Tables of antenna characteristics


Tables of antenna characteristics

Ronold W.P. King

IFI/Plenum, 1971

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10




Important practical properties of antennas are_ their Over a period of years extensive researches on driving-point admittances and far-field patterns. The antennas have been carried out at Harvard University accurate determination of these and other related with the support of the U. S. Navy, the U. S. Air Force, characteristics requires the explicit or implicit solu- and the Signal Corps of the U. S. Army under Con- tion of integral equations for the current distributions tracts NOOOI4-67-A-0298-0005 and FI9(628)-C-0030. along the radiating structure. This can be accom- A selection from the results of these investigations has plished with the help of analytical and numerical been prepared, recomputed, and tabulated for this techniques; the validity of approximations can be book. The researches include contributions by D. C. checked experimentally. Chang, V. W. H. Chang, C. W. Harrison, Jr. , S. S. Sandler, C. Y. Ting, and T. T. Wu. The programming In order to obtain specific data for practical appli- cations, high-speed computers may be used to evaluate was carried out primarily by Barbara Sandler and analytically derived formulas or, where these are Georgia Efthymiopoulou, but important contribu- unavailable, to obtain direct numerical solutions. tions were also made by E. A. Aronson at the Sandia Programs written for such a purpose are usually long Corporation, Margaret Owens, and Irma Rivera- and complicated, and they may require very fast Veve.


  • 1. The Complex Wave Number k and the Normalizing Factor ?.- Fig. 1.1 The functions f(p) and g(p) and related quantities.- Fig. 1.2 The functions f(p)/p and g(p)/p.- Table 1.1 The functions f(p), g(p), f(p)/p, and g(p)/p.- 2. Characteristics of Cylindrical Dipoles and Monopoles.- a. The Apparent Admittance.- Fig. 2.1 Cylindrical antennas driven from open-wire and coaxial lines.- Fig. 2.2 Cylindrical monopoles with open, closed flat, and closed hemispherical ends.- b. The Monopole Driven from a Coaxial Line.- Fig. 2.3 Admittance of the tubular monopole.- Table 2.1 Admittance of the tubular monopole.- Table 2.2 Distribution of current along tubular monopoles.- Table 2.3 Admittance of a hemispherically capped monopole.- c. Electrically Thin Antennas.- Fig. 2.4 Apparent susceptance of tubular monopole driven from coaxial line.- Table 2.4 Admittance of thin tubular monopoles.- Table 2.5 Distribution of current along thin tubular monopoles.- Table 2.6 Transmitting and receiving characteristics of thin cylindrical dipoles.- d. Electrically Long Dipoles in Dissipative Media and in Air.- Table 2.7 Normalized admittances ( Y /?) in millimhos of thin dipole antennas in dissipative media.- Table 2.8 Admittances in millimhos of long dipole antennas in air.- Table 2.9 Admittance and effective length of long dipole antennas in air.- Table 2.10 Far field of long dipole antennas in air.- e. Measured Admittances of Monopoles
  • Comparison of Theory with Experiment.- References for Section 2.- Fig. 2.5a Measured and theoretical circular graphs of the admittance of a monopole with a/? = 0.00926.- Fig. 2.5b Measured and theoretical circular graphs of the admittance of a monopole with a/? = 0.0159.- Fig. 2.5c Measured and theoretical circular graphs of the admittance of a monopole with a/? = 0.05.- Fig. 2.6 Measured and theoretical conductance and susceptance of a monopole with h/? = 0.5.- Fig. 2.7 Measured and theoretical susceptance of a monopole with a/? = 0.007022.- Table 2.11 Measured admittance of tubular, flat-topped, and hemispherically capped monopoles driven from coaxial line.- Table 2.12 Measured admittance of hemispherically capped monopoles.- Table 2.13 Admittance of tubular monopoles.- 3. Imperfectly Conducting Dipoles.- References for Section 3.- Fig. 3.1 Distribution of current along imperfectly conducting half-wave dipoles
  • the parameter is ?i = 2?ri/?0.- Fig. 3.2 Distribution of current along imperfectly conducting full-wave dipoles
  • the parameter is ?i = 2?ri/?0.- Fig. 3.3 Admittance Y = G + jB of an imperfectly conducting dipole.- Fig. 3.4 Impedance Z = R + jX of an imperfectly conducting dipole.- Fig. 3.5 Radiating efficiency of imperfectly conducting half-wave and full-wave dipoles as a function of ?i = 2?ri/?0.- Table 3.1 Admittance of resistive antennas.- Table 3.2 Impedance of resistive antennas.- 4. The Circular Loop Antenna.- References for Section 4.- Fig. 4.1 Circular loop antenna.- Fig. 4.2 Distribution of current around circular loops in air.- Fig. 4.3 Distribution of current along circular loops in dissipative media.- Fig. 4.4 Normalized admittance of circular loops in dissipative media.- Table 4.1 Normalized admittance Y/? of loop antennas in dissipative media
  • ? = 10.- Table 4.2 Normalized admittance Y/? of loop antennas in dissipative media
  • ? = 11.- Table 4.3 Normalized admittance Y/? of loop antennas in dissipative media
  • ? = 12.- Table 4.4 Normalized admittance Y/? of loop antennas in dissipative media
  • ? = 15.- Table 4.5 Normalized admittance Y/? of loop antennas in dissipative media
  • ? =17.- Table 4.6 Normalized admittance Y/? of loop antennas in dissipative media
  • ? = 20.- 5. Broadside and Endfire Arrays.- References for Section 5.- Fig. 5.1 Curtain array: seven identical elements.- Fig. 5.2 Horizontal field patterns of 20-element broadside arrays.- Fig. 5.3 Horizontal field patterns of 20-element unilateral endfire arrays
  • h/? = 0.25.- Fig. 5.4 Horizontal field patterns of 20-element unilateral endfire arrays
  • h/? = 0.5.- Table 5.1 Driving-point admittances and impedances of broadside arrays.- Table 5.2 Driving-point admittances and impedances of unilateral endfire arrays.- Table 5.3 Self- and mutual admittances.- Table 5.4 Self- and mutual impedances.- Table 5.5 Radiation patterns of broadside arrays.- Table 5.6 Radiation patterns of unilateral endfire arrays.- 6. The Two-Element Array.- Table 6.1 Driving-point admittances and impedances of two-element broadside arrays.- Table 6.2 Driving-point admittances and impedances of two-element bilateral endfire arrays.- Table 6.3 Two-element arrays: Self- and mutual admittances.- Table 6.4 Two-element arrays: Self- and mutual impedances.

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