Flunking grades : research and policies on retention


Flunking grades : research and policies on retention

edited by Lorrie A. Shepard and Mary Lee Smith

(Education policy perspectives, Policy studies and evaluation series)

Falmer Press, 1989

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographies and index



This book challenges the efficacy of the policy of American schools of holding children back in grade for a year, and presents evidence that the policy is damaging to those retained, especially to lower classes and minority groups, often causing them to drop out of school altogether.


  • A meta-analysis of research on grade retention, C.T.Holmes
  • a review of research on kindergarten retention, L.A.Shepard
  • academic and emotional effects of kindergarten in one school district, L.A.Shepard and M.L.Smith
  • attitudes of parents, students and educators toward repeating a grade, D.Byrnes
  • teachers' beliefs about retention, M.L.Smith
  • ending school promotion in Waterford - appearance and reality, M.C.Ellwein and G.V.Glass
  • repeating and dropping out of school, J.Grissom and L.A.Shepard
  • alternatives to student retention - new images of the learner, the teacher and classroom learning, P.L.Peterson
  • policy implications of retention research, E.House.

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