Androgens II and antiandrogens : Androgene II und Antiandrogene


Androgens II and antiandrogens : Androgene II und Antiandrogene

contributors, F. Neumann ... [et al.]

(Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie. Heffter-Heubner, [Bd.] 35/2)

Springer-Verlag, 1974

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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 31



English or German

Includes bibliographies and index



I. Current Views on Androgen Receptors and Mechanism of Androgen Action.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Effect of Androgens on Various Tissues.- 2.1. Androgen-Responsive Tissues.- 2.2. Effect on Secondary Sexual Organs.- 2.2.1. Macroscopical and Histological Responses.- 2.2.2. Biochemical Responses.- 2.3. Androgen-Mediated Template Activity of Isolated Nuclear Chromatin.- 2.4. Androgen Effects on Muscle, Bone Marrow and Erythropoiesis, Skin and Other Tissues.- 3. Uptake, Retention and Metabolism of Androgens in Responsive Tissues.- 3.1. "Highly Responsive" Tissues.- 3.2. DHT Formation in Responsive Tissues.- 3.3. Androgens in "Slightly Responsive" Tissues.- 4. Androgen Receptors.- 4.1. The Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.1.1. Extraction.- 4.1.2. Labeling.- 4.1.3. Properties of the Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.1.4. Physicochemical Parameters.- 4.1.5. Interconversion of the 8-10 S and 3-5 S Forms of the Cytoplasmic Receptor by Salt.- 4.1.6. Csllular Localization of the Cytoplasmic Receptor.- 4.1.7. Isolation and Purification of the Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.2. The Nuclear Androgen Receptor.- 4.2.1. Labeling.- 4.2.2. Isolation and Purification of Nuclei.- 4.2.3. Extraction of the Nuclear Receptor.- 4.2.4. Properties.- 4.2.5. Discriminatory Features of the Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.2.6. Origin of the Nuclear Androgen Receptor.- 4.3. Hypotheses.- 5. Androgen Receptor in Human Tissue.- 6. Occurrence of Multiple Steroid Hormone Receptors in Target Organs.- References.- II. Determination of Androgens by Competitive Protein-Binding Method and Radio-immunoassay.- 1. Competitive Protein-Binding Method.- 1.1. Principle.- 1.2. General Procedure for the Assay.- 1.3. Preparation of Steroid-Binding Proteins.- 1.4. Results.- 1.5. Precision.- 1.6. Specificity.- 1.7. Sensitivity.- 2. Radioimmunoassay.- 2.1. Requirements for Radioimmunoassay.- 2.2. Production of Antibodies.- 2.3. Purification of the Antiserum with RIVANOL.- 2.4. Titer.- 2.5. Specificity.- 2.6. Precision.- 2.7. Sensitivity.- 2.8. Methods.- 2.9. Extraction of Unknown Sera.- 2.10. Method of Purification.- 2.11. Assay Procedure.- 2.12. Calculations.- References.- III. Nachweis und chemische Bestimmung von C19-Steroiden (Androgenen).- 1. Biotest-Methoden.- 1.1. Kapaunenkammtest.- 1.2. Kukenkammtest.- 1.3. Vesiculardrusentest.- 2. Chemische Bestimmungsmethoden.- 2.1. Blut-Plasma.- 2.2. Harn.- Literatur.- IV. Biologische Auswertung der Androgene.- 1. Die Leydigzellen.- 2. Der Einfluss der Zufuhrungsart auf die Wirksamkeit der Androgene.- 3. Die Auswertung an Fischen.- 4. Die Auswertung an Amphibien.- 5. Die Auswertung an Reptilien.- 6. Die Auswertung an Vogeln.- 6.1. Der Test am Kapaunenkamm.- 6.2. Der Test am Kukenkamm.- 7. Die Auswertung an Saugetieren.- 7.1. Der Test am Vas deferens.- 7.2. Der Test an den Vesiculardrusen ("Samenblasen") (Vdr).- 7.3. Der Test an der Prostata.- 7.4. Der Test an den Praputialdrusen.- Anhang: Der Fructose-Test.- Literatur.- V. Klinik der Androgene.- 1. Die allgemeine Bedeutung der Androgene beim Menschen.- 2. Die Androgene im Plasma.- 3. Die Ausscheidung von Testosteron im Urin.- 4. Produktionsraten der Androgene.- 5. Pathologie der Androgene.- 5.1. Hypogonadisms.- 5.2. Gonadendysgenesie.- 5.3. Klinefelter-Syndrom.- 5.4. Testikulare Feminisierung.- 5.5. Das adrenogenitale Syndrom (AGS).- 5.6. Das angeborene AGS.- 5.7. Das Cushing-Syndrom.- 5.8. Das AGS durch Tumoren.- 6. Der AndrogenuberschussI. Current Views on Androgen Receptors and Mechanism of Androgen Action.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Effect of Androgens on Various Tissues.- 2.1. Androgen-Responsive Tissues.- 2.2. Effect on Secondary Sexual Organs.- 2.2.1. Macroscopical and Histological Responses.- 2.2.2. Biochemical Responses.- 2.3. Androgen-Mediated Template Activity of Isolated Nuclear Chromatin.- 2.4. Androgen Effects on Muscle, Bone Marrow and Erythropoiesis, Skin and Other Tissues.- 3. Uptake, Retention and Metabolism of Androgens in Responsive Tissues.- 3.1. "Highly Responsive" Tissues.- 3.2. DHT Formation in Responsive Tissues.- 3.3. Androgens in "Slightly Responsive" Tissues.- 4. Androgen Receptors.- 4.1. The Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.1.1. Extraction.- 4.1.2. Labeling.- 4.1.3. Properties of the Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.1.4. Physicochemical Parameters.- 4.1.5. Interconversion of the 8-10 S and 3-5 S Forms of the Cytoplasmic Receptor by Salt.- 4.1.6. Csllular Localization of the Cytoplasmic Receptor.- 4.1.7. Isolation and Purification of the Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.2. The Nuclear Androgen Receptor.- 4.2.1. Labeling.- 4.2.2. Isolation and Purification of Nuclei.- 4.2.3. Extraction of the Nuclear Receptor.- 4.2.4. Properties.- 4.2.5. Discriminatory Features of the Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Androgen Receptor.- 4.2.6. Origin of the Nuclear Androgen Receptor.- 4.3. Hypotheses.- 5. Androgen Receptor in Human Tissue.- 6. Occurrence of Multiple Steroid Hormone Receptors in Target Organs.- References.- II. Determination of Androgens by Competitive Protein-Binding Method and Radio-immunoassay.- 1. Competitive Protein-Binding Method.- 1.1. Principle.- 1.2. General Procedure for the Assay.- 1.3. Preparation of Steroid-Binding Proteins.- 1.4. Results.- 1.5. Precision.- 1.6. Specificity.- 1.7. Sensitivity.- 2. Radioimmunoassay.- 2.1. Requirements for Radioimmunoassay.- 2.2. Production of Antibodies.- 2.3. Purification of the Antiserum with RIVANOL.- 2.4. Titer.- 2.5. Specificity.- 2.6. Precision.- 2.7. Sensitivity.- 2.8. Methods.- 2.9. Extraction of Unknown Sera.- 2.10. Method of Purification.- 2.11. Assay Procedure.- 2.12. Calculations.- References.- III. Nachweis und chemische Bestimmung von C19-Steroiden (Androgenen).- 1. Biotest-Methoden.- 1.1. Kapaunenkammtest.- 1.2. Kukenkammtest.- 1.3. Vesiculardrusentest.- 2. Chemische Bestimmungsmethoden.- 2.1. Blut-Plasma.- 2.2. Harn.- Literatur.- IV. Biologische Auswertung der Androgene.- 1. Die Leydigzellen.- 2. Der Einfluss der Zufuhrungsart auf die Wirksamkeit der Androgene.- 3. Die Auswertung an Fischen.- 4. Die Auswertung an Amphibien.- 5. Die Auswertung an Reptilien.- 6. Die Auswertung an Vogeln.- 6.1. Der Test am Kapaunenkamm.- 6.2. Der Test am Kukenkamm.- 7. Die Auswertung an Saugetieren.- 7.1. Der Test am Vas deferens.- 7.2. Der Test an den Vesiculardrusen ("Samenblasen") (Vdr).- 7.3. Der Test an der Prostata.- 7.4. Der Test an den Praputialdrusen.- Anhang: Der Fructose-Test.- Literatur.- V. Klinik der Androgene.- 1. Die allgemeine Bedeutung der Androgene beim Menschen.- 2. Die Androgene im Plasma.- 3. Die Ausscheidung von Testosteron im Urin.- 4. Produktionsraten der Androgene.- 5. Pathologie der Androgene.- 5.1. Hypogonadisms.- 5.2. Gonadendysgenesie.- 5.3. Klinefelter-Syndrom.- 5.4. Testikulare Feminisierung.- 5.5. Das adrenogenitale Syndrom (AGS).- 5.6. Das angeborene AGS.- 5.7. Das Cushing-Syndrom.- 5.8. Das AGS durch Tumoren.- 6. Der Androgenuberschuss bei der Frau.- Literatur.- VI. Antiandrogens.- 1. Introduction.- References.- 2. Action of Antiandrogens on Different Organs and Functions.- 2.1. Accessory Sexual Glands, the Epididymis and Structure Activity Relationship.- References.- 2.1.1. Epididymis.- References.- 2.2. Neural-Gonadal Feedback System.- References.- 2.3. Testicular Function.- References.- 2.4. Puberty and Fertility.- References.- 2.5. Libido and Aggressive Behavior.- References.- 2.6. Morphologic Sexual Differentiation.- References.- 2.7. Differentiation of Neural Centers.- 2.7.1. Antiandrogenic Interference with the Development of Gonadotropin Secretion Patterns.- 2.7.2. Influence of Antiandrogens on the Differentiation of Behavioral Patterns.- 2.7.3. Biochemical Changes in the Brain Underlying the Influence of Antiandrogens during the Diffeientiation Period.- References.- 2.8. Skin and its Adnexes.- References.- 2.9. Bone Maturation and Longitudinal Growth.- References.- 2.10. Effects in Female Animals.- References.- 2.11. Other Activities of Antiandrogens on the Reproductive Tract in Male and Female Animals.- 2.11.1. Progestational Activity of Antiandrogens.- References.- 2.11.2. Androgenic Activity of Antiandrogens.- References.- 3. Various Further Effects of Antiandrogens.- 3.1. Influence of Cyproterone Acetate on Adrenal Function.- References.- 3.2. Influence of Antiandrogens on Erythropoiesis.- References.- 3.3. Influence on Steroid-Dependent Enzyme Induction in Microorganisms.- References.- 3.4. Catatoxic Effects of Antiandrogens.- References.- 3.5. Effect of Antiandrogens on the Plasmalogen Concentration in the Kidney [1].- References.- 3.6. Influence of Cyproterone Acetate on the Antler Growth Cycle [2].- References.- 3.7. Influence of Cyproterone Acetate on Hydroxylation of 5a-Androstane-3,17-dione [1].- References.- 3.8. Influence of Cyproterone Acetate on Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake.- References.- 3.9. Influence of Antiandrogenic Steroids on Some Metabolic Processes and Liver Function.- References.- 3.10. Influence of an Antiandrogen on Sex-Specific Enzyme Distribution and Morphology in Non-Reproductive Organs.- References.- 3.11. Antiandrogenic Antagonism Against the Sex-Odour of Boars.- References.- 4. Methods of Testing Antiandrogens.- 4.1. Antiandrogen Tests.- References.- VII Clinical Uses of Antiandrogens.- 1. Introduction.- 1.1. Structure and Bioassay.- 1.2. Androgenic Diseases.- 1.3. Effects of Lowering Plasma Androgens.- 1.4. Properties of Antiandrogens in Man.- 1.4.1. Antigonadotrophic Potency.- 1.4.2. Progestogenic Properties.- 1.4.3. Other Hormonal Properties.- 1.4.4. Effect on Plasma Androgens.- 1.4.5. Metabolic Effects.- 1.4.6. Effect on the Testes.- Cyproterone Acetate.- Cyproterone.- Chlormadinone Acetate.- Amadinone.- 1.5 Pharmacokinetics.- 1.5.1. Cyproterone Acetate and Cyproterone.- 1.5.2. Chlormadinone Acetate.- 1.6 Metabolic Studies in Vitro.- 2. Diseases of Prostate.- 2.1. Introduction.- 2.2. Treatment of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy.- 2.2.1. Cyproterone Acetate.- 2.2.2. Medrogestone.- 2.3. Treatment of Prostatic Carcinoma.- 2.3.1. Cyproterone Acetate.- 2.3.2. Chlormadinone Acetate.- 3. Dermatological Conditions.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.1.1. The Role of Androgens in the Human Skin.- 3.1.2. Effect of Antiandrogens on Serum and Urinary Androgens.- 3.1.3. Effect of Antiandrogens on other Hormone Levels.- 3.2. Hirsutism.- 3.2.1. Androgen Levels and Metabolism.- 3.2.2. Clinical Assessment.- 3.2.3. Cyproterone.- 3.2.4. Cyproterone Acetate.- 3.2.5. Chlormadinone Acetate.- 3.2.6. Benorterone.- 3.3. Acne.- 3.3.1. General.- 3.3.2. Measurement of Sebum Production Rate.- 3.3.3. Effects of Antiandrogens on the Sebaceous Glands.- 3.3.4. Cyproterone.- 3.3.5. Cyproterone Acetate.- 3.3.6. Chlormadinone Acetate.- 3.3.7. Benorterone.- 3.4. Seborrhoea.- 3.4.1. General.- 3.4.2. Cyproterone and Cyproterone Acetate.- 3.4.3. Benorterone.- 3.5. Alopecia Androgenetica and Baldness.- 3.5.1. General.- 3.5.2. Cyproterone and Cyproterone Acetate.- 3.5.3. Chlormadinone Acetate.- 4. Precocious Puberty.- 4.1. General.- 4.2. Cyproterone.- 4.3. Cyproterone Acetate.- 4.4. Chlormadinone Acetate.- 5. Control of Fertility.- 5.1. Inhibition of Male Fertility.- 5.2. Inhibition of Female Fertility.- References.- VIII Administration of Antiandrogens in Hypersexuality and Sexual Deviations.- 1. 1. Androgens and Sexual Instinct.- 1.2. Androgen Concentrations and Sexual Activity and Androgen Concentrations in Different Sexual Disturbances.- 2. Inhibition of Sexuality in Men by Antiandrogens (Cyproterone Acetate).- 2.1 Clinical Results.- 2.2 Effects of Therapy on Female Sexuality.- 2.3 Psychic Effects of Therapy.- 2.4 Results of Treatment by Diagnostic Criteria.- 2.5 Hormonal Changes during Therapy With Cyproterone Acetate.- 2.6 Changes in Ejaculate during Therapy With Cyproterone Acetate.- 2.7 Changes in Spermiogram during Therapy With Cyproterone Acetate.- 2.8 Histological Changes in Testis during Therapy With Cyproterone Acetate.- 2.9 Laboratory Findings during Therapy With Cyproterone Acetate.- References.- Author Index.

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