Plastic arts of the 20th century
Éditions du Griffon
{ed. et textes} Max Bacher ; {traduit de l'allemand par Anne-Marie Besset ; translated from German by Austin David Simons}
Editions du Griffon [1975] Plastic arts of the 20th century
introd. by Marcel Joray ; texts and dummy by the artist, Victor Vasarely ; translated [from the French] by Haakon Chevalier
Éditions du Griffon c1969- [3rd ed.] Plastic arts of the 20th century
[I] , II , III , IV
Michel Ragon ; [Translated by Haakon Chevalier.]
Éd. du Griffon c1968 Plastic arts of the 20th century
Éditions du Griffon c1965 Plastic arts of the 20th century