Polymer reactions
Polymer reactions
(Comprehensive polymer science : the synthesis, characterization, reactions & applications of polymers / chairman of the editorial board, Sir Geoffrey Allen ; deputy chairman of the editorial board, John C. Bevington, v. 6)
Pergamon Press, 1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全38件
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Includes bibliographies and index
Volume 6 reviews polymer reactions with 23 chapters discussing various aspects of the subject.
Chemical modification of synthetic polymers, E Marechal. Chemical modification of cellulose and its derivatives, J C Arthur Jr. Polymeric reagents, E C Blossey. Crosslinking of rubbers, N J Morrison & M Porter. Photocrosslinking, S P Pappas. Crosslinking: chemistry of surface coatings, S Paul. Photochemical and radiation sensitive resists, S R Turner & R C Daly. Polymer networks, T A Vilgis. Macromonomers, oligomers and telechelic polymers, V Percec et al. Synthesis of block copolymers by transformation reactions, F Schue. Heterochain block copolymers, I Goodman. Synthesis of graft copolymers, P F Rempp & P J Lutz. Interpenetrating polymer networks, L H Sperling. Rubber modification of plastics, A E Platt. Thermal degradation, I C McNeill. Pyrolytic formation of high-performance carbon fibres, R C Bansal & J B Donnet. Ceramic fibres, G A Moore. Photodegradation, J R MacCallum. Effects of antioxidants and stabilizers, S Al-Malaika. Effects of dyes and pigments, N S Allen. Biodegradation, S J Huang. Polymer degradation in biological environments, D F Williams. Mechanochemical degradation, J Sohma. Subject index.
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