflections for Non-Uniformly Spaced Points.- 3.6 Low-Speed, Almost Incompressible Flows.- 4. Elliptic Equations.- 4.1 Basic Difference Equations.- 4.2 Iterative Solutions.- 4.3 Singular Points.- 5. Applications.- 5.1 Currents in Aquatic Systems.- 5.2 The Transport of Fine-Grained Sediments in Aquatic Systems.- 5.3 Chemical Vapor Deposition.- 5.4 Free-Surface Flows Around Submerged or Floating Bodies.- General References.- Appendix A. Useful Taylor Series Formulas.- Appendix B. Solution of a System of Linear Algebraic Equations by Gaussian Elimination.

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